Legendary Hero

Chapter 514 The world is waking up

Temple of Goddess of Life.

This is you? Luna Alan came to visit Luo Lin on a rare occasion. She looked at the brain separated by Luo Lin with a look of surprise.

A part of my soul, I reorganized it in the way of a virtual soul, and managed the godhead of the god of war on my behalf. Luo Lin was still thinking about his star meteor sword. The speed is constantly increasing, and the speed of his strength improvement has also accelerated a lot.

He is not a demon god like Hircine, his power basically comes from the power of faith, and he doesn't have to face the resistance of the world's origin, so these powers are completely under his control.

More powerful power represents stronger observation and manipulation ability, so he has made many breakthroughs in the improvement of Xingyun Sword. Although each breakthrough is small, it accumulates and accumulates into a tower.

In short, Luo Lin is very satisfied with the current progress.

He's already enjoying it.

You are really crazy. Allen commented on Luo Lin's recent behavior. She observed the brain suspended in a nearly two-meter-sized soul crystal. Soon, she discovered that the structure of this thing was extremely fine. Looking almost dizzy.

She was surprised, such a complex and delicate structure, if she was asked to analyze its principles one by one and reproduce them, it would probably take her a hundred years of patience.

When did you make this thing? It's at least a hundred times more complicated than Eve! Allen couldn't help asking.

You mean it? He wasn't made by me, but grown out by himself. Rowling made it up casually. To this day, he is also a god, and Alan can no longer read his surface consciousness.

How did it grow? Allen was very curious. A small part of the reason why she came here today was because she heard the prayers of the priests.

During the prayer, the priests implicitly made some requests, hoping that they would have the same abilities as the servants of the God of War.

Allen was very strange. She knew that Rowling hadn't cared about his God of War personality recently. Logically speaking, the believers in the Holy Land should not have any great development, but why did she feel that the God of War belief was becoming more and more influential? up? And what kind of ability would make her followers envious?

She went to find out for herself, but was shocked.

The situation in the Holy Land was normal, but those warriors who walked out of the Holy Land and entered the Land of White Mist to fight against the creatures of the abyss only recognized the priests of the Temple of War, and even the priests of the Goddess of Life were not recognized.

They only brought the priests of the God of War to fight in the abyss, because the priests of the Temple of War have the most powerful life-saving ability, almost twice that of other priests!

Allen was very curious. She really wanted to know how Rowling managed to accurately give the power to the servants to such an extent that he could even judge the exact value of the holy power needed to heal injuries for the servants.

One or two of this kind of thing is okay, but as far as she knows, there are more than 8,000 priests in the Temple of War, and every priest has similar abilities, which is a bit scary.

If her moon god wants to do the same thing, she must devote all her attention to responding to the believers, then she will become a slave of mortals completely.

Rowling was not surprised that Alan paid attention to his brain. He had already prepared an explanation, and took out a force light group and handed it to Alan: Look, this is a seed. I imitate life extension By controlling the external conditions, this seed will start to develop and grow like a tree seed, until it grows into a fully functional virtual soul.

Seed? Allen took the ball of light that Luo Lin handed over, and inspected it carefully. She felt that there was also an unusually fine structure hidden in it, and it was not something that would be understood in a short time. After looking at it for a while, she will The seed was thrown back to Luo Lin: Forget it, I'm too lazy to do these things. My number of servants is not too large, and I can handle it.

Maybe I can plant it for you. It only takes three years for it to grow into something similar. Luo Lin said kindly.

Forget it, don't bother. Allen refused without even thinking about it. Now it's not the past. In the past, Luo Lin was a mortal, and she could ask him to help at will. Now the other party is also a god. Although the divine power is not as concentrated as hers, but if If she had the heart to tamper with the seeds, her godhead might change owners without anyone noticing.

Allen would not do such a stupid thing to save future hidden dangers for such a little convenience. Although the possibility of Luo Lin's hands and feet is very low, but in the affairs of the world, no matter what the gods are, the only fear is that the opportunity is at hand. When the real opportunity comes, the real choice is often unexpected.

What's more, her priest is not without advantages, that is, her priest's healing technique is more effective, has fewer side effects, and can even relieve pain. Those rich people in the Holy Land pay more attention to the experience of healing, and they are more willing to choose Luna or Priests of the goddess of life healed their ailments.

Luo Lin then took back the seeds and said, You didn't come here just for this, did you?

Of course not. Allen shook her head. She looked at Rolin's constantly improving silver ball with a delicate structure that caused headaches, and asked, How's the power of the Meteor Sword?

Very strong. If someone can manipulate it to deal with me, it will definitely be a nightmare. I don't think there is a chance of a comeback. The power of the demon god Hircine is very large, but if someone can restrain his omnipresent power of the abyss, let If he exposes his body, I will destroy his body three times in one second.

Not bad, very good. Allen clapped his hands and praised. Today, this weapon has become the ultimate killer in their camp.

She began to talk to Luo Lin about the current situation in the abyss: Because of the unremitting efforts of those fanatical fighters, the range of the holy land has expanded to 1,500 kilometers. The number of experienced soldiers in the holy land has reached 200,000, and the gods The total number of participants has also reached 80,000. Recently, my apprentices have also developed a magic cannon with a barrel that is one meter thick, 15 meters long, and a range of 50 kilometers. I am thinking, should I speed up the Holy Land It's expanded.

Thirteen years have passed since the holy site was originally established, which is a generation for halflings.

During this period of time, the Holy Land condensed enormous power.

Rollin thought for a while, and he didn't directly express his opinion, but talked about the situation in the abyss: You know, Hirsin formed an army of lizardmen in the Land of White Mist. My messenger Thales and the lizardmen have already There have been four confrontations, and although they have won all of them, each battle has been very fierce. The strength of the Lizardmen army is not bad, and we haven't fully figured out their specific strength. Will it be too urgent to expand at this time? some?

This is indeed a problem. Allen nodded.

Rollin continued: Also, as far as I know, the lizardmen established a kingdom just like us, and they also hunted around powerful abyssal creatures, and even captured abyssal behemoths. Judging from the reports from the warriors, these The creatures of the abyss were not killed, but were enslaved and became the war machines of the lizardmen. I also looked at our firearms. Although the giant cannon you mentioned is powerful enough to kill the giant beasts of the abyss, it is inconvenient to move. I'm afraid it's not enough to form an absolute strategic advantage over the giant beasts of the abyss.

Although he has been researching and reminding the power of the Xingyun Sword, he has not let go of his concern about the situation in the abyss.

Most of the priests who enter the Land of White Mist today are his servants, and most of the soldiers are his followers. These servants are his eyes. Therefore, when it comes to understanding the Land of White Mist, Allen, even Even the goddess of life is inferior to him.

What do you mean? Allen asked.

There is an upper limit to the power that Hircine can condense. At most, it can only gather all the giant beasts of the abyss. Now that there are powerful cannons, the Holy Land is not enough to attack, and the defense is always not afraid. But our power has almost no upper limit. , It’s only been 13 years now, and we have an advantage against the Lizardman, if another 13 years, or even 50 years pass, then we will definitely be able to win against him with a huge strategic advantage!”

The reason for this is very simple, because whether it is the abyss giant beast or the lizardman, their power is closely related to the power of the abyss. Without the addition of the corrosion power of the abyss, the power of these two powerful men will be greatly reduced. But the power of the abyss is actually limited, it is the force of the world devoured by Hircine.

But the human race is different. The source of the power of the human race is not the holy power transformed by Allen, but a mechanical tool evolved by the rules of the world. It uses the power of the world's owner. The source of this power is the entire world, which is far larger than Hircine's control.

The machinery continues to develop, and the scale continues to increase. It is only a matter of time before the power of the abyss controlled by Hircine is surpassed.

Allen was silent, thinking about Rowling's words.

Rollin added: Now, this amazing guy, Time, is our ally. The longer he stands with us, the more obvious our advantage will be.

This sentence made Allen make up his mind. She admitted what Rowling said, and put away her thoughts of fighting to the death with her opponent: Let's wait until these believers make an airship similar to goblins.

I'm afraid that Hirsine will not be able to wait and take the initiative to attack. Luo Lin reminded, if he is not allowed to do those repetitive and trivial tasks, when there is no accumulation of negative emotions in his mind, his mind will be Very easy to use. Having experienced Godhood, Luo Lin paid great attention to avoiding his own personality weaknesses.

Now, after dispelling the negative emotions in his mind, his mind is sober and terrifying.

What he used was all conspiracy, moving forward step by step. It seemed that there was no sharp murderous intent, but he was pushing the opponent into a desperate situation step by step. No matter what he did in this game in the Land of White Mist, he would definitely lose.

Take the initiative to rush into the Holy Land to attack? Allen was taken aback, then smiled: If he is willing to give it a go, I welcome it very much.

Outside of the Holy Land, human warriors can defeat the Lizardmen, let alone within the Holy Land?

After making a plan, everything went according to the plan, the wheel of time rolled forward, and ten years passed in a flash. At this time, Luo Lin already had a divine power level of 51.

On an ordinary day, when he was improving the Xingyun Sword as usual, there was a sudden huge shock in the Holy Land, followed by the ubiquitous brilliance belonging to Allen in the Holy Land, which began to dissipate rapidly.

Luo Lin was taken aback, and immediately retracted the Xingyun Sword. He entered the interior of the Xingyun Sword. After a short while, the weapon began to close, transforming into an extremely smooth ball, and began to lift into the air.

Immediately afterwards, light appeared on the surface of the sphere, and countless fine divine lines emerged. After a moment, the lines turned into a dense golden-red light, and the Xingyun Sword officially entered the fighting state.

But at this moment, Allen came over.

What's going on? Luo Lin asked anxiously.

Allen is also talking about this: This is an accident. The expansion of the Holy Land has touched the origin of the world hidden in the center of the earth. It is resisting me, and I am returning the control of the force of the Holy Land.

Only boycotting you? Luo Lin asked anxiously.

No, the demon god Hircine will also be affected in the same way. I feel that the world is waking up, and the original consciousness of the world is urging me to return the original force scattered in the air...it has begun to rob.

The original consciousness of the world is a kind of pan-consciousness. It has no individual consciousness, no personal emotion, and it will not bargain with others. If it refuses to return it, it will be defined as an enemy.

Allen didn't resist, and kept letting go of her control over the force in the Holy Land, she said something meaningful.

The age of mortals has begun.

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