Legendary Hero

562 Demons And Elves, Dragons And Swordsmen (2) (34)

Morning breeze town.

The young Hippogryph knight was still kneeling on the ground, holding his sister's head in both hands, and fell into an abyss of pain and confusion.

His comrade waited patiently for five minutes. Seeing that he was still not awake, he went up and patted him on the shoulder: Hey, are you done crying?

The elf looked up, his handsome face was full of pain: My sister is only nineteen years old...

His parents liked to take risks. In his early years, he had an accident in another adventure and died at the hands of human mercenaries. This made him hate the human race very much, so he did not join the Allied Forces this time. It is also because of this that he and his sister have been dependent on each other since childhood. This time, he became a master of archery and joined the elf guard in the oak forest. He still remembers the pride on his sister's face before he left. Before leaving, his sister shed tears because of her reluctance. He promised that he would go home when he was free.

As a result, now... now... the elf only felt a sharp pain in his heart, and his whole heart seemed to be splitting apart. Uncomfortably, he stretched out his fist and slammed his chest hard.

Slap! With a crisp sound, his face was slapped hard by his comrade-in-arms. The slap was so hard that red palm prints appeared on his face.

Ausin, you hit me? The elf who was beaten looked at his comrade in disbelief.

Yes, I'll hit you. The elf called Osin nodded indifferently, then reached out and pulled his comrade from the ground, patted the dust on his knees, and said, Glenn, your sister She's dead, bury her. I know it hurts, but you should take revenge now, not cry!

Strange to say, after being slapped hard, the resentful depression in Glenn's heart was diluted by Osin's unexpected behavior. He let out a sigh of relief and looked down at his sister again. The younger sister's face was full of pain, despair and fear. Warren saw all these dying emotions and turned them into hatred in his heart.

You're right, I want to avenge her! I want to make those two demons regret coming to this world! Warren gritted his teeth, and the teeth creaked.

Let's go, let's bury her. Osin raised his hand and patted his comrade on the shoulder heavily.

Yeah! Warren nodded, carefully holding his sister's head, stepped on the Hippogryph's back, and took her to fly to a beautiful sunny hillside outside the town.

‘Sister likes flowers, birdsong, and sunshine, and may these beauties be with her forever. ’ thought Warren, digging holes in the grass with his pocket knife.

Use this. The voice of his comrade-in-arms came from behind him. He threw a flower shovel over and took one in his own hand. It should have been brought from a small town.

Thanks. Warren took the shovel to dig, and Osin helped. Soon, the two dug a deep square hole in the grass.

Before burying the head, Warren straightened his sister's hair, kissed her forehead and swore: I swear, as long as I live, I will hunt demons, and I will kill what I see All demons, until these evil and dirty creatures are completely wiped out from this world!

While speaking, tears flowed out of his eyes again uncontrollably, but he did not stop, and resolutely put his head into the pit and filled it with soil.

Here, the flower seeds of the purple flower. Osin was very thoughtful. In the elves, when burying those young elves who died in their glorious years, a cluster of flowers would be planted on the grave. The males were hyacinths and the females were Lageria.

Warren sniffed, took the flower seeds, poured some natural magic power into the seeds, and buried the seeds in the soil.

Under the action of natural magic, the seeds germinated and grew quickly, and within a minute, brilliant lavender flowers bloomed.

Seeing flowers is like seeing people, from among the flowers, Warren vaguely saw his sister's smiling face, he let out a long breath, took off a flower branch and pinned it to his chest, and then turned around: Let's go, it's time to settle accounts with the devil!

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of a huge airflow of 'crashing' in the sky, and Ausin obviously heard it too. The two elves were horrified, and when they looked up, they saw a fiery red figure descending from the sky.

It's a dragon! It is a giant flame dragon that does not exist in the Moonlight Continent! When the giant dragon landed on the ground, the two elves saw a human warrior sitting on the back of the dragon.

This warrior is wearing a set of brown leather armor. The leather armor looks good and seems to be very strong, but that's all. He also has a one-handed sword on his back. This is his only weapon. This human race The appearance of the warrior also looks very ordinary. Although his posture of sitting safely on the back of the dragon is a bit bluffing, it can't scare the elves.

On the ground, the giant dragon appeared in human form, a middle-aged mage wearing a dark red robe, and the human warrior stood beside him, and the two walked towards them together.

Thanks to those human slave traders, the hippogryphs know the human race. According to common sense, they will definitely step out of the attacking posture at this time, and even attack directly, but this time, the two hippogryphs shrank far away, even He ran behind a tree and hid.

Warren didn't have any good feelings for the human race, and he didn't have a good impression of the flaming dragon that changed into a human race. He sneered, A human warrior, a dragon mage, who are you? What are you doing here?

He was very angry.

Ausin's attitude was much better. At any rate, the elves and the human race were allies now. The marshal of the allied forces had announced a decree long ago that anyone who captured elves as slaves would be hanged. This was already a very friendly gesture.

He took a step forward, saluted slightly, and asked, You two, may I know the purpose of your coming here?

Monrose didn't speak. In their combination, Rollin, a semi-god-level powerhouse, is the leader. Rollin pointed to the ruined town of Morrowind behind him: I am Sward, and we fight for the demon that caused all this. come.

Luo Lin's name is too loud, and everyone will know it as soon as it is reported, so he only reported his surname.

Ao Xin's eyes lit up. Although they hated demons very much, they also knew the power of demons very well. They were powerful existences that could kill the Green Dragon Dragon King.

They hunted all the way, although they were confident that they could kill the demon, but at the end of the battle, it was definitely a tragic ending. Now that the giant dragon and the warrior who can ride on the dragon's back are willing to help, their chances of victory are much greater.

Hearing this, even Warren's face softened a lot. Prejudice is prejudice, and he has not yet reached the point of discriminating between right and wrong.

Luo Lin looked at the armor of the two elves, and then at the looming Hippogryph behind the tree. He had already guessed the other party's identity, and he asked, You are members of the Oak Forest, and you are also chasing demons, right? Bar?

Before coming, Rowling had learned about the elves' kingdom through Monrose, so he could call out the name of Oak Forest, the most elite guard of elves.

Osin nodded to admit his identity.

But why are there only two of you? Where are the others? Luo Lin was a little surprised.

Ausin sighed, and pointed to the purple flower bushes: Some accidents happened, my comrade's sister... was killed in the town of Morrowind, so we were one step behind. Ms. Malinda has already set off first It's over. We're getting ready to go back to the team.

Luo Lin understood. He looked at the flowers, stepped forward and bowed slightly, and then bowed to Morrowind Town to show respect for the deceased. This action made the expressions of the two elves more relaxed, and the faint guard also dissipated a lot.

Depending on the situation, this town was attacked not long ago, and the demon should not have run far away. Time is urgent, shall we set off now? Luo Lin looked at the two elves, he needed them to guide him.

You're right. Osin rushed towards his Hippogryph. Although he didn't know the identity of Luo Lin, he still used the honorific title for Luo Lin. To be able to accompany such a huge dragon, cross the endless sea, and dare to chase down the big demon with two people must be the strongest among the human race. Could it be that he is still so humble, without the slightest arrogance, which has won his respect.

Soon, both elves were riding the hippogryph. Monros also turned into the body of the dragon again, and Rollin was still sitting on the dragon's back. The three of them took off, and the dragon followed the hippogryph, flying all the way to the direction where Malinda was chasing the demon.

After flying for a while, Monrose felt that the Hippogryph was flying too slowly, so he simply grabbed the two of them with one claw, and said, Guide the way, and I will take you away.

Warren and Osin looked at each other, and could only point in the direction of the dragon's claws.

While showing the way, the two elves were also puzzled about the identities of the two reinforcements from the Starlight Continent.

Looking at the size of the flame dragon, he can't be the Dragon King, right? Warren asked softly.

It's very possible. I met the Green Dragon King once. Although there are some differences in appearance, the size difference is not much. Even if you don't count as the Dragon King, you must be one of the strongest in the flame dragon family! Ao Xin said.

What about the human warrior? Sward, have you ever heard of a strong human named this? Warren asked. The elves joined the allied army, and those elves who did not go to the Starlight Continent also followed the human race on another continent. Let's pay attention, let's not mention other details, the strong of the human race, the elves probably know it too.

For example, the missing Marshal Rowling, such as the paladin Joseph Martin, such as the sword master, such as the sword master of thorns who has just risen in recent years, the elves all know each other, but they have never heard of a man named Sward .

Looking at his appearance, I think he should be some hidden strong man who didn't join the war until recently, right? Ausin could only think so, otherwise he couldn't explain why such a strong man lost his reputation.

However, he still had a doubt in his mind. He vaguely seemed to have heard someone mention the word Sward, but the memory was very vague, and he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

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