Legendary Hero

Chapter 77 This Is My Responsibility

On the outskirts of Fengling Town, there is a lake called Bilan Swan Lake, named after the blue water and swans often playing in the lake. By the blue lake, green grass and catkins are flying, full of vitality in spring, and it is an excellent place for outings.

Liv, the wife of the lord of Wangduomu, her two children, and Vianna are here to enjoy the beauty of spring. The black armored cavalry circled around far away to protect their safety.

At this time, the lord's wife, Liv, was sitting on a thick plush bearskin spread on the grass, with a gentle smile on her face, her eyes following the lovely children who were playing on the grass.

This pair of children is her heart and soul, and she doesn't want them to be hurt in the slightest.

Undoubtedly, Liv, as the wife of the lord, is a noble woman, and she is also very beautiful. She has long golden hair like a waterfall, skin that is as delicate as a baby's, and is full of charm, making people think about the figure of a young woman. Anyone who sees her will sincerely admire her beauty.

However, if she wants to be the focus of everyone's attention, there is one more condition that must be met, that is, she cannot appear at the same time as Archmage Vianna.

Liv is beautiful, but she is still just a mortal, and the years will ruthlessly leave many marks on her body. These marks are still very subtle, but as long as they are compared with the almost eternally flawless Archmage, they will become very obvious .

Liv had no choice but to accept this. Because Vianna is not an ordinary commoner, she is a world-famous archmage and the guardian of the Primo family. Let alone her, even her husband must treat her with respect.

After a while, the two little ones got tired of playing, and returned to their mother, and began to enjoy the rich food that had been prepared earlier.

When the children returned to her side, Liv also felt relieved, so she was free to talk to Vianna on the side.

The weather in Vendôme is really annoying. The sea breeze is full of salt particles, and my skin is wrinkled. Vianna, what can you do? asked the lady of the lord, she cared about her skin the most. And she knew Vianna would find a way to help her.

Vianna smiled: Well, Liv, you are always thinking about the essence of life that I collected with great difficulty.

Is there any? Liv looked expectant. She loves the light green liquid in beautiful crystal bottles, they always easily make her feel back to her most beautiful girlhood. Although her husband did not allow her to bother Vianna too much, as the wife of a lord, especially the wife of a philandering lord, she really needed a beautiful face to keep her husband's heart.

Of course there is. When you go back, you come and get it, but be careful not to let Mallord know. Vianna smiled. Mallord is the name of Lord Primo.

Liv was immediately satisfied, but when she thought of her husband, a look of resentment appeared on her face: Don't mention that guy, he doesn't know he's lying in that woman's arms right now.

Oh, Liv, don't worry, Mallord isn't that ridiculous, he should be dealing with business now. Vianna comforted. She grew up watching the Primo Lords of this generation, and she was a little bit, and a little bit overjoyed, but generally speaking, that guy was pretty reliable, and she probably wouldn't be able to have fun in broad daylight.

Unexpectedly, Liv immediately screamed in a very high voice, which startled the children around her: Heh~ Vianna, you look at him too high. If it was before, he might indeed be business. But you know what, that minion of his, that Hero the Clown got him a catwoman out of nowhere, and oh my god, since that catwoman came, Mallord has been all night long I'm alone every night with that alien. Oh my god, I'm no better than a brute!

Catwoman, a type of orc, is known for being enchanting, cute and charming. Their soft and coordinated bodies often allow them to make some difficult movements, which are deeply loved by nobles.

Well, this is the lord's family business, and Liv's emotions are obviously out of control, Vianna doesn't know how to answer.

This was also the reason why she was reluctant to associate with Liv. In this woman's world, there were only her husband and children. As long as she stayed with her for a little longer, she would definitely listen to her complaints.

Vianna felt uncomfortable, so she had an idea and used her magic power to light up a rune crystal on her wrist.

The crystal suddenly became extremely shiny, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around.

Oh, Liv, someone in the mage's tower is calling me. It may be an important guest. I have to go back and have a look. Vianna apologized.

Oh, that's it, then you go. Liv is still a little bit unsatisfied, she hasn't vented enough, but she knows nothing about magicians, and has no doubts about Vianna's words, she really thinks that the wizard tower has a visitor , She dare not interfere with Vianna's affairs.

Vianna felt a little sorry for this deception, she gently touched the heads of the two children, and then said to Liv with a smile: I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you all the time, Liv, in order to express my apology, can you Take an extra vial of Life Essence from me.

Liv's eyes lit up immediately, and she smiled broadly: Vianna, you are so kind.

Vianna finally nodded her head, waved her hand lightly, and a breeze blew up, lifting her body into the air, and flew towards Vendome quickly, before disappearing from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye.

Liv watched her go away, and couldn't help sighing enviously: It would be great if I also had magic power.

Although she likes to complain about trivial matters at home, she is not an ignorant woman. On the contrary, she had the best education she had ever had, and she knew that she was not valued by her husband not because she was not beautiful, but because she had no strength. If she has Vianna's powerful magic power, Mallord will definitely respect her as much as Vianna... Alas, it is a pity that one needs talent to become a magician, and she has no talent, hey~

Although Vianna left halfway, but the outing would continue, Liv packed up her mood and started to play with her children.

However, this outing did not go well. Just over 20 minutes later, Knight Ben came over again.

Ma'am, where is Archmage Vianna? Ben was puzzled, he clearly remembered that Vianna was here too.

She just went back and said that there are guests from the Mage Tower. Uh, what do you need from her? Liv feels very good about this loyal knight under her husband. This guy has a handsome face, a strong body, and is reliable. Many times, even Liv didn't realize it, she depended more on this knight than on his husband.

Ben explained respectfully: It's like this. The soldiers caught two people on Oriole Valley Road. One of them said he was a follower of Vianna. I brought him to verify his identity.

Oh, followers? I haven't heard Vianna talk about this. Liv thought she knew Vianna very well, but she had never heard that she had any followers.

He said it happened in the last half month.

Oh, that's a possibility. You bring him over and let me have a look. Liv was a little curious about this man.

Ben stepped back respectfully, and after a while, he brought Luo Lin over, along with the elf Lu Fei. Luo Lin was worried about leaving her alone to face the black armored guards, and Lu Fei insisted on following Luo Lin, so Ben agreed without forcing her.

Ma'am, his name is Luo Lin, he is a follower of the Archmage he claims to be. Ben introduced.

Oh. Liv looked Luo Lin up and down. The young man's body was covered with blood, and there was still a trace of evil spirit on his face. It looked like that.

Liv is not ignorant, she knows that this young man must have some skills to have such an aura, and she knows that Vianna seems to be investigating something recently, she guesses that he may really be Vianna's follower, so she laughed : He looks like a pretty good young man, according to my knight, you have also comprehended the essence of a warrior, don't you?

Yes, ma'am. Luo Lin responded calmly on the surface, but secretly regretted bringing Lu Fei here.

There is no other reason, the lord Liv may not know him, but he does recognize the lord's wife, and he also knows another frightening identity that the lord's wife will have in the future: the blood witch!

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