Legendary Hero

Chapter 365 Mysterious Creatures in the Deep Sea

Captain Elf has rich sailing experience, and his predictions are very accurate.

At noon, the sky became very dark, and dark clouds continued to spread from the sky. In the dark clouds, thick lightning across the sky appeared from time to time. The sea wind quickly became violent, pulling the sails and making a 'squeaky' sound, the waves also began to surge, and the pitching of the ship became more and more violent.

Luo Lin was not a sailor, and he knew little about sea navigation, so he wisely didn't go to the deck to join in the fun. At this time, the ship was bumping violently up and down, so he stopped reading, and lay on the wooden bed, tied himself fast with ropes, and waited patiently for the captain to bring the ship out of the storm.

The shouts of the elf crew, the sound of footsteps, and the roar of the elf captain were constantly heard on the deck, but the most important thing was the howling of the strong wind and the sound of the raging waves.

After about half an hour, the bumping of the ship became more and more terrifying. Rollin felt like he was on a roller coaster. Through the crystal window on the side of the cabin, Rollin saw waves as high as mountains. Under the control of the captain, the elf ship rushed up to the crest of the wave, and then rushed down the trough like a free fall. As long as it is a little careless, it will capsize. It is really thrilling to the extreme.

The hull and keel made of tough yew seemed to be unable to withstand the continuous huge impact, and began to make a 'creaking' sound. Something terrible happened.

Immediately afterwards, Selena stumbled into the cabin and shouted: Marshal, something is wrong, there is a terrible tornado ahead, our ship was caught by the damned tornado, there is no way to escape!

Luo Lin frowned. He did hear a huge wind outside, but he didn't think about the tornado. Looking at the current situation, it seemed that they were about to face annihilation. Seeing that Selena's face was full of involuntary panic, Luo Lin Lin could already imagine the chaos on the deck.

He quickly untied the rope that fixed his body, held the bulkhead of the cabin with his hands to fix his body, and said calmly: Go, go out and have a look.

Infected by his calm aura, Selina regained her composure a little bit. She followed behind Luo Lin and said as she walked, The captain is ready to abandon the ship. His suggestion is to jump off the ship and dive into the bottom of the sea, and wait until the storm passes.

And then? Luo Lin asked. If he remembered correctly, he had only reached the middle of the endless sea. If there was no boat, how would they go?

He won't die. With his current strength and endurance, even if he swims all the way, he can swim to the opposite side of the endless sea. It just takes a little longer, but after swimming for two or three months, he will always arrive, but these The elf crew is estimated to be dead.

These elves were brought out because of him, and he, the marshal, had to try his best to keep them safe. If he knew what to do now that would benefit the situation, he would definitely not hesitate.

Then? Selena shook her head like a wave: I don't have time to think about it now, let's avoid the tornado first.

While speaking, Luo Lin had already reached the exit of the cabin and saw the situation on the deck.

The wind on the deck was already so strong that it scraped his face like a knife, and the sea water blown by the wind hit his face, which was painful. On the sea not far away, there is a huge wind column that stretches to the sky and the earth is slowly moving over. The core area of ​​this wind column is at least more than a hundred meters wide, stirring the sea water, rotating at an unimaginable high speed, and from time to time There is also lightning flashing in the wind column, illuminating the sky and the earth in an instant, just like the minions of the storm monster.

This scene is almost like the end of the world.

The elf crew members all found a place to fix their bodies desperately, their faces were full of horror, while the captain stood firmly on the bow, holding the rudder tightly, trying his best to control the direction of the ship, he saw Luo Lin shouted with all his strength: Marshal, we must abandon ship!

Luo Lin knew what the captain said was right, and it was the only way to survive. If he was attracted by this pillar of wind, even he would not be sure of surviving.

Facing this mighty power of nature, even if he possesses superb martial arts skills, it is useless, and he may be finished with a single lightning strike.

Okay, jump off the ship! Luo Lin shouted, this is the only way.

As soon as he said this, the elf crew members on the ship all took out something from their bodies and stuffed it into their mouths. After chewing a few times, these crew members jumped into the sea without hesitation.

Being curious, Selena also came to Luo Lin and handed a black thing to Luo Lin: It's made of bubble grass, bite a few times, but don't swallow it, it will let you breathe underwater!

Luo Lin took it, and stuffed it into his mouth like a crew member. After chewing a few times, he could feel a slight sweet taste, and at the same time, a large number of bubbles kept appearing in his mouth. The frequency of appearance was not too fast, but the air produced was It was enough for one person to breathe, and he immediately knew that this should be the product of the natural alchemy of the elves.

At this time, the crew on the deck had basically jumped into the sea water, and they dived directly into the deep sea as soon as they entered the sea, so there was no one on the sea surface. Selena's voice came from next to my ear, and at the same time a rope was passed over: Marshal, the rope is tied to the arm, let's not get lost!

Luo Lin took the rope, tied his arms, and tied them tightly. When he turned around and saw that Selena was a little unsteady, he reached out and grabbed her arms, and then rushed forward a few steps. Jump into a wave that has just surged.

One moment, the world was in chaos like the end of the world, but after entering the water, everything suddenly became quiet, and some bright lights could be seen shooting from the water surface, which were lightning flashes in the sky. , seems to be far, far away.

The air bubbles in the mouth are constantly producing air bubbles. The air bubbles seem to be pure oxygen. Although there is not much gas, it will not make people feel bored after it pours into the lungs. There is a little tension on the rope on the arm, and I look back , it was Selena, she was also in the water, about five meters away from him, and she was constantly swimming behind him.

The two sides were held by a rope, so Luo Lin didn't worry about losing this guide. He swam his arms and swam towards the dark deep sea.

It was getting darker and quieter in front of my eyes. The storm on the sea was going away quickly. I looked up at the sea, and there was a faint light coming down. It was estimated that they had reached a depth of more than 50 meters below the sea surface. Has been completely calm.

It should be safe enough here, so Luo Lin stopped, preparing to stay here and wait for the sea storm to pass.

There was a black figure approaching, it should be Selena, Rowling moved his arm, ready to grab the rope in his hand, and pull her to his side, but when he pulled, Rowling was startled.

At some point, the rope turned out to be empty, without any feedback of strength. Luo Lin instinctively accelerated the speed and pulled the rope. After less than two meters, he pulled to the end of the rope and felt a break.

The fracture is smooth, as if it was cut off by some sharp weapon. At this moment, several thoughts flashed through Luo Lin's mind.

‘Did Selena cut it off on purpose? She wants to kill me? No, no, since it has to be cut off, why did I tie it up in such a chaotic situation before, it wasn't her, isn't it superfluous? Who cut it? Wait, who is the dark shadow behind me? or something? ! Where is Selena?

In this almost bottomless abyss-like sea water, Luo Lin only felt his whole body explode violently, which was a sign of imminent danger.

He held one hand towards the hilt of the sword, but he didn't turn his body around, only relying on the subtle flow of the water to feel the movement of the approaching black shadow.

The other party was not Selena, because she didn't have that fresh and natural breath. The other party was not a dark creature either, and he also didn't feel any fluctuations in dark magic power. In Rowling's mind, this approaching black shadow is a completely strange existence.

The intellectual brain began to calculate at a high speed, starting to calculate the specific shape of the black shadow from the wave pattern of the water flow.

Messages kept flashing: Unknown creature, unknown power, unknown combat skills, preliminarily inferred to be deep-sea creatures...

In the month since he returned to the fortress, Rowling has repaired and strengthened the back door of his brain, and at the same time reduced the control authority of this thing over his body.

Now, although Luo Lin can't control the intelligence brain, he doesn't have to worry about the flaws of the intelligence brain being used by others. At critical moments, he can directly strip the intelligence brain from his body in an instant, so he can enjoy the convenience brought by this thing with confidence. At this moment, he let his brain observe his opponent.

Apparently, the black shadow also knew that Luo Lin had spotted him, and his approach speed was greatly slowed down, and he even remained motionless.

Luo Lin was wondering about the purpose of the black shadow, and after only three seconds, he found that the black shadow had disappeared.

Not only can't see the other party, but also can't feel the breath at all, it just disappeared out of thin air!

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