Legendary Hero

387 Which Path Do You Choose? (33)

Ten days later, the ship arrived at the Starlight Continent, and the port of anchorage was Vendome in the later generation. Of course, at this time, the Starlight Continent was called 'Stallet', which means 'the land illuminated by the stars', while the later Vendome was called 'Isenburg' at this time, and the owner was the Kuratis family.

In ancient times, basically a big family owned a city, and a smaller family owned a fort. The one thing these cities and fortresses have in common is that they have strong military forces. While these forces can guarantee the interests of the family, they can also provide protection for the civilians who come to the vassals and the businessmen who come to invest, and protect them from wild beasts in the wilderness. and the infestation of robbers.

Although nobles are high above and powerful, they dare not over-exploit civilians in a continent full of cities and fierce competition, and must pay attention to their own reputation. Otherwise, businessmen would not come to invest, commoners would not sincerely vassalize, the city would soon decline, and the family would naturally not last long.

Like later generations, the city of Isenburg is also very prosperous, and it is the largest city in Starlite Continent, with a population of nearly two million people.

As the owner, the Kuratis family is also one of the few families on the mainland that has the ability to build ocean-going ships. For example, the Fountain Goddess that Elu is riding on was built for the Eastern Empire Company by the Azure Giant Shipyard to which Kuratis belongs. Yes, it is said that one ship costs hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

Facing such a big family, Eru, the young lord of a small city in the middle of the country, of course doesn’t have to go to see him, and he might not respond to him if you go to see him. He will probably just send an office officer to receive you at will, so Eru is too lazy to take it upon himself. humiliated.

After getting off the boat, because Eru and Lan Watson did not go the same way, the two groups separated. In order to ensure Ailu's safety and prevent his investment from failing, Lan Watson specially selected 30 quite skilled warriors from the business branch in Isenburg to accompany Ailu to protect his safety.

Naturally, the woman Wei Qi also followed Elu.

Elu was very cautious, and when everyone arrived, he solemnly ordered: You all remember, don't call me the young master after you go ashore, and don't reveal my identity. This place is more than two thousand kilometers away from Lion Heart City. I will quietly Go back, do you understand?

He is still wary of his stepmother.

Understood. Luo Lin, Juta and others responded together.

These days, Luo Lin and Juta, the guards, were getting acquainted, and the other party still looked down on him, but they didn't show it obviously. Usually, he would discuss things with Luo Lin, and Luo Lin was already satisfied if he could reach this level. He never expected that such a warrior of the Force could sincerely admire him now.

More than thirty people, among them Elu and Wei Qi sat in a hired carriage, and Luo Lin and other guards rode horses. After replenishing supplies at the Isenburg pier, they set off directly. It took half a day to leave Isenburg. In the evening, it was more than 80 kilometers away from Isenburg.

This place still belongs to Isenburg's sphere of influence. In order to show his powerful force, Isenburg issued a clear decree a hundred years ago, stipulating that no bandits should appear 100 kilometers away from Isenburg, otherwise they will be killed.

More than a hundred years have passed, and this point has been implemented very well, so although this place is already in the wilderness, it should still be very safe.

Of course, the basic defense still needs to be sufficient. Before the sun set, Luo Lin led some guards to start building tents and setting up defenses.

In this regard, Luo Lin has a wealth of experience. He led the guards to cut wood, sharpened the thigh-thick wood and stuck it upside down on the ground in a circle around the camp, and then dug some easy-to-use traps. In the end, Luo Lin arranged rotating sentry posts in various key corners. Everything was done in an orderly manner, quickly and well. In less than an hour, a well-guarded camp was set up, and the guard Juta was dumbfounded.

Have you learned it before? Juta couldn't help asking curiously.

I have been a mercenary for many years, and the captain of the mercenary team has also been for more than three years. Luo Lin chewed a grass stalk, because in the wilderness, weeds were overgrown around him, so as not to cause a fire, he Rare no smoking.

To be able to achieve your level, you should have some reputation as a mercenary captain. Juta asked. It's not that he has never seen mercenaries, but few can be like Luo Lin.

Hey, it's all in the past. Luo Lin didn't want to tell a lie again, anyway, it was enough for Eru to know.

Juta didn't ask any more questions. After getting along for so many days, he knew that if the smoker didn't want to say anything, no matter how much he asked, there would be no result.

After a moment of silence, he asked again: Do you think our journey will be safe?

I don't know. Luo Lin didn't bother to say these meaningless nonsense. He spat out the grass stem in his mouth on the ground, then took a sip of wine, and wandered towards the bonfire in the middle of the camp. The half-baked roasted rabbit legs started to gnaw.

At this moment, the sun has set and the sky is already very dark.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Luo Lin's eye, he saw Weiqi, a woman, coming down from the side of Elu's carriage. She greeted the guards of the two trading houses, and walked to the stream outside the camp, looking at her holding the She looked ready to get dressed, she should be going to take a bath in the creek.

Since the arrival of this woman, Wei Qi, Elu has been sticking to her all day long. In the beginning, the two of them had to fight at least six times a day. After going on for three days, Luo Lin couldn't stand it any longer, and found a chance to remind Wei Qi, so that Elu, a first-time brother who had just tasted human affairs, was not exhausted. But even so, these two people still maintain the level of two shots a day. Now Wei Qi is going to take a bath in the creek, probably because of too much sex in the carriage.

In short, this woman has firmly grasped Ailu in her hands. It is estimated that she will ask Ailu to fuck her at this moment, and Ailu will do it without hesitation.

It’s definitely not going to go on like this. The gentleness of the country will dissipate people’s ambitions. In this way, Eru will definitely not be the lord of the city. This is not in line with Luo Lin’s plan to use the power of Eru to solve the problem of derivative magic. After thinking about it, he whispered to the sitting Juta beside him said: The young master has been obsessed with women recently. This is not a good thing. I'm going to meet that woman. Help me keep an eye on the young master and don't let him know about it, okay?

Juta, the guard, is not very capable, but after so many days of observation, he is absolutely loyal to Eru, and he has no discernment, as long as the young master is involved, he is trustworthy.

In fact, Juta has long been blind to what Master Elu has done these days. Hearing what Luo Lin said, he took it for granted: It is true that this cannot go on, but the young master will definitely not be happy if he knows this, otherwise I come?

When he said this, murderous intent appeared in Juta's eyes. Obviously, he mistakenly thought that Luo Lin was going to kill the woman. In this era, killing a woman who is a slave is not a crime at all. With his status as a family guard, Eru can't blame him at all.

Luo Lin was startled, then shook his head: It's not that far yet. I'm going to warn her. If she doesn't listen, we'll find an opportunity to deal with her, such as letting her die at the hands of some bandit.

Juta thought for a while and thought it was okay, so he nodded and said: You go, I will show you the young master.

Luo Lin got up, walked into his tent, and then sneaked out from behind the tent, avoiding the eyes of the North Valley caravan guards, and sneaked out of the camp.

After making a circle outside the camp, he saw the two guards who had followed Wei Qi out of the camp. After all, these two guards were men. Wei Qi was taking a bath. Of course, it was impossible for them to protect him at close range. After all, Wei Qi is already another person. A noble young master's woman, they want to avoid suspicion.

The level of these two people is good, roughly equivalent to a thirty-level elite fighter, which is enough to deal with the bandits in the wild, but it is not enough for Luo Lin.

Nearly half a month later, the dragon essence and legendary heart in Luo Lin's body recovered a little. Without activating the anger state, his strength reached 550, far exceeding the 200 level of these two fighters. Very easily, he bypassed the guards and dived to the creek.

By the stream, Weiqi was about to take off her clothes, Luo Lin dashed up diagonally, light as a civet cat, fast as lightning, he got behind her, covered the woman's mouth, dragged her into the stream.

The water in the stream was not deep, and it reached about Luo Lin's waist. Once in the water, Luo Lin dragged Wei Qi to squat down, and then whispered in her ear: If you don't want to die, don't cry.

Wei Qi is a smart woman, she already knew who was behind her, she nodded slightly to show that she understood. Luo Lin then let go of her mouth, but the other hand did not relax, clenched into a fist, and pressed against the back of the woman's heart under the water, as long as she had any abnormal movements or any surge of magic power in her body, he would Kill him with one punch.

Do you know why I came here? Luo Lin hid himself in the water behind Weiqi, only showing his head, so that even if the two guards peeked, they could only see Weiqi alone in the creek.

I know, it's because of Master Elu. Weiqi nodded, her voice full of grievances: You don't want me to be with him, do you?

She is as beautiful as jade, as gentle as water, and is so delicate that she is pitiful. If that noble boy, Elu, was there at this time, he would definitely have an infinite desire for protection. If it were an ordinary man, his heart would definitely soften at this time, and he would Giving Wei Qi a chance to turn defeat into victory, this woman knows how to use her advantage very well.

Now, as long as she can get away from Luo Lin's side and yell rape or something, then Luo Lin will be as yellow as mud.

But this time Wei Qi miscalculated, the opponent's attitude did not show any sign of softening, the fierce murderous intent was still ready to explode at any time, which stimulated her heart to pound wildly, and she did not dare to have the slightest thought.

I can't see through him. Lan Watson's words rang in her mind, and at this moment, Wei Qi really understood why Lan Watson said that.

This warrior is terrifying to the extreme!

Luo Lin sneered, and asked bluntly: What method did Lan Watson use to control you? Did he control your family? Did he sign a soul contract with you? Or did he use some kind of poison on you?

Wei Qi was stunned again, feeling the magical fluctuations in the fist on the back of her heart, she knew that as long as she made a wrong reaction, she would be killed.

It's poison. She said it without any concealment: The soul contract can't be hidden from Lord Lionheart. And I was an orphan since I was a child, and I have no family.

What poison? Luo Lin asked.

It's a very complicated alchemy formula. There is no antidote, only potions that relieve the poison. If I don't obey, my body will slowly start to rot. I won't die until my bones rot.

The lady of the castellan or the puppet of a merchant, which one do you choose? He knew that Wei Qi was a smart woman, and there was no need to beat around the bush when talking to smart people.

I'm a slave, even if Elu promises me, I can't be his wife.

When she said this, Luo Lin could feel inferiority and expectation from her tone. This woman hoped that she could live that kind of life, but the worldly concept restrained her from thinking that way. Extremely poisonous, she can only be controlled by Lan Watson.

I said you can, you can! Now, tell me, which one do you choose? Luo Lin's fist loomed. He didn't look at the other party's specific answer, but observed the other party's reaction. If he didn't think this woman was worth cooperating with, he'd kill her right here on the spot.

Madam of the mayor! Wei Qi replied without the slightest hesitation: Elu is very nice, I don't want to harm him, but my poison...

Your poison is not a problem. Luo Lin chuckled. He still had Lu Fei's spirit heart, which is a legendary magic weapon for detoxification.

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