Legendary Hero

Chapter 781 Plane Promotion (Part 2)

You lost. Luo Lin's voice was flat.

I know. There was a trace of sadness on the Bloody Queen's face.

Why didn't you run away? You had this chance. Luo Lin said again. He didn't surround Lulu to death at all before, in order to prevent the Bloody Queen and her demon gods from being caught in the net, causing unnecessary losses to the natural army.

Run away? I have already escaped once before. If I escape again, I will escape into the most complete abyss, and my life will enter the darkest point. I can no longer retreat. The tone of the Bloody Queen seemed very bleak , she knew that she had reached the end.

Now, she has personally cut off her own choice, and there are two paths left, one is to surrender successfully, the other is to fail to surrender, her godhead will be shattered, and she will fall like the goddess of the night and the ghost war demon.

You are a powerful god of the dark god system. I don't understand what you said. Luo Lin said, he suddenly felt a turning point in the matter. Perhaps, this is not a life-or-death situation.

Only the Lord of Darkness is the most thorough darkness. The reason why I am in the abyss is because I only have the most thorough rationality in my heart. Your Excellency Luo Lin, the most profound sentence I have realized in my life is that demons exist in rationality. For To achieve the goal, I chose complete sanity, so I became the most complete demon.

No. Luo Lin shook his head slowly: You are wrong.

He turned around and completely exposed his back to the Bloody Queen: Reason is just a means to achieve the goal. If you use reason, I will also use it. The reason why you became a demon is because you chose the wrong target.

The Bloody Queen was silent for a while. After a long time, she spoke slowly, and finally said what she was thinking: Then do I still have a chance to choose a target again?

Luo Lin turned around slowly, looked at the Bloody Queen, with a faint smile on his face: Everyone must be responsible for their past...

After hearing this sentence, the Bloody Queen's face turned pale, but she held on and continued to listen to Luo Lin's words.

But again, everyone has the right to choose their own path... If you are willing to accept punishment, we are willing to accept you as one of us.

Punishment? What kind of punishment? Is it flogging the soul? Or is it restraining freedom? Or is it lowering the godhead? asked the Bloody Queen.

No. Luo Lin shook his head: The past is unchangeable. It is stupid to torture you in the future physically or mentally for the sake of the past. Since you have chosen a new path, use your actions to prove it. Here On the road of proof, you will encounter all kinds of misunderstandings, and you will be hostile and spurned by your former enemies. All these will easily arouse your anger, and your power can easily destroy these lives that spurned you, but you must restrain yourself .For you, this will be a very difficult process. If you can persevere, then you will eventually be accepted by us. Luo Lin said.

This punishment seems very light. The Bloody Queen said with a puzzled face, Don't you hate me for killing Joseph?

He died for what he loved, and he died without regret. He became an undeniable hero, and it is a great honor to be remembered by countless Troll's creatures. And you have been honored by countless people because of this. Spit on hatred, in the future, every hatred will evolve into a punishment for you. Slowly, you will understand the horror of this punishment, if you can't persist, then perish!

Hearing this, the Bloody Queen nodded slowly: I understand. This is the only path I can choose, and I will keep walking.

Luo Lin took half a step back and extended his hand to invite: Then, stand up, announce your decision to your former enemies, and face their tests bravely. Remember, your surrender now is just the beginning.

The Bloody Queen took a deep breath, and walked slowly to the edge of the platform. In front of her eyes, the soldiers of the Natural Legion turned to look at her, each pair of eyes filled with scrutiny, fear, hatred, and anger.

For some reason, facing the doubts of countless creatures, the once fearless Bloody Queen actually felt fear. She felt that her heart, which had been as stable as a mountain for tens of thousands of years, trembled.

She has already begun to understand the punishment that Luo Lin said: I have slaughtered countless creatures and accumulated countless hatreds. All of these things have accumulated to a terrifying level. In the face of this endless resentment, can I really persevere? One day in the future, facing the temptation of the Lord of Darkness, can I really stay in the natural god system consistently? '

This punishment is also a test, and this test has begun to reveal its great power at the spiritual level. Facing the mighty power accumulated by countless lives, even as strong as the Bloody Queen, she felt that it was difficult for her to face it calmly, and she unconsciously flinched in her heart.

She couldn't help taking a step back.

A gentle and quiet voice sounded behind her, it was Luo Lin: Aggregate sand to form a tower, and gather trees to form a forest. If you don't see the tower, you can see the sand. If you don't see the forest, you can see the trees. Go forward step by step.

This voice has a wonderful power to soothe people's hearts. In an instant, the bloody queen felt the invisible fear in her heart begin to disintegrate. She stabilized her spirit, took another step forward, took a deep breath, and said loudly: I, Lilisa, from this moment on, will no longer be the Blood Empress. I volunteer to become a member of the natural pantheon, and I will be... the envoy of repentance!

Om~~ The natural army was in an uproar, followed by countless cheers.

The Bloody Queen has surrendered, and the Crimson Land has been completely conquered!

Boom~ Without the obstruction of the Bloody Queen's divine power, Luo Lin's brilliance surged up with the momentum of the world's origin. In an instant, the lava in the crater of the Doomsday Volcano stopped boiling and began to solidify, and the dark power was captured by the Bloody Queen. Absorbed and restrained, in the fertile volcanic ash soil, seedlings grew, lush and lush, and soon covered the entire mountain, white clouds steamed up, shrouded in the sky of Doomsday Volcano, lightning flashed, and the clouds turned into rain , watering the seedlings of various plants.

'嗡~~~' Another loud noise resounded through the sky and the earth, and the entire crimson land began to change. A white halo evaporated from the deepest part of the earth, dispelling the power of darkness, and the barren land began to inspire infinite Vitality, those free dark auras spreading everywhere are like white snow meeting the scorching sun, melting and astringing quickly.

The entire plane is breaking away from darkness.

In the endless void, in the extremely black abyss, the plane bubble representing the crimson land showed a penetrating brilliance. In a burst of shock, it broke away from the abyss and began to rise continuously, and the light of the plane also As it continued to improve and improve, until it approached the world of Troll, the entire Crimson Land had already emitted a radiant diamond-like brilliance.

This is the first plane to escape from the dark abyss in tens of thousands of years.

Coincidentally, almost at the same time that the Crimson Land was promoted, another plane, the Dark Land, also began to be promoted. It quickly faded away from the darkness, exuding silver-like brilliance, rising and rising, and finally escaped from the Dark Abyss.

Immediately afterwards, the silver radiance with the Sindal plane as the vanguard also began to rise. From a distance, this brilliance was like a silver sword inserted into the dark abyss, but now, this radiant sword Pulled from the abyss by the might of the Immortals.

At this moment, the war of light and darkness in the endless void that has gone through thousands of void years is over.

At this moment, a war that later generations called the Battle of the Master slowly kicked off.

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