Legendary Hero

Chapter 65 Hidden Stone (3)

Hidden Stone Cave.

Jani was upset because he hadn't come out of this dank, dark cave for five days, waiting for a fugitive who might or might never show up.

Yes, the fugitive, that's what the captain told them. This fugitive is called Rollin. He is extremely vicious. He killed a mage apprentice in Vendôme and ransacked the apprentice's house. This has already happened in the upper class. It caused a great shock, and all the nobles unanimously demanded to catch the murderer as soon as possible.

Well, maybe there was a shock, but Jani had never heard of it. He felt that it was a bit false, but it was not his business. He was a soldier, and the first element of a soldier was to obey orders.

Because of this, their team, a total of seven people, waited in this cave.

The cave is not ventilated, there is no light, water still seeps in the crevices of the stones, and there is almost no dry place.

Because they were waiting for their opponents to be caught in ambush, the captain was not allowed to light the fire, not to speak, and not even to breathe loudly, which was even more uncomfortable than sitting in a dungeon.

Every day, they ate cold, hard dry food and drank rancid water. If you want to solve your personal problems, you have to sneak to the innermost part of the cave. Even so, after a few days passed, the unbearable stench continued to spread.

The living conditions are poor, which is tolerable. They are now on a mission, and they are facing a heinous fugitive. It is normal to be a little bit harder.

But the problem is that the location of this cave is in the forest, so it is really not safe.

Two days ago, vice-captain Tongam was unlucky. While squinting his eyes for rest, he was accidentally stung by a stone scorpion. As a result, one arm was swollen as thick as an elephant's leg, and his skin was still black and purple. Although he took the antidote on the spot and saved his life, he still developed a high fever that night and lay down in a daze, unconscious, and he didn't know if he could survive.

Stone scorpions are a major safety hazard, but the biggest problem they face now is the wolf problem!

From the first night here, there were occasional howls of wolves outside the cave.

These wolves howled every once in a while, always surrounding the edge of the cave, and the scouts outside the door sent a bad news: They may be targeted by the wolves.

This is really bad news.

In the forest, the most terrifying thing is not tigers, leopards and other beasts, but wolves! These guys are cunning and patient. After they find their prey, they can wait for several days in a row until the prey is exhausted before they will appear and harvest their fruits easily.

Because of the appearance of the wolves, Jani hasn't slept well these days, no, he hasn't slept at all, he feels that he is about to collapse, his whole body is weak and stiff, and he suspects that he may not even be able to hold the sword in his hand up.

But Jani knew that they were not bad, at least they had the cave as a hiding place, and the two scouts outside the cave, that was the real hardship.

They hid in trees, barely moving, and had to stay awake as they had to give them early warning from wolves to sneak up on them.

Jani couldn't imagine their situation, especially last night when there was a heavy rainstorm, thunder and lightning, maybe the two scouts had passed out, anyway, they hadn't received their signal for a day.

Captain, the fugitive shouldn't be here, right? Jani heard a soft voice, the voice of Orang, the youngest soldier in the team. His voice was very hoarse and he was out of breath.

After a while, the captain's voice sounded, also very weak: Wait another day, tomorrow, as long as he doesn't come tomorrow, we will withdraw and hold on.

It's good that there is only one day left, Jani heaved a sigh of relief, he half-lyed on a relatively smooth stone, lowered his head, and closed his eyes to rest.

He needs to take a good rest, conserve his energy, hiss~ the rocks behind him are cold, and the coolness keeps pouring into his back. Under normal circumstances, Jani would get up and walk around after lying down for a while, moving his hands and feet, but He was so tired now that he fell asleep without realizing it.

In his sleep, he felt very noisy in his ears, as if someone was talking, no, it was shouting, and then there was a scream... Wait, screams!

Jani was startled and wanted to open his eyes, but he found that his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't open them at all, and his whole body was weak, as if all his strength had flowed from his body.

He tried for a long time, and finally, he managed to open his eyes, but only opened a gap. With the help of the faint light coming in from the hole, he saw fast moving black shadows one by one, with faint green light shining through their eyes. .

The wolves have entered the cave! Jani was shocked, stretched out his hand, touched the hilt of the sword, and drew out the sword.

The danger stimulated him, and a burst of strength was born in his body, and he stood up with support.

As soon as he stood up, he screamed inwardly, his whole body was numb and stiff, the cracks in his bones seemed to be rusted, his whole body was also weak and weak, and he could not exert 10% of his normal strength.

It's over!

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he found a black figure in front of him rushing towards him, and he raised his sword to block it.

'when! ’ There was a crisp sound, and a few sparks sputtered out in the darkness.

The sword in the hand of the weak Jani was knocked to the ground, and then he felt a slap in the back, and the whole body was knocked down to the ground, followed by his arm twisted backwards back, I can't even move.

Tie them up with rope and take them away! A vague voice came from the darkness.

Jani was even more surprised, what is this thing that can talk.

Then, he felt that his hands were tied up, and he was directly dragged out of the cave with his whole body.

It was already dark at this time, and the sky outside the cave was full of stars.

With the faint starlight, Jani could clearly see that the opponent who attacked them was a werewolf... No, not just a werewolf!

Jani saw a human being among a group of werewolves. He was tall, wearing mail, carrying a shield, and holding a sword in his hand. He kept saying this, as if he was ordering the werewolves to do something.

Just in a strange moment, he was mentioned in front of this person by the werewolf. Jani found that he was not the only one who was caught, the captain, the deputy captain, and even two scouts, all seven of them were arrested.

What surprised Jani was that the group of werewolves didn't seem to be very malicious towards them, because he saw that the poisoned vice-captain Tonggani was not abused, and no one tortured his poisoned arms. Among the seven people, no one was seriously injured, let alone died.

The pack of werewolves just seemed to want to catch them.

At this moment, the human said: I am Luo Lin, I know, you are waiting for me, right?

Are you the fugitive? said the youngest soldier, Oran.

Fugitive? Is this the name you gave me? It's really unimaginative. Let me take a good look at you. The man smiled.

Then, Jani saw that the man began to check everyone's earlobes, one by one, and when he saw the captain, he suddenly smiled: Heh~ he is wearing amethyst earrings, it seems that I grabbed I caught a big fish!

Jani knew that the captain wore stud earrings, which were very beautiful. According to him, this was a custom in their hometown, but what did this man mean? Could it be that this earring is the imprint of a certain organization?

Just when the man's voice fell, Jani noticed the captain's face was horrified, and he said something he couldn't understand: How do you know?

Don't talk nonsense with you. My friends, take them into the forest, especially you... Heh~ want to commit suicide, don't you? This denture is really exquisite. Remember, when you commit suicide, you must act decisively, don't be like this hesitate.

Jani saw that the human pinched the captain's mouth and pulled out a tooth from it. The captain's expression was one of despair.

Jani doesn't understand why things are like this.

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