Legendary Hero

395 Soldiers' Taunting Skills (23)

Kachacha! There was a deafening thunder, and a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the sky and the earth as bright as snow.

The sky is densely covered with thick dark clouds that cannot be seen, and the clouds rotate slowly and irresistibly. The dull thunder rolls continuously in the clouds, and white lights flicker in it from time to time. Those with good eyesight can see a small figure floating in mid-air in the sky, bright flames are constantly being born from his hands, and bright lightning is rushing past him, hitting the bandit camp below .

Explosions continued to be heard from the bandit camp, and the flames everywhere lit up the sky red.

This scene is like the end of the world, and that figure is the god of doomsday.

This is the terrifying power of the great magician!

Drive! Drive! The coachman kept whipping his whip, urging the horses pulling the cart to run wildly. The wheels hit the stones on the ground with a clang and clank, and the carriage was extremely bumpy.

In the fast-moving carriage, Eru stared fixedly at the distant sky, a pair of dark blue eyes unblinking, reflecting the constantly flickering electric light.

He knew that the battle in the camp was still going on, and his guards were still fighting desperately with that terrible great magician, fighting for him, but there was nothing he could do.

This scene was deeply imprinted in the depths of his heart, Eru hated his own weakness like never before. He clenched his fists and swore inwardly: Luo Lin, I will not let you down, never! I must survive, and I will definitely become a great city lord!

Not to mention the shock in Eru's heart, in the bandit camp that had become a sea of ​​flames, Rowling was desperately avoiding the attack of the great magician.

The cloud-pattern sword in his hand is dragged upside down, and the tip of the sword is in contact with the ground, like a lightning rod. Whenever lightning strikes, the strong current will be immediately drawn into the ground by the sword in his hand, thus ensuring Luo Lin is safe and sound.

Because of this, Rollin couldn't jump up and attack his opponent, because in mid-air, he couldn't avoid the terrible lightning strikes from the dark clouds.

Thanks to the cloud pattern sword, this legendary weapon has an extremely high melting point. Even if it is struck by lightning continuously, the only change is that the temperature is higher.

The power of the magician in the sky seems to be endless. In addition to the lightning, there are also hot and explosive fireballs, and there are still elusive stone hands appearing on the ground. These attacks did not stop, they were always forcing him. As long as Luo Lin was negligent and was hit by any attack, he would be overwhelmed by the opponent's continuous follow-up attacks.

This was definitely the most thrilling battle Luo Lin had experienced in his life. During the fifteen-minute battle, he could not make any mistakes, because once he made a mistake, he would die!

Huh! Another incandescent fireball with a diameter of nearly one meter was generated in the opponent's hand, and then it was thrown down at high speed, 'Boom! ’ There was a loud noise, and the fireball exploded beside Luo Lin less than a second later, and the scalding air wave caused Luo Lin to rush forward three steps.

Huh? Luo Lin was slightly taken aback. He sensed that something was wrong. The opponent's strength was not as strong as it was at the beginning. Every blasting fireball he cast in succession before could push him a little more than three steps, but the power of this fireball was weakened. up.

This discovery made Luo Lin secretly happy. From this point of view, even if the great magician can control the power of the environment to attack him, there is still a limit, and this limit is still within the range he can bear.

Now it seems that the other party is already tired!

In the sky, the great magician Russell frowned. The opponent's strength was far less than his, but this guy was extremely slippery, making all his attacks fall into useless fireworks. It had huge power but did not hurt. to the opponent.

After casting another explosive fireball, Russell felt his head tense, knowing that this was a sign of excessive consumption of power. He glanced at the opponent on the ground, gritted his teeth, turned around decisively, and headed towards the young master of Lionheart City who was running away. direction to chase.

It doesn't matter whether the guard is killed or not, the most important thing is that Eru must die!

He turned and left, and there was a mocking sound from the ground: Russell, what, you want to run?

This kind of low-level provocation was useless to him, Russell completely ignored it and continued to fly.

But the samurai kept getting up, and there were constant curses coming from the ground behind him.

Don't run! Stop for me! Bastard, coward, get out of here!

A soft bastard without an asshole would pick some guys who don't know martial arts to bully. Does a great magician only know how to sneak attack?

I don't think you have any skills other than setting fire. Your head must have been broken by the donkey! Do you know why it was broken? Because the thick donkey stabbed your mouth and hit your head!

... This is really too ugly to scold, Russell stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at his opponent chasing him on the ground, and laughed coldly: You think you can change that by saying that? What I think? A joke, let me tell you. Tonight, the young master of Lionheart City will definitely die. He will die very badly. Earth electricity turns into coke!

Do you have the ability to do it? Don't talk to me so fast, I want to see if your magic is stronger or my sword is sharper! Luo Lin stood on the ground, holding the sword in his hand and roaring.

Hey, childish! Look, you are a snake coiled in the mud, and I am an eagle soaring in the sky, you have nothing to do with me! Russell turned his head and continued to chase Elu's carriage .

As soon as he left, the curses started again.

Aoxiang fart, if you like to be a flat-haired beast, go for it, don't pull me. Let me tell you, I am an upright swordsman, and I never retreat from battle. I have nothing to do with a coward like you with a head in his crotch. Essential difference!

Russell took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, yes, anger, he just came to carry out the order of the city lord at first, and he didn't have much disgust for Eru and his guards, but now, he feels that he hates That samurai on the ground is very annoying!

I'll see how you laugh when I kill Elu and complete the mission! He gritted his teeth and continued to fly.

After flying for a while, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and after a slight start, he found that the scolding was gone.

Almost at the same time, there was a whistling wind behind him, Russell was shocked, and instinctively defended: Resist the halo!

Boom A translucent force field appeared around his body, pushing away anything close to his body.

As soon as the magic came out, he immediately felt that his magic had hit something. When he turned his head to look, he saw a figure, which turned out to be a warrior on the ground. middle.

The opponent was pushed forward by the resisting force of magic, but the sword in his hand began to emit a dazzling light.

The opponent's attack was too sudden. Russell, who was trying his best to resist the opponent's charge, had no energy left to cast new magic, and his eyes showed horror.

The next moment, a willow leaf-like radiance like water floated out of the sword in the opponent's hand. Russell knew that this was some kind of combat technique, composed of magic power, but his resistance halo could only take effect on materialized objects .

At this moment, Russell made a decision. He decisively canceled the resistance halo, and at the same time cast a new magic: the crystal barrier.

A wall of light composed of regular hexagonal crystals appeared in front of him, rapidly expanding.

With a muffled sound of 'bang', the crystal barrier blocked the opponent's combat skills in the nick of time. It suddenly lit up, and bright lines like hairsprings flowed out along the regular hexagonal lines. This was the energy it dissipated.

The opponent's combat technique was successfully resolved by him, but the opponent also took the opportunity to rush in front of him, and the sword in his hand slashed towards his throat.

The horror in Russell's eyes turned to despair.

Although the opponent's previous combat skills were strong, without the support of follow-up forces, it would be safe to block the highest peak attack, but this time it was the opponent's sword, and the attack power of this sword was much stronger and more terrifying than the combat skills.

The most taboo thing for a magician is to let the opponent's weapon close to his body. Once this happens, the best result is that both sides will suffer!

Russell was startled, and with a thought, there was an explosion in the dark clouds of the sky, and a bolt of lightning slashed straight at the opponent. At this time, the opponent's sword had already cut to the bottom of his neck.

He felt a chill in his neck, and almost at the same time, he saw the arm-thick lightning strike the opponent's head.

In the last moment of consciousness, he saw his opponent's clothes on fire, and his whole body rolled stiffly and fell from the sky.

Hey, the task is not completed... Russell sighed inwardly, his eyes darkened, and he lost consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Lin also fell to the ground. At the final juncture, his body recovered some strength from the numbness struck by the lightning, and he used the wind fighting skill again, slightly reducing the falling speed, and then 'bang' 'He fell to the ground with a heavy sound, and his body suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if his whole body was split open.

‘Mother, this great magician is really difficult to deal with. Luo Lin let out a long breath, he was fine, just suffered some trauma, but the great magician was not so lucky.

Lying on the ground, looking at the headless corpse that fell beside him like a broken kite, Luo Lin chuckled, then struggled to get up from the ground, and began to check his injuries.

The hair is gone, it was burned by the lightning. There is a little pain in the ribs on the back, and the bone is probably broken... Wait. Luo Lin noticed something was wrong: I was shocked, it hurts a lot. It hurts, but there seems to be a little more dragon essence.

Yes, it did increase, and the intellectual brain came up with an accurate result later: The total amount of dragon essence has increased by 0.1%.

This... Could it be that he is being used as a humanoid lightning rod?

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