Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 502: God's Absolute Visits Space

Ge Wuqing glanced at the surrounding scene, and muttered to himself: "I'm about to fly into space, and I'm the only one who knows to come up to see the truth.

Thanks science teacher, praise the universe! "

After another moment, he felt his body getting lighter, which is a sign of the decrease of gravity.

Afterwards, Ge Wuqing felt that the surrounding air disappeared without a trace, yes, he had already flown into space.

The space is so cold that even fine steel will be frozen brittle, and the side of the body exposed to the sun is like being scorched by the fire of a furnace.

Ge Wuqing constantly released the power of heaven and earth, forming a solid eggshell around his body, forcing himself to temporarily survive in space.

He raised his eyes and looked to the west, which was the direction where the blue arc appeared.

In space, Ge Wuqing can see nearly half of it.

Sure enough, it was a blue sphere without any impurities.

"It turned out to be a planet, an ocean planet completely covered with water.

It seems that the so-called reversal of the galaxy means running from the Yunxiu Continent to that planet. "

Ge Wuqing squinted his eyes to observe the distance between the ocean planet and Yunxiu Continent.

Although he could only see a small part of it, he knew that this ocean planet was particularly huge, and the distance from Yunxiu Continent was also very close.

According to the records of Yunxiu Books, the inversion of the galaxy happens every one hundred years or so.

From seeing the blue color of the sky to the real start of the inversion of the galaxy, there was almost a month in between.

This means that every hundred years, this ocean planet will approach the Yunxiu Continent.

And in the next month, the distance between the planet and Yunxiu Continent will get closer and closer.

Ge Wuqing clenched his fist involuntarily. If the distance between the planet and Yunxiu Continent was close enough, he might be able to travel through space and fly directly to that planet.

According to the records, there are dragons and dragons on the other side of the galaxy, and there are a lot of treasures.

Judging from these contents, the ocean planet is richer than the cloud sleeve continent. If you go there by yourself,

Maybe it can take the cultivation base to a higher level.

Ge Wuqing glanced at the emerald green land below and complained secretly.

"I have been tossing around in the broken place of Yunxiu for decades, but I still haven't found a way to go home, and I don't know how I got here in the first place.

If you want to return to Earth, you can't find the answer on Yunxiu Continent, but there may be a solution on that ocean planet. "

Ge Wuqing felt that the power of heaven and earth in his body was draining too fast, and the time he continued to fly in space would not exceed two sticks of incense.

He sighed, with his current cultivation level, it is still impossible to fly through the vast space and fly to another planet.

If you want to go, it is estimated that you have to build a spaceship to isolate the cold and heat in space and bring enough air.

Only in this way can I save enough space to fly over.

Ge Wuqing turned his body and landed on the emerald green ground of Yunxiu Continent.

In the process of falling, he deliberately controlled the speed so as not to generate heat by friction with the air, and waste the power of heaven and earth and energy for defense.

On Lingcui Mountain, Zheng Qiu looked up to observe the blue arc in the sky every day.

It has been seven or eight days since the arc first appeared, and this faint blue color occupies the sky and becomes bigger and bigger.

It seems that the sky is being covered bit by bit by some kind of unimaginably huge object.

This is definitely not a formation created by a certain sect, nor is it a vision of the birth of treasures.

Just when Zheng Qiu was puzzled, a person brought him the answer.

Guan Conghui came to Lingcui Mountain again, this time he knew the place well and was familiar with the road, and he didn't encounter any evil cultivators on the way.

Guan Conghui told Zheng Qiu that the faint blue thing in the sky is a special world called the boundless Milky Way.

Once the blue stuff fills the entire sky, the galaxy inversion begins.

He told Zheng Qiu everything he knew about Galaxy Inversion, saying that Qian Yunzong had four places to participate in Galaxy Inversion, and Yunyou was one of them.

He came here this time under the order of his master to bring Yunyou to Qianyunzong to prepare.

Yun You heard what Guan Conghui said, and asked, "Who are the other three? Can Zheng Qiu go?"

Guan Conghui replied: "The remaining three are Mingkong Zilin, Li Mojian and Shao Wei.

Zongli didn't give Zheng Qiu a place, so of course he couldn't go. "

Zheng Qiu scratched his head in embarrassment, feeling a little disappointed, but then thought of an idea.

"You just said that all sects and sects in Yunxiu Continent will participate in Galaxy Inversion, so I don't represent Qian Yunzong, can I go?"


Zheng Qiu immediately stopped Guan Conghui's question, and after thinking for a while, he replied hesitantly: "I really don't know about this.

I heard that there is only one quota for the small sect in the Yunxiu Continent, and two for the big sect.

But which sect can you represent, Lingcui Mountain is just a medicine shop! "

"This matter is easy to handle. I will announce that Lingcui Mountain has become Lincui School. At worst, the Galaxy Reversal is over, and I will change the name back."

Zheng Qiu said it lightly, but Guan Conghui couldn't decide whether he could go or not.

He had no choice but to go back and ask Master Ming Sijiu to see what the master meant.

Then, he continued to urge Yunyou, hoping that Yunyou would return to the sect with him quickly to prepare for the Galaxy Reversal.

Yunyou looked at Zheng Qiu, with a hesitant expression on her face, as if she was worried that Zheng Qiu would stay alone in Lingcui Mountain.

Zheng Qiu persuaded: "Sister, you must go to Galaxy Reverse!

It is said that participating in this matter can get a lot of treasures. If I change the shop to a sect, I will count on you to help me bring some good things back. "

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