Legendary Hero

Chapter 519: A Mysterious Power (Second Update)

Kingdom of God of War.

Ellen's avatar appeared here, and she and Luo Lin were looking at the mortal city of Thales.

Who is the real murderer behind the murder of Thales? Allen was a little curious.

Although the situation in Thales City is becoming chaotic, she doesn't care about it. At this time, the human race is no longer a baby who has no ability to take care of itself and will die if you are not careful. It is already a giant, an adult , he will take care of his own affairs.

In fact, the population of the human race has exceeded 10 million, and the things in it are extremely complicated, and she has no ability to control them.

Luo Lin smiled and said, Keep watching, whoever controls Thales City in the end is the real culprit.

Allen smiled slightly, stood beside Rollin, and watched the development of the situation in Thales City together.

The mortal city of Thales.

On the second day after Thales was killed, a voice appeared among the people, which said: King Alwin of the North planned all this. He sent assassins to brutally kill the true king of the Kingdom of Gorok! '

Allen smiled: The real king will not be killed.

Thales had just announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Gorok, and was assassinated that day. Although the voice did not give any evidence, the statement was very reasonable, and immediately directed the anger of the general public in Thales City to the old King Alvin.

For a while, the public opinion in Thales City was directed at King Alvin, and the matter spread to the north, and even the people in the north thought it was their king who did it, because he had the most motivation to do it!

At this time, King Alvin was 68 years old. For the first generation of human race, this is an absolute longevity. He is too old to walk. God knows, even the news that Thales was assassinated. , Because he contracted some wind and cold two days ago, he spent two days and two nights in a coma. With such a body, why would he plan to assassinate him?

What's more, the Kingdom of Gorok is far away from Siegfors, and Thales and his Thales City are also very important to the kingdom. He wants to become king. Although Alvin is extremely displeased, he is not prepared to stop it. .

But he was unable to explain, nor was he able to plan a counterattack, he was too old.

No explanation is the default. This matter slowly settled down.

The people in the north couldn't understand the old king, and they all said he was old and confused. Although Thales was at fault, although he made himself king, he still garrisoned the south for the kingdom of Grayson and was the shield of the south of the kingdom. Kill him, and the south It's just stupid to make a mess!

The people didn't think about it, even the wise King Alvin couldn't think of a problem that they could easily think of?

Most people have been controlled by the panic brought about by the assassination of Marshal Thales.

The city of Thales in the south was also full of enthusiasm, and was led by a conspiracy behind it to completely resist the rule of the Grayson Kingdom.

The matter fermented for more than three months. General Gudanke, the most trusted adjutant of Marshal Thales during his lifetime, stood up and announced that he would rebuild the Golok Kingdom and complete the will of Marshal Thales. He proposed that the youngest son of Marshal Thales inherit throne.

But after a few days, Singer, the political officer of Thales City, jumped out.

He pointed out that Thales City needs a strong leader, not a child. Although the marshal is powerful, his son does not have this talent. At this time, the most suitable person to become a king is General Gudanke. This voice has received a lot of support. Facing the lizardman army in the south, there is no strong commander. No, everyone understands this truth.

Seeing this, Alan asked, Is it Gudanke?

It's him. Rollin shrugged his shoulders: Thales has made outstanding achievements in battle, but he is too independent, and Gudanke is willing to share his power. He secretly won the support of a large number of people.

This matter is influenced by the consciousness of the origin of the world. If God does not want to turn against the world, the best way is to watch from the sidelines.

Originally, this matter has already been settled so far, and Gu Danke will definitely become the new king in the end, but something happened unexpectedly.

Just when Gudanke thought the general situation was settled, a famous alchemist jumped out and pointed out a fact: A person was found next to the body of the lame Novi, and the identity of this person was confirmed. It was Gudan Dallas, an elite member of the Blood Rose Assassins under General Ke. The real murderer who assassinated the marshal was not His Majesty King Alvin, but Gu Danke!

The alchemist has a great reputation, and there are many forces of Thales behind him, the most powerful of which is another confidant of Thales, General Delgan.

This general has no ambitions and no great talents. His only advantage is that he is down-to-earth. He has gained the importance of Thales, and he is so loyal to Thales that he almost worships him. On the day Thales was killed, he secretly swore that he must find out the murderer and bring him to justice.

Now, he has done it!

Obviously, it is impossible for such a loyal general to Thales to recognize Gudanke as the new king of Gorok.

Seeing this, Alan heaved a long sigh: Gudanke and Dergan, as well as the confused civilians, the city of Thales is in chaos.

Both of them are generals in command, and they have a lot of cronies. Although Durgan is not as powerful as Gudanke, after he revealed the truth, a large number of loyalists of Marshal Thales gathered towards him, which made him stand up to Gudanke .

Neither side can do anything to the other, and a protracted confrontation is precisely the worst situation.

As for the origin of the world? In this civil war situation where no outsiders intervene, the original consciousness of the world will not interfere, and it will allow events to evolve freely according to the laws of the mortal world.

This evolution is actually the thinking process of the world. It may take longer, but it will definitely come to an optimal result. From this point of view, the origin of the world is very intelligent.

But from the eyes of the two gods, they both knew that it would be impossible to wait ten or twenty years for this matter to come to an end.

After ten or twenty years of infighting, the offensive against the lizardmen will be greatly slowed down, giving the opponent a huge breathing space, and the lizardmen will benefit in the end.

At first, both Rowling and Allen thought that this matter might turn around, but after the confrontation between the two generals lasted for half a year, Rowling first felt something was wrong.

Such a situation shouldn't have happened. He frowned.

What's wrong? Allen asked: The origin of the world is just a general consciousness. It operates on instinct, and it is normal to make mistakes. Didn't it want to expel us before?

No, no, it's not that simple. Luo Lin raised his head and said to the air, Intellect, I need detailed records of all the people involved in the assassination incident in Thales City.

This is Luo Lin's Kingdom of God. Luo Lin has the highest authority, and his words are the law. Images of mortals.

This image is recorded in great detail. Every move of every mortal has not been missed for 24 hours. From the moment he knew that Thales would die, Luo Lin ordered the brain to record it, because he knew it was very important. Important, if one gets it wrong, it may become a strategic turning point for the human race and the lizard people.

For God, on the basis of accelerating the burning of divine power, it is not difficult to observe the every move of more than a thousand mortals at the same time. After watching for a while, Luo Lin selected suspicious characters, and he set his sights on nine of them. personally.

These nine people have different identities, including an ordinary coachman, a garden maintenance worker at General Gudanke's house, and an equestrian coach for the son of Dergan.

Feiduosi is not a very important role in Delgan's account, but in the Thales incident, he only did one thing.

He accidentally discovered that the mercenary was the identity of Dallas, a member of the Blood Rose Corps, and he discovered it by accident.

Looking at this person, no, it was these nine people. Their behavior seemed normal, but for some reason, Luo Lin always felt a little strange. It seemed that there was a mysterious force guiding behind him.

Allen also discovered that it was impossible to directly observe every move of every mortal in the world with their divine power, but they have advantages. One is that they have been recognized by the origin of the world; Even at the expense of a lot of divine power.

As a result, these abnormal phenomena that should not have been discovered were exposed.

Who is interfering with the running of the world? Hircine? Rollin frowned.

The results of his observations told him that if there were no abnormal actions of those nine key figures at key points, the situation in Thales would have stabilized long ago, and General Gudanke would have become the new king of the Golok Kingdom at this time. Begin to lead the army to launch a new offensive against the lizardmen.

In this way, the impact of Marshal Thales' death was minimized.

As for General Delgan, his behavior is more like being kidnapped by morality, rather than voluntary. Because he learned the identity of the murderer... No, no, no, it should be said that because the identity of the murderer was revealed in full light, he, who had always been loyal to Marshal Thales, had no room for maneuver and could only stand up.

As long as this matter is somewhat ambiguous, with his mediocre talent and honest but smooth personality, he will never stand up as the top bird. The most likely thing for him is to choose to submit to the new strong man, that is, Gu Dan General gram.

But all this has gone awry.

No, it's not Hircine. Hircine doesn't have the means. If he interferes, the origin of the world will find out immediately, and then these nine people will die. The origin that has been invaded is extremely sensitive to the intervention of foreign gods.

Who could it be? Luo Lin felt a little cold in his heart. This kind of method is almost invisible. If he hadn't arranged it in advance, he wouldn't even be able to discover the strangeness in it.

Maybe we should ask the Lord God. Allen had obviously thought of a certain possibility.

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