Legendary Hero

Chapter 530 The Road to Glory (Second Update)

With less than three hours left, Luo Lin already felt a sense of exhaustion welling up in his body.

He turned his head and glanced at the patriarch who was coming with him, only to see that he looked worried, hesitant to speak, without asking, Luo Lin knew that his current physical condition was not optimistic, and he probably went to rest and fell asleep, Don't even think about waking up for three days.

Before resting, he had to make arrangements for Wild Wolf Fort.

Now, although he has successfully occupied Wild Wolf Fort, it is only by force, and there is still a long way to go before he can completely control this land.

Luo Lin didn't expect to be able to do this in less than three hours. All he had to do was to ensure that the Wild Wolf Fort and Bluestone Fort were in a stable state when he was resting.

There was a sound at the door of Zenith District, and it was Commander Dante who came over.

Behind him were several soldiers, who were escorting a gorgeously dressed **** and two teenagers aged thirteen or fourteen.

They are? Rollin asked.

Dante has already convinced Verandu, the new owner of the castle. They have been fighting against Wild Wolf Castle for six years. Standing in the zenith area of ​​Wild Wolf Fort.

Everything is afraid of comparison. The soldiers have their own judgments on the level of the castle master. The simplest and most practical criterion is whoever leads them to victory is a good castle master.

Undoubtedly, Verando at this time is a very outstanding castle master, worthy of their followers.

The commander gave a serious military salute to Verando, and then said: This is Ms. Peirenfeili, Wolfe's wife, and these are Wolfe's two sons, Mino and Mies.

Luo Lin nodded, with a noncommittal attitude, and his eyes looked at the middle-aged woman. The woman was frightened, her face was pale, her makeup was smeared, and her hair was messed up. Feeling Luo Lin's gaze, she lowered her head timidly. Dare to look at Luo Lin.

Luo Lin looked at the two teenagers again.

The older one is called Mino, he has a gloomy face and grits his teeth, but keeps his head down and doesn't speak. The younger one is called Mies, and he is more direct. Lin's gaze, he snorted heavily, as if to say: 'Kill me if you have the guts. '

There was no expression on Rowling's face, neither anger nor smile, he turned his head to look at Wolfe's manager Rhodes, a slight smile appeared on his face, and asked: Sir, what are you doing? How do you think I should deal with them?

The chief manager's face turned pale, and he complained in his heart, what does this matter have to do with him? Asking him this way, isn't this pushing him into the fire pit?

He was hesitant for a while, not knowing how to answer, after thinking for a long time, he stammered and said: Fortress...Fortress Master...

Hmph! Mies, who was the youngest, snorted again. He looked at Rhodes and said, Master, my father is your castle master!

Rhodes fell silent immediately, and beads of sweat burst out from his forehead. He could only bow to Luo Lin, his face was full of prayers, but he didn't know what to say.

He is indeed Wolfe’s manager, yes, but Wolfe is finished, Wolf Fort has also been occupied, the owner of the Zenith area is no longer Wolfe, he has to think about himself ah.

He has a family, sons and daughters. If he votes for the owner of Bluestone Castle, the loyalists of Wild Wolf Castle will definitely hate him to the bone, and maybe they will hire assassins to kill him. If you don't vote, and the new owner of the Blue Stone Castle is so young, if he plays a child's temper and kills him directly, will he be wronged?

Seeing his hesitation, Rowling easily guessed his concerns. If he wanted to control Wild Wolf Fort, he still needed this manager in a short time, because he knew the situation of Wild Wolf Fort best.

So he said: Don't worry about it. I have the final say on the current Wild Wolf Fort. If you satisfy me, you will still be the manager of the Wild Wolf Fort. Your wife, children, and parents can move to my Bluestone Castle with your family. I guarantee their safety.

After saying this, Rhodes felt relieved and hesitant. He gritted his teeth and said, Castle Master, my suggestion is to cut the weeds and root them out!

Rods, you traitor! the young Mies yelled, his mother's face was white, and the last trace of blood was gone, and his elder brother Mino clenched his fists, gnashing his teeth loudly.

Commander Dante also laughed, and said to Luo Lin: Castle Master, according to me, he was killed. We and the Murphys family are feuds!

Luo Lin still didn't make a statement, looked at the Patriarch beside him, and asked, Patriarch Terence, what do you think?

The patriarch was taken aback, he didn't expect Luo Lin to ask him for his opinion, it was an oracle that God's servants would not participate in politics and internal strife.

So he answered cautiously: Chapter 8 of the God of War classic says: An upright warrior never kills women and children, nor kills those opponents who surrender, unless the opponent belongs to the abyss of darkness and evil.

Luo Lin nodded: I must obey the admonition of the God of War. How about it, you three, if you are willing to submit to me, I will forgive you.

My Murphys family doesn't... Mino roared, but he was interrupted by his mother, Ms. Pei Lanfeili, after only half a sentence.

This middle-aged lady, who has not lost her charm, gave her son a hand, and then stepped forward to salute: You are our castle master.

Mother... Mino still wanted to argue, but was dragged by his brother again, and he didn't say any more.

Luo Lin saw all this, he smiled, and said: You made the right choice, Ms. Pei Lanfeili. But your son seems to be a little dissatisfied, you have to discipline them well. I give There is only one chance.

Ms. Pei Lanfeili immediately promised: I will, please rest assured, the castle master.

Okay. Luo Lin nodded, and said to Dante: You take them down. Set them up properly, and don't lack food and supplies.

Yes, castle master. Although he didn't agree with the castle master's approach, Dante would not object to such a trivial matter. He was well versed in the way of being an official in the army.

After finishing dealing with Wolfe's widow and son, Rollin said to the manager Rhodes: Although I chose to forgive, I still don't feel at ease with them. Manager, you have to educate them well in the future.

I will try my best, Castle Master. Rhodes found that he could not guess what the young Castle Master was thinking, but the other party's arrangement made him feel uncomfortable. It is conceivable that he will always belong to the Murphys family in the future As a traitor, he has to face the person he betrayed all the time. This feeling is really uncomfortable, but he has already taken this step, and he has no way to regret it, he can only accept it.

Okay. I'm going to give you a task now.

You say.

Luo Lin said slowly: I forgave the Murphys family, because I followed the teachings of the God of War, and I will continue to do so. You must let every resident of Wild Wolf Castle know that I am after the glory of the God of War, What I am pursuing is the path of glory of my father, Marshal Thales. You must let them know that I will never show my might to my fellow clansmen. This is my promise from Verandu. Don’t let the residents of Wild Wolf Castle misunderstand what I mean. .”

His voice was very slow and his pitch was not high, but when he said it after this almost miraculous victory, there was a calm force that shocked people's hearts.

Everyone in the Zenith District was silent, recalling the words of the young castle owner.

At this time, people remembered that the man in front of them was the son of Marshal Thales, and people suddenly remembered the glory of Marshal Thales back then, and remembered the passion burned by the human race when they fought against the abyss more than ten years ago.

The fiery glory, the flowing golden grace, and the rich land rewards have created brilliant heroes one after another.

But now, all that splendor is dying.

The marshal has fallen, but the heroes of the past and their descendants are fighting each other. The cause of the abyss has been abandoned, and the road ahead is shrouded in fog, making people see no hope.

Luo Lin's words allowed people to put aside their hatred and confusion for a while, and return to the hopeful years for a while.

Rhodes let out a long breath, only to feel that the lingering fear and insecurity in his heart disappeared, replaced by an uplifting passion, and he bowed deeply: I understand, Castle Master.

Let's do it. Luo Lin said gently.

Rhode strode away, his steps firm and powerful.

After he left, Luo Lin stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brow, and the Patriarch on the side immediately said: Castle Master, your injury has just healed, and now the overall situation is settled, why don't you rest earlier?

Luo Lin shook his head and said, It's just a minor injury, and there are some important things to do. Patriarch, I intend to go to the Temple of War God in Wild Wolf Castle to pray for three days and express my heart. What do you think?

The patriarch was startled, and then he saw Luo Lin's meaningful eyes, and suddenly realized that going to the Temple of War God to meditate was just an excuse, in fact, it was to heal his wounds.

He immediately said: Castle Master, you follow the teachings of the God of War, and the God of War will bless you. I will guide you.

Luo Lin nodded, left the Zenith area, got on a mechanical wheeled vehicle, and headed to the Temple of War. On the way, he finally ordered Nolan and Brighton to monitor the movement of Wolf Castle inside and outside.

Then, Luo Lin entered the Temple of War God.

Not long after, Supervisor Rhodes issued two announcements.

The main idea of ​​the first announcement is: the new castle master Verandu will follow the path of glory of his father, Marshal Thales, and enter the Temple of War to pray for three days to prove his determination.

The second is: Newcastle Lord Wilando followed the teachings of the God of War and pardoned Wolfburg Lord's wife and son, and the rest of the surrenders were not held accountable for their crimes, and those willing to join the army will continue to be recruited after inspection.

As soon as the two announcements came out, some rumors circulating in the market were immediately dispelled, and the Wild Wolf Castle, surrounded by an atmosphere of anxiety, was immediately relieved.

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