Legendary Hero

Chapter 71 The Heart of the Elves

In fact, Luo Lin didn't go far, he didn't run away hastily, as soon as he escaped from Walson's sight and found that the other party was no longer chasing him, he hid behind a big tree.

When Lu Fei was controlling the plants, he knew in his heart that something was going to go wrong. There was a sharpshooter hiding in the woods. That guy's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's. He couldn't hide their movements from him, so he risked everything. Oddly enough, he forced Lu Fei to stop.

Meticulous in thinking and good at changing, the two contradictory personalities are almost perfectly integrated in Luo Lin, which is one of his greatest advantages.

Sure enough, the risk was not in vain.

He heard the conversation between Walson and the archer, and so did Lu Fei. Even though her face was painted a layer of waxy yellow, she still looked pale and pale, and asked tremblingly, Luo Lin, what should I do now?

She is very aware of the consequences of her identity being exposed, just like the humans who brought her out of the Moonlight Continent a year ago, they are all crazy, dreaming of getting rich every day in the cabin. She could hear all those dirty, desire-filled conversations clearly. Thinking of the terrifying scene where they would be chased by a large number of adventurers and mercenaries after her traces were exposed, she couldn't help shivering, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

Luo Lin remained silent, squinting his eyes, thinking carefully about how to deal with this situation.

In the current situation, only Walson and the sharp archer know about the elves. They will return to Vendome and wantonly pay the powerful and powerful gold coins of Vendome, even the Primo lord of Vendome. To promote the matter of elves, once the situation reaches that point, he may have to take Lu Fei away from home.

So give up Lu Fei? No, Luo Lin didn't even think about this road, and didn't mention the alliance with the elves in the future. In the tree house by the forest lake, he has made a vow never to break it, so he will keep it to the end. This is his reputation as a man. According to this world, it can also be said to be the glory of a warrior.

After much deliberation, Luo Lin found that the only way at present is to make those two guys who know the truth disappear!

It's very, very difficult and extremely dangerous, but it's man-made.

Determined, Luo Lin immediately received the brain information.

Accept the quest: Stop Sergeant Major Walsen

Task content: Kill Sergeant Major Walsen before he brings the news of the elves back to Vendome!

Mission Level: Difficult

Task reward: 5000 experience; strength attribute +5; anger combat skill: basic flame slash

Luo Lin was overjoyed, he was relieved a little, he turned his head to Lu Fei and said, Run now, along this forest, away from Vendome, the farther the better.

He couldn't take Lu Fei back to Vendôme for the time being, and helped her return to her hometown. It's not that he didn't want to, but he really didn't have the ability.

What about you? Lucy asked.

I'm going to shut them up.

How is this possible? You will die! Lu Fei was moved and surprised at the same time. She didn't expect Luo Lin to make this decision. For a moment, she thought that this human being would give up on her.

Yes, most of the humans she knew were very good at escaping and giving up, and she wouldn't be surprised if Rowling made the same choice.

But Luo Lin didn't. He actually chose the most dangerous path, and then faced the difficulties. He even thought of a way out for her, and he didn't want her to be involved.

Luo Lin, you... Lu Fei didn't know what to say for a while, but at this moment, she completely believed what Luo Lin said before. There is darkness in the human world, but there is also light. This is true. .

Luo Lin did not have the sentimentality of elves, he said decisively: This is the only way. Well, stop talking, go, escape from here!

After finishing speaking, Luo Lin didn't care about her anymore. He quietly poked his head out from behind the big tree to carefully observe the opponent's situation.

Walson had already turned around and went back. The sharp archer in black leather armor followed behind him dejectedly, and the archers continued to come out of the woods. There were about twenty of them, and they followed behind the sergeant major one by one.

These people were not in a hurry to leave, they went to the Yellow Oriole Valley Road to clean up the battlefield, where the corpses of seven soldiers lay.

Bury them all in the woods, came Walson's voice.

The archers complied, and began dragging the body back into the woods, removing the blood and bits of flesh from the ground.

From this point of view, it will take at least 20 minutes for them to bury the body. This time is enough for Luo Lin to make some plans.

He turned back and leaned against the big tree, and was about to act, but found that Lu Fei was still beside him.

Why don't you leave? Luo Lin frowned. The situation is very urgent now, and he has no time to comfort her.

This is the trouble I caused, how can I let you work hard for me alone. I can't leave, I can help you. Lu Fei looked extremely firm.

I'm not sure of success. Luo Lin really wasn't sure at all, he was really desperate this time.

If you fail and die, I will commit suicide. A smile appeared on Lu Fei's face.

Why do you want to do this? This is impossible. If such an elf with the blood of the elf royal family is allowed to die in the Starlight Continent, and wait for the orcs to invade, then the human race and the elves will not be able to form a good alliance.

Don't persuade me anymore, I've already made up my mind. After speaking, Lu Fei raised her hands and folded them together in a heart-clasping shape, and then whispered a language that Luo Lin couldn't understand.

Luo Lin knew that this should be Elf language, and judging by Lu Fei's appearance, this should be some kind of spell.

As the incantation progressed, starlight began to appear in Lu Fei's hand. At first, the starlight was scattered, just like mist. Then, the mist began to condense into water, and finally turned into ice, until finally, it became an extremely delicate Elegant star flower pendant, above which sparkles bright stars like broken diamonds.

I'll put it on you, it will increase your strength.

What Luo Lin needs now is strength. Although he felt that this scene seemed familiar, he still lowered his head and let Lu Fei put the pendant on his neck.

After putting it on, Lu Fei stuffed the pendant into Luo Lin's clothes and placed it against the flesh. The pendant turned out to be warm, and the breath continuously penetrated into Luo Lin's body.

Intellectual Brain jumped out a message:

Obtained equipment: Spirit Heart.

Spirit Heart (Legendary)

Condensed by the blood of the elf royal family, once in a lifetime.

Effect: All your attributes are increased by 10%; you get the blessing of nature, immune to poison attacks of excellent quality and the following qualities; you get the moonlight condensation effect, under the moonlight, all attacks will be accompanied by the power of stars.

With such a reminder from the brain, Luo Lin recalled the information about the heart of the elves. Before the orcs invaded and the alliance between humans and elves, this was originally a token given to each other by elves, but now...

This represents our friendship, Luo Lin, and this is the only thing I can do for you. Lu Fei explained.

Now that she said so, Luo Lin didn't think too much, just pretending that he didn't know, he nodded and said: Since you have decided so, let's go and teach them a lesson.

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