Legendary Hero

Chapter 83: You're Done (Fourth)

Luo Lin walked into Vianna's mage tower with confusion, and when Lu Fei arrived at the door, Vianna even yelled out her true identity, and said gently in her pleasant and warm voice: Welcome, An elf from the Moonlight Continent.

Lu Fei's face was surprised, and then turned into peace of mind, and her anxious face became peaceful, and a beautiful smile appeared.

She didn't expect to meet the green dragon here.

Vianna closed the door and said to the maid at the side: These two guests are very important. I hope that no one will disturb us in the coming time.

Yes, master. The maid nodded.

Come with me, both of you. Vianna smiled gently at Luo Lin, then nodded friendly to Lu Fei, and then she took the lead towards the upper floor of the Wizard Tower.

Luo Lin and Lu Fei followed, all the way up the spiral stairs, and finally stopped in the living room on the top floor.

Sit as you please. Vianna pointed to the chairs. There was no one in the living room. She brought drinks with her own hands, poured a glass for each of them, and then sat down by herself.

Neither Luo Lin nor Lu Fei are ordinary people. One has profound insights, and the other is an elf who admires nature. Therefore, even though they are sitting in the reception hall on the highest floor of the Archmage Tower, they don't feel restrained.

Luo Lin took a sip of his drink, took a long breath, and felt relaxed. After Vianna sat down, he asked with a smile, Vianna, how did you know I would come over today?

A coincidence. Vianna looked at the position of Luo Lin's heart. There was a hole in the armor at this place. With her experience, she could tell at a glance that it was caused by a sharp arrow: You shouldn't let the arrow in your heart , if it wasn’t for me being nearby, you would be dead by now!”

... Luo Lin was startled, waiting for Vianna's explanation.

We passed each other. When you were brought to Liv by the black armored guards, I just left. I didn't return to the Mage Tower immediately. When I was in Hongye River, I stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and then I saw what happened by the river. Everything about everything.” Vianna had a look of rejoicing, if she hadn’t happened to be there, maybe she would have lost a capable and loyal follower and a friend who could communicate on an equal footing.

Luo Lin was also a little apprehensive when he heard it. It seems that he has to pay attention in the future. He must not give his life to any magic pattern. If this thing fails, he will pay the price.

However, I have to say that you are more outstanding than I imagined. You are brave and resourceful. Right, Lu Fei, I think you will definitely agree with me. Vianna turned her head and smiled at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei nodded heavily, and continued, And it's very reliable.

The unreserved praise from the two of them made Luo Lin feel a little embarrassed, he laughed, and hurriedly changed the subject: Vianna, then you should know why I brought Lu Fei here, right?

Of course. Vianna stood up from her seat, walked to the window of the mage tower, gazed at the entire Vendome, and asked a question that she didn't want to do in a leisurely tone: You know, what is it? Is it advancing a race?

Outstanding talent? said the elf.

No. To an individual, talent is a gift. To a race, talent is a curse. Just like the powerful dragons and the flawless elves, is there any difference between ten thousand years ago and now? Vianna asked .

It hasn't changed much. Lu Fei shook her head, she had never thought about this issue deeply.

The dragon race has hardly changed. Vianna smiled: The perfection of the individual creates the tragedy of the race. What about you, Rowling, what is your answer?

Vianna looked at this human expectantly. For some reason, she had a feeling that this young and excessive human would definitely give the answer she wanted.

Desire. Luo Lin uttered two words, and added: As individuals who are not perfect, we naturally yearn to become perfect, and our desire is the strongest.

Vianna laughed, it was exactly what she was thinking, she sighed: Yes, it is desire. It is the most wonderful kind of power in the world, there is no distinction between good and bad. If there is too much, it will make an ant They all grow into demons. If there is less, even if they are as powerful as a dragon, they are as small as a dust. In this glorious Vendome, there are a lot of demons. As long as the news of the elves spreads, the demons will rush over desperately , maybe even I can't protect you, Lu Fei.

Lu Fei could imagine the scene described by Vianna, her face turned pale.

So I want to send Lu Fei back to the Moonlight Continent, this place is not suitable for her. Luo Lin said.

A very wise choice. Vianna smiled, And as a friend, I am honored to be trusted by you, Rowling.

I don't know when it started, maybe it was the conversation that night, Rowling found that Vianna seemed to respect him a lot. But Vianna is a legendary dragon, and he is just a mortal with a little brains and strength. Luo Lin couldn't figure out why. Of course, although he didn't understand, he wouldn't go to Vianna for an answer to this matter.

Then what can you do? Rollin asked.

Hehe, then you have found the right person. Vianna smiled and said, I happen to have a few friends in the Moonlight Continent. They are also powerful magicians. We have set up teleportation rune beacons for each other. I can open them now. The portal to the Moonlight Continent.

Luo Lin was very surprised by this answer. He thought that Lu Fei would be sent back by boat, but Vianna was willing to open the portal directly for Lu Fei. You know, this place is far away from the Moonlight Continent by oceans, and it takes a lot of magic power and spell crystals to open the portal, which is very expensive. It seems that the alliance between the green dragon and the elves is quite solid.

But at this moment, Lu Fei hesitated and said, I...can I stay?

? Luo Lin didn't understand what Lu Fei was thinking. If she stayed on this continent and waited for the news to spread, wouldn't she be the same as the little white sheep trapped in the wolves? His strength is really limited, and he can no longer protect her anymore.

More importantly, the news of the elves can no longer be concealed.

Vianna didn't make a sound. She looked at Lu Fei carefully. She found that when Lu Fei was talking, she was looking at Luo Lin intentionally or unintentionally. When she saw his puzzled face, a trace of The color of loneliness.

However, the elf's movements were very fast, and he sneaked a look at it while Luo Lin was drinking his drink, but Luo Lin didn't notice it at all.

She suddenly understood in her heart that this elf fell in love with Luo Lin unconsciously, but Luo Lin, a young man, did not realize this at all.

After thinking about it, she decided to persuade Lu Fei to go back. Such wishful thinking is not a good thing, so she said seriously: You have to know, this is a difficult road.

I know. Lu Fei nodded: I also know that my elf status is my original sin on this continent, but you should be able to help me.

Lu Fei looked at Vianna pleadingly, and she saw the real body of this beautiful woman at the first sight. Green Dragon, teacher and friend of the elves.

You should know that the transformation spell is irreversible. You will forever lose your identity as an elf royal family and your gifted beauty.

I don't care. My experience on this continent has made me realize that unwarranted beauty is a terrible curse. Lu Fei said firmly.

Luo Lin on the side listened for a long time, and finally interrupted: What are you two talking about? Why can't I understand?

He didn't understand half of what he heard, he vaguely felt that Lu Fei was determined to give up her identity as an elf, but race is innate, so can she give up?

Vianna looked at Luo Lin, saw the confusion on his face, and couldn't help sighing. Perhaps in Luo Lin's mind, he and the elf were just ordinary friendship. This elf is doomed to be unrequited love.

That being the case, she couldn't have had the tragedy happen long ago, she still shook her head and said: No, I can't help you, I will send you back, you don't belong here


Vianna didn't answer, she felt that she couldn't persuade this stubborn girl anymore, she looked at Luo Lin: What do you think?

Lu Fei should go back. Luo Lin has always thought so, and this is his ultimate goal of escorting Lu Fei all the way.

Hearing this, Lu Fei's eye circles immediately turned red, she pursed her lips tightly, and immediately turned her head to look out the window. After a long time, she nodded slightly and agreed.

Luo Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: Lu Fei, I will go to Moonlight Continent to see you whenever I have a chance in the future, and then you must not let the elf archer shoot me with an arrow.

No, never. Lu Fei felt tears in her eyes, she simply turned away from looking at Luo Lin, and said to Vianna: Master, please send me back.

Vianna nodded, and gently opened her hand. The rune crystals that were originally wrapped around her wrist and strung together into a bracelet immediately flew away, forming a ring in the air. Then the crystal began to emit a dazzling white light, and the white light continued to flow, until finally a blurred light and shadow appeared in the middle of the ring.

This light and shadow is like a reflection in the water, very blurred and constantly shaking.

It's now. Vianna snorted.

Lu Fei took a few steps towards the portal. Before entering the portal, she quickly turned her head and glanced at Luo Lin with a smile on her face: Goodbye, my friend.

Rowling also smiled and waved goodbye.

Lu Fei turned her head, the smile on her face had disappeared, and the tears couldn't stop overflowing, and then she entered the portal.

A white light flickered, Lu Fei disappeared, and the portal also disappeared, leaving only Luo Lin and Vianna in the living room.

Luo Lin felt relieved and slumped heavily on the chair: Vianna, thank you again, I finally fulfilled my promise.

Vianna smiled, but secretly sighed in her heart: My friend, you don't know that Lu Fei's people left, but her heart stayed. Maybe she will come back soon.

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