Legendary Hero

Chapter 325 Hiding Before Dark

The sky is full of stars, the moon is bright, and the whole world is bathed in a gloomy silver light.

Luo Lin looked back, and found that the place he just climbed out of was actually a cave at the top of a cliff.

Not far in front of the body is a bottomless cliff, and the middle of the cliff is still filled with clouds, which shows how high the cliff is. Standing on the top of the cliff, there is a biting cold wind blowing towards the face, continuously pouring into the cave behind him, which also explains the reason why the crater behind us is not hot, probably due to the neutralization of the cold wind.

The place where he came in was almost at the deepest part of his original world, but he came out at the very top of this dark world. This geographical asymmetry has confirmed the observation results of the intelligence brain. What he just passed through is indeed not a A simple cave, but a so-called stable space-time tunnel.

In other words, he went to another world.

According to what he had thought before, Luo Lin looked around, found a big stone, pushed it hard, and blocked the exit.

Luo Lin, hurry up, they may come over at any time, let's go. As soon as the traffic was blocked, Iona urged. Her condition looks much better than before. Her wet hair has long since dried up, and the wounds on her body seem to have healed up a lot. They are not as grim as they were at the beginning. Seeing this, after a while, She will be back to normal.

Seeing that Iona had walked more than ten meters, Luo Lin hurriedly followed, and asked tentatively: Are you sure this is still the main material plane?

Unexpectedly, Iona looked at Luo Lin in surprise: Did I say that this is the main material plane? This is the Underdark, another world. You see, there is no sun in the sky, and the moon is The only source of light. Looking at this scene, in a few hours, the moon will also set, and then there will be only stars in the sky, so it will not be gloom, but darkness.

Come on, Iona already knew it was another world.

Iona waved urgingly to Luo Lin who was a little dazed: Come on, we have to leave this cliff immediately. There should be a lush forest under the cliff. When I came here before, there was a foothold there. It was dark It's very dangerous here, we have to hide before then.

The two walked to the edge of the cliff.

Where's your hide? We have to jump from here.

Luo Lin Yiyan took out his animal skin parachute, and asked with some doubts: This thing's deceleration effect is not very good. I brought some Feiyu potion, do you want to use potion?

No, just use animal skins. In such an open place, don't use any magic unless it is absolutely necessary. Apart from the Black Dragon Legion, there are quite a lot of powerful magical creatures here, and it will be very troublesome to provoke them.

Luo Lin followed suit and handed the animal skin to Iona, then picked her up again, rushed forward a few steps, and jumped down the cliff. Taking advantage of this momentum, Iona spread the animal skin with both hands to act as a hang glider, and the two floated down to the bottom of the cliff.

After floating for more than five minutes, the two landed on the ground without any risk. As Iona said, there is a dense forest at the bottom of the cliff.

When she got to the ground, Iona breathed a sigh of relief: It looks pretty good. After so many years, the situation hasn't changed much.

It's only over fifty years, so it's not enough. Luo Lin was a little puzzled.

Iona grinned: You don't know anything about this world, Rowling.

Luo Lin was speechless, this woman really loves to hold grudges, he didn't say any more, put down Iona and let her lead the way, while he followed closely behind her, observing the surrounding situation with his eyes looking left and right.

This is the wilderness here, maybe the whole world has no civilization, maybe it's all the wilderness.

There are trees that he can't name all around, and the weeds on the ground also look weird, completely different from the original world. From time to time, there were rustling sounds among the trees, and occasionally there were a few strange but menacing beast roars in the distance.

Luo Lin walked vigilantly, and whispered: We can't go too far, otherwise the time will be delayed for too long. The dark army will soon attack the Mosaren Bridge, and I have to go back before then.

Unexpectedly, Iona laughed: Don't worry, my Grand Marshal, there is plenty of time.


Because the passage of time in the Underdark is much faster than our world, a year has passed here, and only a month has passed there. The Dark Legion has just fought in the Steel Front Fortress, and they must return to the Davik Fortress Take a rest. This will take a month, right? Then they will have to go all the way north, and the road will take more than a month. That is more than two months, converted to the dark region, we have a full two years, there is no need to worry .” Iona looked relaxed.

Are you sure? Luo Lin frowned. The difference in the speed of time is not a joke. If not, the situation on the ground would be terrible.

I'm sure. Fifty years ago, I tried to go back and forth several times. Once I explored here for three months, and when I went back, my flying dragon servant told me that only a few days had passed. One time was half a year, the bustling The moon came in, and after returning to the ground, it is still the moon of prosperity, and the mountain flowers that were blooming in the mountains before I came in have not withered yet.

Iona's demeanor was very positive, and Rowling could clearly feel this from the life-linking contract, which made him a little relieved.

That's good.

The two continued to walk forward, and when they walked more than five miles cautiously, their footsteps stopped, and they felt the fluctuation of the magic power of death on the cliff.

They're coming in, we have to hurry! Iona quickened her pace a little. Luo Lin followed closely behind her.

After walking for more than ten miles, the moon in the sky had already set on the treetops, and they also came to the side of a hill.

Arriving here, Iona skillfully pushed aside the weeds that grew everywhere, and a relatively smooth rock appeared. The rock was covered with moss, and some patterns could be faintly seen on the surface of the rock, which seemed to be natural patterns. There are traces of the rune array.

Seeing this, a relaxed smile appeared on Iona's face: It's okay, this place is still there.

The original world has passed more than 50 years, and if converted, it has been nearly 600 years here. This period of time is not too short. She is really worried about some unpredictable changes in this forest.

With a flick of her finger, a few ice crystals fell on the rock, and there was a faint flash of light, and a hole about half a meter high appeared.

During the whole process, Luo Lin, who was standing next to him, could hardly feel the fluctuation of magic power, and Iona was careful enough.

Come with me. This is the temporary shelter I built before. It's very simple, but it's very hidden, so you don't have to worry about being discovered. I believe those undead can't find us.

Saying that, Iona bent down and was about to enter the hole, but Luo Lin hurriedly gave her a hand: Don't be impulsive. It's been so many years, be careful.

He took the sword and went in first by himself. Iona smiled and followed Luo Lin into the room.

The entrance of the cave is narrow on the outside and wide on the inside. After walking carefully for a while, you can stand up straight. The cave is full of musty smell. With the sound of footsteps and some squeaking sounds, several small animals like mice run out.

Seeing these things, Luo Lin was relieved. With such a small animal, there should be no danger in this cave.

There was a slight sound of 'buzz', and it was Iona who lit up a magic light cluster, illuminating the situation inside the cave.

The passage outside the earth cave is about 30 meters long, and at the end is a rock that is also covered with moss. I don't know where Iona made it, but this rock of indeterminate weight is moved to one side. A hole was revealed.

The two walked in, and Iona fiddled with it for a while, and the rock returned to its original flavor, blocking the passage, leaving only a small ventilation gap.

In front is another passage, which is not long, similar to the entrance of a room. Walking in, there is a space about three meters high and more than forty square meters.

Judging from the traces left on the surrounding stone walls, it is obvious that this earth hole was dug out manually, and I don't know how Iona made it in the first place.

Iona spread her hands: Don't look at me, I didn't dig it. Remember my flying dragon? He dug it for me. Don't worry, it's very safe to live here, and there is an escape route inside, really If something happens, we can move it quickly.

You are a giant dragon, why did you make a nest like a rabbit? Luo Lin looked around at the mud house.

No way. You'll know if you stay longer. This place is much more dangerous than our world. Iona began to check the situation inside the cave.

The ground was very dry, and a drainage ditch was dug along the edge of the ground. At the end of the ditch was a puddle about two meters wide. The puddle was filled with water. The water was very clear, and it was groundwater seeping out.

There is also a small wooden bed here, which is a simple work assembled with wooden boards and wooden strips, but this wooden bed has been rotted and full of potholes, and the bedding on the bed is almost indistinguishable. If it weren't for some silk threads that could barely be distinguished, it would be impossible to tell that it was a quilt.

Well, I defended against my fellow black dragons, but I failed to defend against these little things. They ruined my temporary resting place! Iona looked frustrated, checked the spar on the wall again, and sighed: Too much time has passed, and more than half of the eternal magic circle that was set up at the beginning has failed.

In more than 600 years, this change has been considered small.

Luo Lin didn't have so many emotions. He stepped forward and dismantled the tattered wooden bed, took out some relatively complete wooden boards, knocked them on the ground, knocked out the bugs inside, put them on the ground to form a bed board, and then He took out the camping bedding he carried with him from his magic package, and said with a smile: The situation is not too bad, these little things have at least left you something.

Okay. You're right.

Iona fixed the light ball in her hand on the ceiling above her head, then took off her tattered leather robe, and then cast a spell on the pool beside her. The clear water in the pool was summoned and flew out to clean the stains on her body.

Like the previous magic, Luo Lin still didn't feel the fluctuation of water magic power, so he praised: Very good magic.

It's not magic, it's the basic water control talent of the Frost Dragon. Iona cleaned the stains on her body while carefully treating the wounds on her body.

Luo Lin didn't go to admire the beauties. Today, he wandered between life and death several times, and even escaped with himself for most of the day under the pursuit of a group of undead. He was really exhausted.

He sat cross-legged on the edge of the bedding, took out food from the magic package and ate it to supplement his body's consumption.

After taking a few bites, he asked, Tell me about the situation in the Underdark, especially the black dragon. Where does he live?

Don't worry, we have plenty of time. Wait patiently for a while, the group of undead will soon pay the price for their recklessness, and then you will be able to see the true colors of the Underdark. Iona smiled.

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