Legendary Hero

Chapter 598: Battle Of The Outpost (2) (33)

Looking from William's location, it can be seen that the number of giants is at least four hundred, which is a terrifying number. You must know that there are less than ninety soldiers in the sentry. (ninety-seven total, but Grunson took one team)

Damn it! William yelled a second time.

His strength is the strongest, and his eyesight is also the most outstanding. From here, he can see the terrifying power erupting from the giants with dark red metallic skin.

He saw a giant climbing on the smooth and hard city wall with bare hands. The hard city wall was as weak as mud in their hands. If they grabbed it casually, stone powder would be scattered everywhere, and several deep holes would be formed on the city wall immediately. Hole.

He also saw the confrontation on the city wall. Several giants rushed up the city wall, and the holy spirit warriors rushed over with shields, and these giants also shouldered them. He could tell that the strength of that Holy Spirit Shield warrior was very good, at least the power of the legendary mid-level, but under the impact, the shield warrior was knocked back again and again. There was an epee warrior attacking next to him, but the huge sword could only cut three or four centimeters into the giant's body at most.

Arrows were shot towards the giants, but they could only penetrate a few centimeters. Unless they hit a vital point, the actions of these giants would not be affected at all.

It can be said that the entire battle situation was almost one-sided, and the reason why the defense of the sentry post did not collapse was not only that the tall city wall blocked the giant's direct charge, but also because of the two powerful warriors running around on the city wall to fight the fire.

William could feel that the two warriors had the power of a demigod, one was about the size of an ordinary person, and the other was very tall.

The one with an ordinary body has an extremely sharp attack, and if the sword in his hand is cut, a giant will inevitably fall down.

Another tall man held a huge shield in his hand. Any giant passed by, he would collapse with one shield, and the result would be that the giant was directly blown away.

All in all, the giants that invaded the entire city wall were basically blocked by these two warriors, and some giants were knocked away by the huge crossbow arrows shot from inside the sentry post, but these were a minority.

However, as the number of giants climbing up the city wall increased, the casualties of ordinary soldiers on the city wall also continued to increase, and the situation became worse and worse.

And at this time, the giant abyss beast hadn't made a move yet, which made William strange. For some reason, the giant abyss beast stayed a hundred meters away from the city wall, just staring at the battlefield ahead , but did not come forward.

If the abyss behemoth also charged at the city wall at this time, I am afraid that the defense line of the sentry has collapsed at this moment.

A soldier with sharp eyes finally discovered the reason why the abyssal beast did not step forward to join the battle: Master William, look at the front paw of the giant beast, it seems to be a little twisted, it seems to be injured.

William has been paying attention to the city wall, but he didn't notice this. Looking carefully at this time, his outstanding eyesight immediately helped him a lot. He saw that the giant beast's left hand was not only quite twisted, but also dripping blood. The giant beast was watching from behind. , but following his line of sight, one can find that he has been staring closely at the tallest shield warrior on the city wall.

The distance was too far, and even William couldn't quite see the meaning in the eyes of the giant beast, but he had a faint feeling that the giant beast seemed to be afraid of the tall shield warrior.

War God's sentry is in trouble, but it's not powerless. If I bring soldiers to join at this time, it will definitely be a timely move. Luo Lin will definitely be very grateful to me. William began to think about it.

However, it is very dangerous to do so. These strange giants are really powerful. More than a hundred people like me rushed to them. When the fight is over, there may not be many left. Even I may be finished... Never mind, Come on, if you want to get a huge reward, you must take a huge risk!

William finally made up his mind, he gritted his teeth, turned around and said to the soldiers following him: Brothers, you have all seen that the situation at the God of War sentry is very critical, we must support them!

William saw the look of fear on the faces of the soldiers. This is normal. Think about it, they have no equipment, their weapons are rotten, and their injuries have not fully healed. Rushing up at this time is no different from dying.

I'm also very scared! William gasped, and raised the tomahawk that was almost broken in his hand: But we have no retreat! We are retreating now, where can we go? If others know that we see danger at the sentry post but don't go Rescue, watching them fail, how can we gain a foothold on this land? At that time, others will call us cowards? I ask you, when someone calls you that, can you bear it? Anyway, I can’t bear it, no matter what If you come with me or not, I'm going to go!

After finishing speaking, William took a deep breath, and the light in his eyes suddenly increased and became fiery red, like a burning flame. He suddenly let out a wild battle cry, jumped out of his hiding place, and strode towards the direction of the God of War sentry rushed over.

The holy spirit warriors behind him looked at me and I looked at you. Suddenly, a warrior raised his sword and rushed out, but it was the elf warrior who was rescued last.

He was the first one, and he shouted as he rushed, a layer of flame-like light appeared on the surface of his body, and his body showed a wild aura that would not appear on elves.

For Allen! The elf warrior is burning his life!

Then, the second, third, and finally, the Holy Spirit warriors on the entire hillside rushed out, closely following behind William.

For the Goddess of Life!

For glory!

More than a hundred soldiers shouted together, and all kinds of slogans were sandwiched together, condensed into a raging and violent wave, and charged towards the God of War post without regret.

This is the bravest fighter in the world, no one can dispute that.

God of War sentry.

When these more than a hundred soldiers rushed over with an indomitable momentum, the two sides who were fighting on the sentry wall with blood and flesh immediately found out.

It's reinforcements! The defenders of the God of War sentry immediately shouted excitedly. At this time, no one expected reinforcements to appear, but this reinforcements did appear, and immediately gave some defenders who couldn't support themselves a boost.

Damn, why are there still flesh men! The giant leader commanding the battle in the rear was furious. He responded immediately, waved to the fifty soldiers around him, and ordered: Stop the group of flesh men, before they approach the sentry post! Kill them all!

On the city wall, Luo Lin responded in the same way. Standing tall, he noticed with sharp eyes that the armor and weapons of the rushing warriors were torn, and their strength was also a little weak. I am afraid that the combat effectiveness is not optimistic.

If they were allowed to join the battle at this time, it would be equivalent to adding a pile of cannon fodder to their God of War sentry, which could only slightly restrain the opponent's strength, but if they could be brought into the sentry post and armed with the weapons and equipment in the sentry post They, replenish them with the Force, and these warriors become a formidable force in no time.

Thinking about it this way, the main body of Rollin in the castle condensed the third incarnation without hesitation.

This avatar was exactly the same as the God of War's left-handed steel shield. He also held a thick Shenjing cold iron shield in his hand. Once the condensation was completed, he strode up to the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, the two gods of war jumped off the city wall with their left hands together. When they were in midair, flame-like flames burned on the bodies of the two strong demigod incarnations. This was the ignited fire of life.

At this time, the power limit of these two incarnations will reach a terrifying 7000, and even the abyssal monsters on the opposite side have to avoid the sharp edge.

As soon as they landed, the two incarnations of the God of War who were burning with the fire of life roared immediately, with shields in front of them, and then charged in the direction of the reinforcements!

Luo Lin's purpose is very simple, he is to use the great strength and tacit cooperation of the two hands of God of War to break through the giant's battle line and lead the reinforcements back to his sentry post.

Kill them! The leader of the giant saw Luo Lin's intentions, and shouted to order the soldiers to rush forward to stop them.

At least 80 iron-eating giants rushed forward, plus the 50 giants who went to intercept the reinforcements before, almost half of the giants were pinned down under the city wall, and the pressure on the city wall was greatly reduced.

A giant rushed fast, rushed to the incarnation of the steel shield, and tried to stop it, but the strength of the steel shield in the charging state was so powerful.

Bang! There was a huge muffled sound, and the body of the giant who was hit by the shield was directly smashed into several pieces, and the fragments were scattered, and a large amount of dust appeared at the same time.

The fragments are the limbs of the iron-eating giants, and the dust is their blood. If it is placed on a human body, it will be an explosive effect of flying flesh and blood.

The other giants who were rushing slower couldn't help slowing down their footsteps. What they were most proud of was their tyrannical bodies, but now, facing these two terrifying monsters, their bodies turned into pieces. In the end, how could there be such a powerful force in the world?

This is really terrible!

Confrontation on the battlefield is based on a burst of vigor, and once the vigor is vented, the 100% of the power can only exert ordinary power.

This is the case with giants. When they charged forward, almost no one could stop them, but now they took the initiative to slow down because of fear, which is equivalent to self-defeating martial arts.

However, Luo Lin's two incarnations of steel shields happened to be the other extreme, because no one could stop them, no one dared to stop them, and as a result, the two big men rushed all the way in the formation of iron-eating giants, cutting through the waves all the way.

There are giants on the way trying to slow down the steel shield avatar, but if there was only one avatar they would surely succeed, but this time there are two.

The two can cooperate with each other, and both are Luo Lin, with the same mind, the two of them together, the power exerted far exceeds the effect of one plus one equals two.

If there is a blocking giant rushing up, it will be crushed immediately. The sharp edge of the steel shield can hurt you if you rub it, and you will die if you touch it. No giant can stop it at all.

Hey... Where did these two big guys come from? They are so powerful. William the orc couldn't help swallowing, he could feel that if he tried to stop them, the result would probably be the same as the giants .

Seeing that the two steel shield avatars were about to break through the iron-eating giant's interception, the leader of the giant looked at the terrain dragon: Master Montegen, you can't just keep watching after a little injury, can you?

The vitality of the abyss giant is very strong, and Montegen's front paws are no longer serious. Hearing what the leader of the giant said, Montegen let out a long breath and sneered: I was careless just now, now I don't want to shoot these two to death. Stupid!

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