Legendary Hero

557 Who Is Rising And Who Is Falling (33)

With a loud bang, the last section of the high magic wall of the Red Eagle sentry post collapsed, and the entire sentry post became ruins. There were stumps and broken arms everywhere on the ground, and some people still breathed a sigh of relief in agony. A demon's lower body was broken, and he was crawling towards his severed limb with the remaining strength, hoping to continue to live.

In the entire sentry post, no more than ten stood at the end, and one of them included the sentry commander who had already died in battle.

Of course the abyss lord Blogman was standing, but he didn’t feel well either. His body was covered with wounds, the originally smooth scales became tattered, and even half of the horn on his head was broken. There were several deep blood holes, almost showing the internal organs inside.

He stood in the middle of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, looking at all the soldiers who were killed, his big eyes burning with deep purple flames could not help but wrinkle.

'This is just the first sentry post, and eight hundred demons were killed in battle, and I even encountered several times of life-threatening. What about after that? What about those fortresses? ’ Blogman felt a little cold.

After a while, a dwarf walked up to him and said cautiously: My lord, after checking, these allied soldiers are equipped with at least two pieces of magic equipment, as you can see, their attacks are very sharp.

It is indeed very sharp. Blogman's horn was interrupted by a dwarf musketeer, which shocked him at the time. If he hadn't opened the magic shield in time, it is estimated that whether he can stand at this moment is a matter of doubt. question.

So much magic equipment they brought? Could this sentry be the super elite of the Allied army? Before the war, he had done an overview of the Allied army, and knew that magic equipment was very expensive, and it was impossible to equip the entire army.

The dwarf shook his head blankly: I don't know, my lord, when we clashed with the Red Eagle sentry before, they didn't have such good equipment!

‘Could it be that our plan has leaked and the other party is prepared? Blogman frowned. This time, he was not the only abyss lord who went north to attack, and he didn't even lead the main team.

In fact, there are more than 30 abyss lords in the demon army, and each of them leads thousands of warriors to the north, either in cooperation or alone, to break through the defense of the allies.

Originally, this plan should have gone smoothly, but now such a variable has appeared, which is really surprising.

Blogman's head is not suitable for thinking about these detailed tactics. After thinking about it, he only felt a pain in his head, so he didn't bother to think about it. Now his demon fighters are all dead, and he himself is seriously injured. Continue There was no point in going north, so he said to the remaining demon warriors: Kill all the guys who are still alive, don't leave a single one alive!

After finishing speaking, he saw the dwarf beside him hesitating to speak, he was furious, kicked the dwarf over, and kicked the dwarf more than 30 meters away. Fortunately, the body of the dwarf is very tough. It's all meat and vegetables, but Blogman didn't use his full strength, so his body is naturally fine.

Say what you want, don't dawdle with me! Brogman growled irritably. He felt ashamed and in a very bad mood after the battle ended in such a tragic way.

Enduring the physical pain, the dwarf said respectfully, My lord, this sentry must have sent someone to the Allied Fortress to the north. We are in this state. If we don't retreat immediately, we may not be able to leave in time.

Ah!!! This damned ant! Brogman roared, and then immediately turned and ran towards the south mountain forest, ordering as he ran: Set a fire and burn this sentry post!

The surviving demons all ran away when they saw the lord, and they were afraid in their hearts, so they didn't have the heart to carry out the order properly, threw a few fires at random, and then ran away.

A while after the demon left, a 'corpse' suddenly moved in the pile of corpses at the sentry post, and then sat up. The scar on his face was exactly Scarface.

Scarface's wounds were very severe. A huge scar stretched from his left shoulder to his right waist, almost splitting his body in half. But what was strange was that his wound had already healed, and there was not much bleeding. Although Scarface was pale, he seemed to be in good spirits, not like a flashback.

At first, Scarface still had a confused look on his face, but soon he came to his senses, turned his head and looked around, saw the corpses all over the ground, and reached out to touch his own wound, it hurt a little, but based on his experience Look, the injury is not serious.

What about me...my badge! Scarface looked at the brass badge of bravery hanging on his chest. This magic equipment completely lost its brilliance, and there were cracks on it, and there were faintly fragments of brilliance flowing out of it. , into your body.

The scene of the battle just now flowed into Scarface's mind, a Flo demon rushed towards him, his shield had been knocked down, and then the demon's claws cut into his body, he felt a burst of burning pain, and then Just fell to the ground, knowing nothing.

I see, it's the healing spell on the badge, it saved my life! Scarface understood.

At this time, he suddenly heard a gunshot not far away, and turned his head to see another soldier who looked like an officer sat up from the ground. He was distorted and deformed, but he was still alive. After he got up, he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and stood up tremblingly.

This is the second, then the third, the fourth, the fifth. . . . . . In the end, 30% of the officers who were given healing badges survived, and some soldiers were lucky enough to survive because of the shield technique on the brass rings.

Scarface soon found Kritov's body, but unfortunately he did not survive, his head was slashed, which is an incurable injury.

Alas~ Scarface sighed, got up, and closed the young man's staring eyes.

At this time, someone shouted in surprise: The commander is still alive, he still has a breath!

The surviving soldiers surrounded him, and Scarface also ran up. The commander's appearance was very tragic. His whole body was almost scorched by the dark magic, but he was still breathing and his heart was warm. Like other officers, he His magic emblem was also shattered, and it should be the healing technique contained in it that saved his life.

It's really a blessing from the gods.

Where is the blessing of the gods, it is obviously the badge that saved our lives. This is really a good thing.

Counting, there were more than 80 fighters surviving, but less than ten demons died. In comparison, their allies won the battle.

We can't stay here anymore, we have to go back to White Rock Fortress. A soldier said, his highest military rank was a major, and he was temporarily promoted to command according to the Allied military regulations.

The Red Eagle sentry post has been completely shattered. The soldiers who survived the war have no intention of staying in this ghost place. Everyone agrees with the major's order.

The fighters began to retreat north.

Almost at the same time, other abyss lords were also attacking the allied guard posts. Their purpose was simple, to break down the guard posts around the White Rock Fortress first, and then attack the White Rock Fortress.

This wave of offensive led by the abyss lord did not go smoothly. It was almost a replay of the battle at Red Eagle Watch. One unlucky abyss lord was even killed on the spot.

This wave of offensive only lasted for three days. Three days later, the guard posts around the White Rock Fortress suffered heavy losses, but correspondingly, the Dark Legion also began to withdraw to the south of the Davik Fortress to open their wounds due to the huge loss.

Obviously, the situation of the battle was beyond the surprise of the high-level officials of both sides.

Originally, both the Allied High Command and the Great Demon King in the south thought that the balance of victory would be in their favor, but no one expected that after some confrontation, it would still be an unbeatable situation.

The allied forces were temporarily unable to go south to attack the fortress defended by the demon legion, and the demon legion did not dare to go north again to suffer huge losses, and the two sides were once again in a stalemate.

But in comparison, the great demon king in the south is more anxious. The information he has now obtained is that the allied forces in the north have obtained an unknown method to manufacture magic equipment in large quantities.

The number of abyss lords he summons through the portal is limited. If the battle continues to fail, the news will spread to the abyss, and his summoning will become more and more difficult.

However, the opponent will accumulate more and more magic equipment. At that time, the advantages will continue to accumulate, and the quantitative change will change into a qualitative change. Every fighter has a variety of magic equipment blessings, so he will not be able to fight.

'This situation must be broken!' In Vendôme in the south, Barclay fell into deep thought.

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