Legendary Hero

372 The Power Of The Magnificent Dragon (24)

Thinking about it carefully, Eru is indeed very strange. He has a long lifespan, can control the force, can see the flaws of his dragon essence at a glance, and can help him repair it.

This can't be explained by a single sentence of being well-informed. Luo Lin felt that this Eru might have carefully studied the dragon before.

But he also said that he didn't know the giant dragon, at least he had never heard of the term Dragon Clan. Aside from the possibility of him lying, Rowling thought it was probably because the term Giant Dragon did not exist in the era before Eru was exiled.

But as far as Luo Lin knows, the giant dragon has a long history. In the war of light and darkness ten thousand years ago, the giant dragon once participated in the battle, which is well documented in history.

So after making such an inference, Luo Lin was surprised to find that the lifespan of this Elu is very likely to be more than ten thousand years.

‘Tsk tsk, this is really an immortal existence! Luo Lin couldn't help being amazed. Vianna lived to be more than three hundred years old, and Luo Lin felt incredible. He didn't expect that there was a ten thousand year old monster here.

It is a great achievement in itself for a life to live for such a long time, and to be able to do this, this Elu must have been an unworldly genius in his time.

Who the hell is this guy? Luo Lin was puzzled, he still knew too little about the secrets of this world.

Longevity is a doubt, and there is another oddity.

It's fine for Elu to help him repair the dragon's body, but the repaired body is far from perfect, and even only has three dragon talent skills, and no other magic.

This gives Luo Lin the feeling that this dragon body is like a toddler. If you describe it from the perspective of mechanical products, it is the first generation machine that has not yet been perfected.

Could it be that Elu is the ancestor of the dragon, the first batch of civilized ancient ancestors in Vianna's mouth? Luo Lin finally came to such a conclusion.

This conclusion is a bit shocking, but there is no way to prove it, unless Rowling directly asks Eru.

He simply didn't think about it. From now on, this Eru didn't have any malice towards them, and he didn't intend to talk about his past. If that's the case, why should he pursue it.

Learning to fly matters.

Luo Lin started to flap his wings again. This time, his heightened senses allowed him to feel the changes in the airflow.

His body successfully levitated, hovering 50 meters above the sea, although he still stumbled, but this time, Luo Lin maintained it and did not fall into the sea.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, it has been levitating for more than half an hour. Luo Lin felt that he was much more proficient in controlling the airflow. The strength of the wings.

'Boom~' The strong wings set off a huge airflow, and the sea water below was blown away to both sides. Luo Lin also got a huge lift, and the whole person rushed into the sky like an arrow.

This violent action caused Luo Lin to lose his balance all of a sudden, and his body began to roll uncontrollably in the sky, but this time, he did not fall into the sea. After falling tens of meters, he felt There was an updraft, the wings spread rapidly, shook a few times, finally successfully caught the airflow, and began to glide in the air.

'Phew~' Luo Lin breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down his movements, let his mind go, and focused on feeling the flow of the airflow. He tried not to flap his wings as much as possible, and just flew along the airflow.

After flying like this for a while, a turbulent air flow suddenly appeared in front of him, which disrupted Luo Lin's rhythm. His whole body suddenly rolled in the air, and no matter how much he flapped his wings, he couldn't save him.

Boom! With a sound, his body hit the sea surface heavily from a height of hundreds of meters, setting off huge waves.

When everything calmed down, Luo Lin found a sharp pain in his wings. He turned his head and saw that one wing was broken and he was lying on his back twisted.

Wisdom brain, can it be repaired? Luo Lin asked.

Yes, the estimated time is five hours. The bone structure of the wings is not perfect, and stress concentration is prone to occur. The bone material is not strong enough. It is recommended to fine-tune and strengthen during the repair process. Zhinao replied.

Okay, you can modify it. Luo Lin took a deep breath, stretched his body, and let himself lie on the surface of the sea.

It is recommended to refer to the goblin material when modifying the bone strength. Do you refer to it? Zhinao asked.

According to the optimal design, there is no need to ask. Luo Lin released the authority, and then felt a little strange: Intellect, why did you think of asking me?

In the past, Zhinao was determined to go his own way, so he would not be consulted for his opinion.

It has detected the change of the intellectual brain's authority, and only has the second authority for the current new body. The intellectual brain replied faithfully. Needless to say, seeing his respect, the first authority is naturally Luo Lin, which makes Luo Lin very satisfied.

The repair and strengthening of the wings began, and Luo Lin felt a tingling sensation in his wings, and at the same time, the distorted wings began to slowly return to their normal shape. During this process, Luo Lin felt the flow of the dragon essence.

Intellect, how can you manipulate the essence of the dragon? Rowling remembered that it couldn't even feel the Force. In the extreme north, it couldn't feel the existence of the demigod Elsa Lin at all.

The intelligent brain has a self-learning program, and all materials are based on the host's perception.

Oh, not bad. Luo Lin was very satisfied, which saved his boss a lot of effort.

Taking advantage of the time to repair the wings, Rowling was not idle. He began to try to sense every muscle in his body, trying to achieve more proficient control. During this focused practice, five hours flew by.

The repair is complete, the bone strength is increased by 5%, and the structure tends to be perfect.

Luo Lin flapped his wings, and he really felt much lighter and more agile. With a sudden flap of his wings, he easily lifted his heavy dragon body into the air again.

He started working hard again.

At the beginning, he was still in a bit of a mess, failing from time to time and falling into the sea, but the dragon's body has unlimited vitality and extremely strong endurance. Even if he keeps training and flying, he doesn't feel too tired.

This training lasted for a day and a night. By the afternoon of the second day, Luo Lin could already fly in the sky relatively freely. It was not until this time that he really experienced the beauty of dragon flying.

Soaring to ninety thousand miles, this kind of exaggerated description is really very appropriate for the giant dragon.

The strength of the body of Luo Lin, a young dragon, is overwhelming. When flying, as long as he flaps his wings with all his strength, he will easily break through the speed of sound the moment the thrust appears and enter a state of silence.

If he continued to flap his wings at this time, he would continue to accelerate in the silent realm, reaching an unimaginable speed.

According to Brain Intelligence's calculations, at extreme speed, Rowling's body reaches 2.3 times the speed of sound, which can meet Elu's speed requirements.

Of course, if he keeps at extreme speed, even with the stamina of a giant dragon, he will feel his physical strength exhausted rapidly. The task requires half an hour, so he probably has to grit his teeth to persist.

'It's a daunting task. ’ Luo Lin sighed, and continued to practice his flying skills in the air.

With a sudden flap of his wings, the air around his ears exploded, entering the speed of sound. Due to the high speed, a faint liquid air appeared on the leading edge of his wings, and the sea surface was receding at high speed under his body, all of which made Luo Lin's heart burst with pride.

'Roar~~~~' Can't help but let out a dragon roar, which is a talent skill: the roar of the dragon!

Immediately, extremely obvious transparent sound ripples spread out centered on Luo Lin and hit the sea surface, causing the sea water to turbulent. The voice spread out again, and it didn't disappear until dozens of kilometers away.

It flapped its wings fiercely again, and passed at a high speed less than 50 meters above the sea surface. Immediately, the wild air current blasted a huge chasm nearly 100 meters wide and more than ten meters deep on the sea surface.

Seeing the huge waves surging in the sea due to his own strength, Luo Lin couldn't help but let out a long cry, something seemed to be boiling in his chest, almost instinctively, he used the frost breath.

An ice storm like a high-pressure water flow spewed out from his mouth, flew over a distance of more than 50 meters, and rushed to the sea surface.

His flying speed is so fast, but within a second of breathing out, the sea surface that is hundreds of meters long is frozen. Beyond the sea of ​​ice, the frost is still extending and stretching, and the sea surface with a radius of nearly one mile has become a sea of ​​ice. .

It turns out that this is the power of the giant dragon, it is really epic and magnificent.

On the surface of the sea, both Selena and Babaran have arrived, and they are floating on the surface of the sea watching the giant dragon soaring in the sky.

They have adapted to their bodies, they can transform into swordfish, and they are fast in the sea, but compared with Rollin's dragon, they are nothing.

Looking at the giant dragon in the sky, Babaran was a little puzzled: Why does the dragon body of Marshal look a little different from the green dragon in the Emerald Forest?

One of the two sides is the Frost Dragon and the other is the Emerald Dragon. Of course, their appearances are different, and of course Babaran knows this. But at such a long distance, such a small difference in appearance is not obvious at all. The difference he felt was in terms of aura, which was different anyway.

Selena curled her lips: Of course it's different. How old is the marshal? How old are those green dragons in their prime? One is full of sharpness and forge ahead, and the other is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. , can this be the same?

She also added in her heart, besides, the giant dragons are hermits who have been hiding from the world, and no one dares to provoke them. Naturally, they have not experienced many battles of life and death, and no one has become a martial saint through their own efforts, let alone A man who once served as the commander of the legion is completely different from Luo Lin. How could those old dragons have the majesty and arrogance of the marshal of the legion?

Babaran was deeply convinced: You said so, it is true.

On the sea, Luo Lin practiced for another two days before he was a little satisfied with his flying ability. He found Selena and Babaran and said, Let's go, it's time for us to set off.

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