Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 107: Yuan Chi's Secret Search for Longevity

Ming Zong looked at Elder Yuan Chi and asked, "Senior, have you read the note I left that day?"

"I've seen it, but what does it have to do with me." Elder Yuan Chi turned around slowly, and walked slowly towards the wooden house, "If you want to drink tea, go elsewhere, I don't have it here."

Ming Zong quickly rushed to Elder Yuan Chi and stopped him: "Senior, this Xinghe matter is the root of the sect, now the sect is in trouble, how can you ignore it?"

Yuan Chi turned his head, and in the empty eye sockets, two white dots looked at Ming Zong.

After looking at it for a long time, he replied: "That's about you and Aoqing. I'm over 430 years old, and I don't have many years left. I won't be able to see Xinghe next time. Why bother to watch it again?" Worry about things that don’t come.”

"Senior, you can't say that. Over the years, you have trained hundreds of outstanding talents for the sect. This is something that will last forever and will be remembered by future generations."

Elder Yuan Chi laughed hoarsely, and replied: "Heh, heh, don't fool me, I have taught thirty-one apprentices in total, not a hundred."

His words were exposed, and Ming Zong was a little embarrassed, so he changed his angle to persuade: "The matter of Xinghe is related to the safety of the sect. Senior, you have spent your whole life in the sect, and this sect is the one you have watched develop to the present." , for the sake of the sect, I also ask the seniors to help."

Yuan Chi wobbled and raised his arm, showing his bone-like arm to Ming Zong: "You boy, don't use this principle to suppress me, look, I have nothing now. Help? How to help? Or let me be quiet Let's live out the last few years."

"Senior, senior!" Ming Zong stopped Elder Yuan Chi again, "This time we don't want senior to help, but just want senior to help us find a way."

"Ming Zong, you..." Elder Yuan Chi's dry skin twitched slightly, as if he was smiling, "You want to squeeze out the stuff in my head, too."

He moved his steps and slowly leaned towards the edge of the open space, observing Yunyou and Zheng Zhisong carefully.

After observing for a while, he asked: "Ming Zong, the reason you brought these two people here is for me to help you find a solution, right?"

Ming Zong nodded and replied: "That's right. I remember that among the apprentices taught by the seniors, two of them broke through from the air tires to the Qihua realm within a year. I just hope that the seniors can tell me how to make these two people recover quickly. Improve your cultivation."

Elder Yuan Chi sighed: "Hey, is the matter so urgent? Obviously, you know the consequences of overthrowing the seedlings."

Hearing Elder Yuan Chi's words, Zheng Zhisong and Yun You exchanged glances, and said in unison: "I also ask Senior Yuan Chi for advice!"

"Heh, heh, the attitude is quite firm." Yuan Chi looked at Ming Zong, and said slowly, "You have to be a sect for several years, and the old man can't help you to improve your cultivation, and you have to do it yourself. "

Ming Zong bowed his hands and saluted: "It's okay, please tell us the way to quickly improve your cultivation, senior, and we will finish the rest by ourselves."

Yuan Chi approached Zheng Zhisong, sized him up, and asked, "You're not too young, what's your name?"

"Junior Zheng Zhisong."

Elder Yuan Chi looked at Yun You again: "What about you?"

"Junior Yunyou."

"Hmm...Zheng Zhisong, you must first take the elixir pill, and then go to Wentian Pavilion to find a book called "Hunyuan Furnace". Use that method to forcibly devour and refine all kinds of medicinal materials .

At the same time, you also need to find a body training method to strengthen your meridians and bones. When the "Hunyuan Furnace" is improved, the burden on the meridians will be greatly increased. One day your physical body cannot operate the "Hunyuan Furnace", It will immediately explode and die. "

Elder Yuan Chi paused for a while, as if speaking was exhausting his energy.

After resting, he said to Yunyou: "Your meridians are damaged and you have a disability. You must first take the pills that shape the meridians and strengthen the meridians. The subsequent steps are the same, but the "Hunyuan Furnace" cannot be continuously cultivated, and you have to wait for the body to be refined." progress.


Yunyou and Zheng Zhisong saluted one after another to express their thanks.

Ming Zong smiled and said: "It turned out to be so simple, senior, why didn't you say it earlier, why did you let me make another trip."

Elder Yuan Chi replied: "This technique can only be practiced to the level of aura, and the physical body will not be able to bear it any further. If it weren't for the two of them's firm attitudes, I wouldn't have said it."

He raised his hand and waved it slowly: "Okay, I've told you the solution, you guys go back."

"Senior, take care, and come to visit another day." After finishing speaking, Elder Ming Zong took the two of them and prepared to leave the open space.

"Wait!" Before the three of Ming Zong entered the woods, Elder Yuan Chi suddenly stopped them.

Ming Zong was slightly puzzled: "Senior, what else?"

Elder Yuan Chi thought for a moment and said, "Since you are going to ask Tiange to find "Hunyuan Furnace", then do one thing for me."

The doubts in Ming Zong's heart were even greater. He had come to see Elder Yuan Chi hundreds of times, but Yuan Chi had never made a request. Today, he made a sudden request, which must be a big deal.

"Senior, just give orders." Ming Zong pricked up his ears and waited for Elder Yuan Chi's answer.

Elder Yuan Chi raised his head slightly, as if he was recalling: "When I was young, I went out to search for precious classics with my brothers and sisters.

Hmm... It should be in a cave. We found two abandoned stone rooms, one for living and the other for storage. From the stone storage room there we found a box of books.

There are many exercises in the books, so we brought them back to the Zongli and handed them over to Wentian Pavilion for collection. "

Elder Yuan Chi kept shaking his head, as if this could make his memory clearer: "Among these books, there is a notebook that I still remember, um... what is it called?

Hmm...it seems to be called "The Journey to Heaven", yes, it is "The Journey to Heaven". "

Speaking of the name of this notebook, Elder Yuan Chi immediately regained his energy, and his hunched back seemed to straighten up a little.

"Yes, it's called "The Journey to Heaven". There is a sentence in it, I remember it clearly. Time is merciless, so ask Tan Changsheng."

"Time is merciless, so ask Tan Changsheng." Ming Zong recited this sentence carefully, and asked Elder Yuan Chi, "Senior, what do you mean by saying this? This sentence is just a poem."

Elder Yuan Chi seemed a little excited, and his bone-like body kept trembling: "Have you forgotten what this notebook is called? "The Way to Heaven". This definitely refers to the method of longevity, absolutely!"

Ming Zong was greatly surprised, but he still had a skeptical attitude: "The method of longevity? For thousands of years, no one has been able to escape life and death. If it is really the method of longevity, why hasn't anyone practiced it?"

Seeing that Ming didn't believe it, Elder Yuan Chi became more and more anxious, stopping from time to time to cough and pant.

"Absolutely, ahem, I have read the content of the notes, ahem, although the words and sentences in it are complicated and chaotic, there is a pattern, which is deliberately hidden by the author.

These confusing words all point to the same meaning, longevity! "

Seeing that Elder Yuan Chi was so sure, Ming Zong's skeptical attitude began to waver. Could it be that what the senior thinks is true, this notebook is the method of longevity that Yunxiu has never seen before?

If it is really the method of longevity, isn't it the treasure of Qian Yunzong, no, it is the supreme treasure of Yunxiu.

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