Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 1025: : Field Battle and Invitation

In Fengyuan area, No. 120 road, on a man-made open space next to the main road, a wild elf battle is unfolding.

On the battlefield, the fighting is a mosquito frog and a fast fighter.

Judging from the current situation, Kuaiquan Lang is seriously threatening the mosquito frog with Leiguang Quan, while the mosquito frog is under the command of his own trainer, using his own regular speed and Kuaiquan Lang to be faster than Kuai Quan. Deal with it.

However, the passer-by trainer wearing a fighting suit is obviously a fighting trainer with a teacher's inheritance, mastering the secret skills of how to make the elf speed burst briefly.

In the battle, Kuai Quan Lang suddenly broke out with ghostly speed many times, and then used the Thunder Fist to push the mosquito frog into a desperate situation. If the mosquito frog trainer had not commanded it, he had helped the mosquito coil through excellent command several times in the crisis. The frog turned danger to the end, and the mosquito frog has long been defeated.

"Good job, that's it, hit his head with a mud shot."

On the edge of one section of the open space, Sato Kaede pointed out that he was waving a mosquito frog and started a fierce battle with a passerby trainer. After the mosquito frog was aimed at the ground with a water gun and used the reverse thrust to successfully pull away from the fast fighter. He immediately said loudly to the mosquito frog.


The mosquito-coated frog in midair heard the words, a piece of mud quickly condensed on the palm of his right hand, and then threw it at the Kuaiquan Lang who was fast approaching with small broken steps.

"Hmph, don't want to run, Kuaiquan Lang, punch it with the speed of sound, and then make a soaring punch."

On the other side, the passer-by trainer saw this and immediately made an empty-handed slash with his right hand, calmly giving instructions to the Kuaiquan Lang.

Hearing this, the moving Kuaiquan Lang suddenly saw a glimmer of light in his eyes, and instantly punched his left hand, accurately smashing the mud block thrown by the mosquito-coated frog, and then his right leg suddenly swelled.

In the next second, Kuaiquan Lang's entire body suddenly turned into a phantom and rose into the air, and at the same time, his right fist burst into a powerful wave of fighting energy.

At this time, the process of the mosquito-smelling frog using the thrust of the water gun to fly into the air is not over yet, the Kuaiquan Lang, who once again used the short-term speed to explode his secret skills, has already hit the sky with lightning at this time.

"Finally fooled, using hypnotism."

At such an urgent juncture, Sato Kaede did not panic, and immediately gave instructions to the mosquito frog with a heartfelt faster than voice.

At this time, the mosquito coil frog's full energy was concentrated on the Kuaiquan Lang, and the fighting instinct had been raised to the maximum. The moment when Sato Kaede ordered, the mosquito coil pattern on the abdomen suddenly lit up with a strange light.

Kuai Quan Lang also hit the mosquito frog with full energy at this time. The distance between the two was less than one meter. Seeing that his fists were about to hit the mosquito frog, his eyes were even wider.

Therefore, when Kuaiquan Lang discovered that the mosquito coil pattern on the mosquito coil frog's abdomen was abnormal, it was too late to close his eyes.

At such a close distance, the mosquito frog's hypnotism was successfully activated. Even if the Kuaiquan Lang was not reconciled, he could only temporarily close his eyes under the effect of a strong sleepiness, and the attack of the soaking boxing was suddenly disintegrated.

"Seize the opportunity, use the belly drum, and then climb the waterfall."

Seeing that the mosquito frog successfully hypnotized Kuai Quan Lang temporarily, Sato Kaede suddenly showed a smile on his face, and immediately asked the mosquito frog that had landed successfully to use a set of ultimate tricks.

"Damn it, hurry up to fight, Kuaiquan Lang."

At this time, the passer-by trainer also discovered that Kuaiquan Lang’s attack was interrupted by the hypnotism of the mosquito frog, and after hearing Sato Kaede’s words, his face instantly became extremely ugly, and he immediately snarled lying on the ground with a roaring sound. Jue Kuai Quan Lang said.

Kuaiquan Lang was just going into a shallow sleep state at this time, and now he woke up immediately after being roared by a passerby trainer.

However, the mosquito frog has successfully used its abdominal drum at this time. Under the action of the abdominal drum move, the mosquito frog has instantly entered into a state of muscle frog that is even more exaggerated than the fast-stroke frog. The whole body is temporarily raised by half its head, and the whole body emits a wave. The violent breath.

"Damn it, use the most powerful Thunder Fist to fight."

When the passer-by trainer saw the mosquito frog successfully performing the abdominal drum move, his face suddenly became solemn. Knowing that the current situation has been completely reversed by the bull opponent, he can only fight, and immediately issued instructions to the fast fighter.

As soon as the passer-by trainer's voice came down, the mosquito-smelling frog had burst out of water and rushed up. The speed was very fast, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to evade even if the speed was temporarily increased with the speed of the fast fighter.

As a fighting elf, Kuaiquan Lang is not timid with such a sharp offensive as the mosquito frog in front of him. He immediately makes a standard horse stance, and then follows the instructions of his own trainer to control his violent electric system. The energy is concentrated on the fist of the right hand.

In the next second, the mosquito frog has been killed in front of him, even if he tried his best to swing his right fist.

But what changed the expressions of Kuai Quan Lang and the passer-by trainer was that Kuai Quan Lang's Lei Guang Quan only hit a stream of water.

For a while, water splashed, and then, Kuaiquan Lang only had time to see a flash of light flashing before his eyes.

I don't know when, the mosquito frog appeared behind Kuai Quan Lang at the moment of splashing water, and then slammed a strong freezing fist at Kuai Quan Lang's waist like lightning.

After that, Kuai Quan Lang suddenly turned into an afterimage and was slammed into the battlefield by the mosquito frog, then fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

"Kaiquan Lang, loses the ability to fight, the winner is the mosquito frog, so the winner of this battle is Zheping."

As Kuai Quan Lang fell to the ground, a brunette girl wearing a cat ear headdress acting as a referee at the edge of the battle field immediately raised her right hand and announced the result of the match.

"It's really a wonderful match, thank you for your advice, then as agreed, this refreshing flower will belong to me."

After the battle, Sato Kaede walked to the side of a wooden stake and said to the passerby trainer who was now showing painful expression.

"May I lose the gambling, it's yours, but you have to tell, how did your mosquito-carpet frog become faster at the last moment? Do you also have some secret technique to temporarily increase the speed of the elf?"

The passer-by trainer heard the words ~www.NovelMTL.com~ suddenly looked reluctantly at a blue flower that had just broken out of the soil on the wooden stake, and then said unwillingly.

After hearing the words, Sato Kaede only smiled, and then quickly put away the blue flowers on the stakes, without giving any explanation to the passerby trainer.

"Let me explain this to you, big man, I can see clearly from the side of the game. Mr. Zheping's mosquito frog should be very rare and brisk. In fact, the mosquito frog stopped abruptly just now when it was about one meter away. What Quan Lang's Thunder Light Fist ultimately achieves is only those water currents on the mosquito-coated frog that continue to rush forward due to inertia."

"After the water was hit by Kuai Quan Lang, the water splashed in all directions, and a very short rainy weather was formed immediately. Because of this, the brisk characteristics of the mosquito coil frog is activated, and the mosquito coil frog whose speed increases can naturally be able to He easily came to the back of Kuai Quan Lang, and then gave Kuai Quan Lang a fatal blow."

The brunette girl saw that Sato Kaede did not explain, and the passerby trainer was a little angry but wanted to do it, she immediately stood up and explained to the passerby trainer.

"Miss Mina deserves to be Miss Sirona's disciple. It's a sharp explanation."

Sato Kaede, who had just collected the refreshing flowers properly, heard the brunette girl's explanation to the passerby trainer. He turned his head and nodded to the brunette girl, and said with admiration.

"Mr. Zheping has a good reputation. By the way, Mr. Zheping, can you set off now? The ruins are actually not too far away. Why don't you go take a look together? If you don't go, I can't go back and explain to the teacher."

When the brunette girl Mina heard the words, her face suddenly showed a trace of pride, but soon, she said to Sato Kaede with a bitter face.


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