Legendary Hero

Chapter 345: Changes in the Valley

Echo Valley.

Grizzly is dead.

He was a member of the hunting team in the valley. When he was hunting out of the valley, he met a noble warrior. He was shot through his stomach by the opponent, and he died less than three minutes after he was brought back to the valley.

This time a total of ten hunters went out, and besides the grizzly, five hunters were killed, but the bodies of those five hunters had no chance to be retrieved. Of the four who survived, one was captured by the opponent, and the remaining three ran back to the valley with the grizzly bear.

Grizzly has a wife and children in his family. His wife was crying on top of his body, and his three-year-old son was standing next to his mother, crying too.

What's going on? A majestic voice came, it was the leader Man Ray, and everyone made way silently.

Man Lei looked at the extremely strong but lifeless body of the grizzly bear, with a gloomy face, and turned to ask a hunter standing aside: Scarface, why did you come back with three of you after ten people went there? What happened? What's up?

Scarface was one of the hunters who managed to escape back to the valley this time. He still had a strong look of horror on his face. When asked by the leader, his face was full of depression: When we were hunting, we encountered a group of knights. As soon as they spotted us, they attacked without any warning. We fought back, but the arrows weren't good enough to penetrate their armor at all, and after a few rounds of each other, we took five brothers down, and one of them was all right. We had to retreat, and Heizi took the initiative to cover behind, and I saw him being captured.

A look of horror flashed in Man Lei's eyes, and he was silent for a while, calming down his emotions, before he continued to ask: Have you seen the armor emblems on their bodies?

I see clearly, they are Moonlight Silver Deer, they are the stag knights of Earl Cresen of Wuyan City. Scarface nodded.

Earl Cresen is the lord of Wuyan City, and Ximu Town is within his territory, so he is also the lord of Ximu Town. As soon as he heard this, Man Ray knew what was going on.

It must be the sequelae of the massacre in Ximu Town a few months ago. The other party probably got some clues and came all the way to find it.

Who are you looking for? Obviously, it was naturally the so-called powerful warrior Luo Lin brought back by the hound and boar.

Shocked and angry, Man Lei asked anxiously, Then have you seen the Silver Moon Warrior?

If there are Silver Moon Warriors, then this is certain.

Unexpectedly, Scarface's answer broke the last fluke in his heart: The situation is urgent, I didn't look carefully, but one of the warriors' armor is obviously different from other knights, and he hasn't made a move, so I didn't pay much attention .Recalling it now, his weapon is very special, it seems to be the Silver Moon Warrior.

Damn it! Man Lei finally cursed, took a few breaths, and continued to ask: Those nobles all brought hounds, did you get rid of the smell on your body all the way back... oh , It’s useless, Heizi was captured by them.”

Man Lei knew very well the torture that those noble warriors could use. Under that kind of torture, no matter how strong a person was, he would spit out all the secrets in his heart. Even if Heizi can survive the torture, there are still Silver Moon Warriors, those warriors also practice magic, they know how to make people reveal the deepest secrets in their hearts.

There is no other way, we must relocate immediately! Man Ray began to issue orders, and he said loudly: Brothers and sisters, the running dogs of the Brotherhood are here, and the Silvermoon Bastards are also here to join in the fun, I know you are all warriors , not afraid of sacrifice, but our equipment is far inferior to theirs, recklessly will only lose manpower. For the sake of safety, we must relocate immediately, and leave now!

Seeing the reluctance on the faces of the people around him, Man Lei waved his hand away and urged loudly: Why are you in a daze? Hurry up! Hurry up and tidy up and salute!

Only then did the residents disperse in a rush, and rushed back to their respective homes to pack up and salute.

Scarface was a little strange: Boss, why don't we wait for the wild boar and the hunting dog to come back to discuss? Actually, they are not many. With the help of the trap at the mouth of the valley, we can completely defeat them, at least let them taste our power !

Although they can't do anything outside the valley, they have been operating in Echo Valley for many years, and they can definitely fight back. They have been killed so many people this time, and they retreated without saying a word, Scarface always felt a little unwilling

No! Man Ray waved his hand without hesitation: We can't take any risks. So what if we defeat them? They will come and even more people will come, even Silvermoon Warriors and goblins. Have you thought about this?

But we can teach them a lesson and let the women and children go first, and the soldiers stay... Scarface whispered.

Shut up! A soldier behind Man Lei suddenly shouted, glaring at Scarface: The leader has already decided on this matter, what are you talking about, huh?

Scarface immediately fell silent. The soldier who called out was Gray Wolf. He only listened to Man Lei. If he spoke again, this man would definitely attack him.

Okay! Stop arguing. Man Lei interceded, then turned and walked deep into the valley: Go, time is running out, let's pack up too.

After walking a few steps, Man Lei suddenly saw an agile figure, and after looking carefully, he recognized that it was the little girl who had been living with Luo Lin for the past few months. Thinking that all of this was brought by that soldier, Man Lei felt a surge of anger, and shouted loudly: Jasmine, please stop!

Jasmine was a little strange, but she still stopped, turned around and asked, Boss, do you have anything to do with me?

Man Lei walked up, followed by four or five soldiers. He looked at the little girl up and down. He hadn't seen her for several months, but she changed a lot. She had a round face, and she was wearing new clothes made of animal skins. With a short sword hanging, the whole person's spirit and spirit changed greatly, and he was very different from other people in the valley.

The old aristocrat also raised a small aristocrat. Man Lei was jealous and angry. In his opinion, everyone and everything in this valley belonged to him. How could he not be angry that there was this one more person who took away his things?

He asked angrily, Where did you get your sword?

Uncle Luo Lin gave me the reward for helping him wash his clothes. Jasmine instinctively clutched her dagger.

Remuneration? Don't you know that the warriors in the valley are very short of iron weapons? It's a waste of such a good weapon for a little guy! Why don't you give it to me?! Man Lei asked angrily.

This...this... Jasmine hesitated and couldn't speak. Of course she knew the truth, but she really liked this sword. She practiced sword skills for several months. She and the sword have developed a strong relationship. But what the leader said was right. The powerful warriors in the valley needed weapons very much. Generally, if there were good things, they would be given priority to those powerful warriors.

For a moment, Jasmine was extremely entangled.

What are you doing in a daze, here, give me the sword. Man Lei stretched out his hand to Jasmine.

Jasmine's eyes were red, but she couldn't bear the majesty of the leader, she still stretched her hand towards her waist, slowly unfastened the strap of the scabbard, untied the fine steel dagger, and handed it to Man Lei with great reluctance.

Man Lei snatched the sword away, took it out to look at it, and grinned: It's a very good short sword. Gray Wolf, you can use this sword.

He handed the dagger to his loyal subordinate. The soldier looked at the little girl who was about to cry, and hesitated: Boss, this...

What he was worried about was not Jasmine, but he was afraid of offending that said to be very terrifying warrior.

Take it, this is her duty to live in the valley! As for Luo Lin, he stayed in the valley and accepted our protection, shouldn't he be paid? Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with him. Gray Wolf immediately had no objection to Man Lei's words. He took the dagger and admired it happily.

Okay, Jasmine, you lead the way ahead, I'm going to have a few words with Luo Lin. Man Lei ordered again.

The little girl nodded helplessly and walked ahead. When the group of people arrived in front of the wooden house, many people in the valley had already packed their luggage for fleeing, so Man Lei said to the soldiers behind him: You go and ask everyone to come here. Before we move, there are things that must be done. say clearly.

Yes, chief.

Grey Wolf, go and bring my Iron Tooth Lion here. Man Ray said again.

Gray Wolf nodded, and rushed towards the animal pen beside Emerald Creek.

In the open space outside the wooden house, Man Lei didn't call anyone, but stood at a distance of fifty meters, waiting for everyone in the valley to gather.

Although it had been several months, Man Lei always remembered the disdain in his eyes when the other party looked at him by the Emerald Creek. From then on, he knew that he and Luo Lin couldn't go together. If it were an ordinary person, he would have found a reason to send him to do some dangerous work. It would be best if he died.

But the hunting dog blew this man's force to the sky. Although he was a little suspicious, he still attached great importance to the hunting dog's words, so he has not dared to move until today.

His plan was simple, to use public anger to expel this person from his team. Of course, he didn't want to kill this person, but he was really not sure. Leaving aside the mountain giant, the massacre in Ximu Town was absolutely true. He knew he couldn't afford to mess with someone who could kill hundreds of goblins on his own.

In fact, he had wanted to do this a long time ago, and for this reason he deliberately sent the boar and hound out of the valley. And now that the Grizzlies are dead, it just gave him an excellent reason.

Jasmine wanted to enter the wooden house, but was stopped by Man Lei: Don't go anywhere, just stay by my side!

Frightened by the majesty of the leader, Jasmine stayed still and didn't dare to move. After all, she was only an eight-year-old girl, and she had never seen such a battle before.

After a while, many people in the valley had gathered, about fifteen or six hundred people. Iron Tooth Lion was also brought over by Gray Wolf. Seeing Man Ray greet him, he walked over and squatted beside his master, staring at the wooden house in front of him with piercing eyes.

Seeing that most of the people in the valley had already arrived at the door of the wooden house, Man Lei calmed down a little, and gently stroked the neck of the iron-toothed lion. The lion's thick mane and strong body gave him great courage. He cleared his throat, Open the mouth: Luo Lin, come out, I have something to tell you.

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