Legendary Hero

Chapter 32 Life and death fight in the rainy night

Deus looked at the two robbers who robbed the goods halfway in front of him. In fact, he didn't feel much anger in his heart, but felt a little funny.

These two bums actually blackmailed him. Since they are so short-sighted, then he should work harder and send them on their way.

In order to reward them for their painstaking efforts to send the rough crystal, Deus decided to make the two of them die.

Tell me, where did you get the news about us? He asked, while reaching out his hand to hold the dark purple fireball in the air around him.

He likes to do it because he always gets awed looks when he does it.

The two women on the opposite side did not disappoint him, their faces were full of fear.

Of course, the wild wolf was really scared, and Luo Lin was pretending. He made his voice tremble a little: Honorable Master Magician, we picked up this stone.

Hmm~ Picked it up? Deus thought it was funny, he turned to his guard and said, Eisen, do you think someone will put hundreds of gold coins on the street for people to pick them up?

His bodyguard was a mighty warrior and loyal to him. On Luo Lin's side, Zhinao rated this fighter as an ordinary fighter of level 10, which is very strong, but not invincible.

It's impossible, my master. The only thing you can find on the street is horse manure. The guard Eisen shook his head seriously. He knew that his employer Deus liked to tease, and he could always cater to his interest just right. .

Hahaha. Eisen, you are right, there is only horse manure. So, you two are lying to me!

Deus's face suddenly turned cold, and the smoldering fireball held in his hand also became brighter, and the light was even a little dazzling: The price of deceiving a mage is high. Usually, I will use this flame to burn his body. See And watch him howl to death in the flames!

The wild wolf was scared, really scared. Standing beside him, Luo Lin could see that the big man was shaking, his face was bloodless, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Master Master, we were wrong, we were really wrong, you don't need money, this rough stone is given to you. The wild wolf hurriedly handed over the rough stone.

This guy is absolutely in character.

Seeing his pustules, Deus couldn't help laughing loudly: You guys, if you came one day earlier, I might have let you go, but you are out of luck, because it has nothing to do with you. I am very unhappy now, I must vent my anger!

In the end, the smoldering mage's face had become extremely ferocious, and he was about to make a move.

Yes, he is really unhappy, the superiors are always urging him, asking him to do everything possible to collect spell crystals, to do it quickly and secretly, which is simply impossible!

Just when the wild wolf was about to hand over the rough stone, Rowling heard a slight meow coming from outside the villa. He knew that this was a signal sent to him by Harrington and Horn. Rowling lured the opponent out.

With a thought in his heart, Luo Lin had an idea. He suddenly reached out and snatched the rough crystal from the wild wolf's hand, and shouted with fear on his face: Wait, if you don't let us go, I'll smash this rough crystal!

Deus was stunned, then looked at his guard, and then laughed loudly: Ignorance is really a terrible disease, it can easily take people's lives. Young man, let me tell you, rough stones must be refined before they can be recovered. Become a spell-casting crystal. You broke it, which saved me some effort...

Do it!

Luo Lin shouted loudly, interrupting the mage's nonsense, and at the same time, he threw the rough stone in his hand towards Deus.

With Luo Lin's current strength, throwing the rough stone with all his strength, if Deus is really hit, with his weak body, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

But Dius remained motionless, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he snorted coldly, You're looking for death!

At the same time, he pointed at Luo Lin, and the dark purple ignition fireball flew towards Luo Lin.

The mage believed that this was just a dying resistance of two gangsters, and he did not realize that this was a planned assassination.

The guard beside him, Eisen, drew his sword and held the shield at the first time, and slashed out with one sword, accurately knocking out the high-speed flying crystal rough, without hurting a single hair of the mage.

The burly man in black who had been standing next to Luo Lin and the wolf, this level 8 ordinary assassin also drew his dagger at the same time and stabbed at the wolf.

Facing the smoldering fireball flying over, Luo Lin immediately held the shield in his hand and blocked it in front of him.

With a soft sound of 'poof', Luo Lin felt the shield in his hand rapidly become hot, then softened and deformed, turning into a paste like mud. Luo Lin's hand was also affected by the flames, and the palm holding the shield handle became hot. It was black and painful, if he hadn't let go so quickly, his hand would have melted.

Oh my god! The wild wolf was terribly frightened by the terrible effect of the magic, and at the same time felt the movement of the assassin around him. In his busy schedule, he rushed forward quickly, and then took advantage of the opportunity to sneak into the bottom of the long banquet table.

Well, although he didn't plant a little bit, in this chaos, his best choice as a level two is to get under the table, which can save his life very well.

Luo Lin lost his shield and didn't dare to fight in this living room. With a wave of his right hand, he blocked the assassin's dagger, and his powerful strength knocked the assassin back a step. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Lin turned around, Using the assassin's body as a barrier to block the mage's sight, he took the opportunity to run out of the living room.

Once outside the door, the sky suddenly brightened, there was a crackling sound, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and pillars of rain connected to the sky.

It turned out that it was already raining heavily outside.

Luo Lin was overjoyed that the power of the fire spell would be greatly reduced in rainy weather, so he immediately plunged into the rainstorm.

As soon as he ran into the rain, there were a lot of footsteps behind him. It was the assassin who caught up. Behind the assassin was the mage, and beside the mage, the warrior guards were inseparable.

Warren, go and kill this bastard! Deus said to his assassins, his fire spell might not be able to kill his opponent in this kind of heavy rain.

Warren responded, and rushed towards Rollin at a very fast speed, much faster than Rollin.

Luo Lin had to stop after running more than ten meters in the rain. He didn't have time to turn around, but stabbed the cloud pattern steel sword behind him.

With a crisp sound of Dang, the sword was blocked by the assassin's dagger.

Taking advantage of this moment, Rowling turned around, and he saw Harrington and Horn hidden in the shadows. Harrington was gesturing to him, which meant: Soldier, you can't break through.

Luo Lin understood the current situation. If he didn't restrain the warrior guard, then Harrington would be entangled by the warrior as soon as he rushed up, and then killed by the mage's magic.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to restrain the soldiers, and the person who performs the diversion operation is likely to die, killed by magic, and the death is extremely tragic.

Not only Rollin knew this, Harrington and Horn both knew this. Luo Lin saw hesitation from the faces of these two friends, but soon, he found determination from Horn's face. He rushed out of the darkness and rushed towards the warrior Eisen.

Harrington was stunned, and then he also rushed out. His footsteps were light and fast, and he hid himself in the shadows. As long as Horn gave him a chance, he would unleash a fatal blow on the defenseless mage!

Eisen has discovered Horn, and the mage has also noticed. Their expressions became serious, and they have realized the seriousness of the matter. A dark purple fireball appeared again on the mage's hand.

Luo Lin felt anxious. In all fairness, among these friends, Horn was the one he didn't want to lose the most, not only because he could grow into the commander of the coalition forces in the future, but also because he was a person worthy of friendship. Although he had known each other for a short time, But Rowling felt that they were already brothers.

Now, Horn's choice also illustrates this point, he can always take the overall situation into consideration.

The assassin's dagger stabbed up again, trying to block Luo Lin's way, the speed of the dagger was extremely fast, this is the assassin's combat technique: Shadowless Strike!

Shadowless Strike, an extremely fast attack that penetrates the opponent's vitals!

The speed of the dagger was too fast, and Luo Lin could barely catch the trajectory of the dagger. He was concerned about Horn's life and death, so he made a decision in a split second.

The 'poof' dagger pierced into Luo Lin's shoulder, and at the critical moment, Luo Lin escaped!

Assassin Warren wanted to withdraw the dagger, but his arm was entangled by Rowling. Immediately afterwards, the sword in Rowling's hand stabbed out, piercing the assassin's heart with a sword.

Assassin dies.

His eyes that lost their spirit quickly were full of inconceivability, he had never seen such a desperate style of play!

Then, Luo Lin grabbed the assassin's body, shouted, and threw the body out. He didn't throw the body at the magician, but threw it between the magician and Horn.

The corpse flew out, and almost at the same time, the smoldering fireball also flew out of the mage's hand.

The 'poof~boom' fireball hit the assassin's corpse, and then quickly ignited the corpse, turning the corpse into a bright purple torch. In the torch, the assassin's body quickly melted, turning into a pool of terrifying black sludge.

This scene was extremely terrifying, but it also bought an opportunity for Harrington. He quickly rushed out of the shadows, pierced the magician's back heart with one sword, and slashed at the magician's neck with one sword. The cold light on the sword became A line, extremely glaring.

Seeing that Harrington's sword was about to hit the mage, the guard Eisen suddenly roared, swung his shield, and abruptly slapped Horn's body aside.

Horn's strength was still too low. When the shield hit, he blocked it with his sword, but he couldn't block it. He flew out and hit the wall fiercely. With a wow, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and suffered seriously injured!

Immediately afterwards, Eisen launched a bull rush and rushed towards Harrington.

His speed was extremely fast, and he stopped Harrington abruptly before he could hit the mage, and shot him with a shield.

Harrington had to dodge, but Eisen's shield skill was very old-fashioned. Harrington failed to dodge, so he could only block it with the sword in his hand. .

With a loud bang, Harrington couldn't stand the huge force on the shield, and had to step back again and again to relieve the force.

Eisen chased after him fiercely, and stabbed the retreating Harrington with the sword in his hand.

Harrington is in crisis, and the mage is about to cast a spell again. His goal is Harrington, who is currently causing him the greatest crisis.

Seeing that the mage was about to finish casting a spell, Luo Lin, who was standing in the rainstorm, had no time to stop him. He shouted, threw the sword in his hand at the mage heavily, and then rushed towards the warrior Ai Sen, to help Harrington reduce the pressure.

Luo Lin's current strength has far surpassed that of ordinary people. This time, the magician could not escape his sword.

With a sound of '呲', Luo Lin's sword pierced the abdomen of mage Deus, and the force attached to the sword took him back five or six steps, successfully interrupting his spell.

Master! Eisen was shocked, and immediately gave up on Harrington, turning around to check the mage's injury.

The mage was beyond help, blood spurting from his wound, quickly draining his life force.

Eisen roared, stood up, and rushed towards Luo Lin, wanting to avenge the mage.

But just as he made a move, a figure rushed out from the living room, it was the wild wolf that was scared and hid under the table just now.

Holding the bone-chopping ax in his hand, he rushed behind Eisen who had lost his mind, roared, and chopped his head with all his strength.

Eisen didn't expect that the coward from before would have the courage to rush out, and his eyes were already red, and only Luo Lin was in his eyes. If he didn't check, his head would be smashed by an axe, even if he was wearing a helmet on his head, These two strokes almost split his head open.

In fact, his helmet only served to keep his head intact, not his life.

Eisen died too.

Luo Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense heartstrings relaxed a little, but at this moment, he heard an exclamation, it was Horn: Be careful of magic!

Luo Lin was startled, and looked at the mage who was lying on the ground. He didn't see the light of magic... Wait, a hidden light appeared, and the dying mage was secretly casting spells.

The next moment, a long whip of dark purple flame suddenly came towards Luo Lin, the speed was extremely fast.

Luo Lin couldn't care about anything else, and quickly threw himself on the rain-soaked ground. The body rolled on the ground full of mud, so that the body was covered with mud.

Magic is hard to dodge, and Rowling doesn't expect to be able to dodge it. All he can do is to minimize the damage of magic.

Just hope the rain and mud will help keep him alive.

A moment later, Luo Lin felt a scorching breath wrap around his body, followed by unimaginable pain, as if someone had scraped his bones with a knife, and he could not restrain his muffled groan due to the pain.

Rollin! was Harrington's voice.

Master! It was the wild wolf: Ah, I will kill you!

After that, Luo Lin couldn't hear the sound anymore, and he couldn't feel anything except the severe pain. The world in his eyes became pitch black, just like entering hell. This feeling lasted for an unknown time, maybe a few seconds , maybe several minutes, every moment is a terrible torment, which is similar to the feeling of magic in the game, but every feeling is at least a hundred times stronger!

Slowly, Luo Lin found that his vision began to recover, the light re-entered his eyes, and the pain in his body began to ease.

He felt relieved, he survived the most dangerous moment, and his life was saved.

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