Legendary Hero

Chapter 316 New Situation

Keel Hills.

We retreat! Archmage Ryan issued an order on the airship.

Aren't you going to meet the Sword Master? Narosa asked. Since he came to help, he left without saying hello, which seemed a bit out of human etiquette. Of course, she was just talking, and it didn't matter whether she went or not.

No, there are not many magic crystals left, and various medicines need to be replenished, and we have to find Ms. Iona quickly. Archmage Ryan said.

He didn't want to stay in the Kingdom of Aoraki. That guy Paimonte had no bottom line in what he did. Who knew what he would do. Maybe they wouldn't be able to fly away if they stopped.

A group of airships retreated and flew to the place where Iona and the black dragon fell before. At the end of the field, Archmage Lion began to cast the all-seeing eye.

There is a huge pothole on the ground, which looks like it was knocked out by a huge force. There are shattered ice blocks around the pothole. Judging from the shape, it is the corpse of the black dragon.

The black dragon is dead. Ryan was overjoyed, and then continued to search for Iona near the pothole.

After a search, there was no trace of Iona in this area. Ryan frowned, pondered for a while, and said, Go ahead, walk slowly.

He reckoned that if Iona should go east, because in the war, the east is the safest.

The airship went all the way, and Archmage Ryan cast spells all the way to observe. After searching for more than half an hour, the airship had flown more than 50 kilometers, but Ryan still did not find Ms. Iona.

Where did you go? Ryan was a little anxious. This is the territory of the Dark Legion. Whether it's them or Iona, the longer they stay, the more dangerous they will be.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the deck: No, another gargoyle is coming!

Ryan immediately turned the viewing angle of the all-seeing eye, and sure enough, he saw a group of gargoyles rushing towards them from the direction of the horizon. The number was not too many, about two hundred.

If the airship is fully staffed, and there are enough potions and magic crystals, it will be easy to destroy this countermeasure, but now the combat supplies on the airship are basically exhausted, and even the undead nemesis has only the last hundred or so barrels left to deal with the unexpected. .

At this time, if you are entangled by these gargoyles, one of them may shoot down several airships. If the time is delayed longer, those Liches from the Dark Legion will follow, maybe their airship The team is here to stay.

After weighing quickly, Ryan ordered decisively: Let's go, go at full speed!

It's not that he doesn't want to rescue Iona, but that he really doesn't have the ability.

In the dense forest on the ground.

Iona watched the airship team speeding eastward, and couldn't help cursing in her heart: What a bunch of cowards!

She added an invisibility technique to herself. When she saw the airship, she originally wanted to show up to ask for help, but a group of extremely powerful liches followed not far behind, forcing her to continue to hide.

She could feel that one of those liches already possessed the power of an archmage, and the rest also possessed the level of a senior magician. If she appeared rashly, she would have no time to get on the airship, and it might even cause the airship to be destroyed. Lich shot down.

This is not impossible, to shoot down the airship does not need to destroy the hull, they just need to find the node of the flying magic circle on the airship, and then give a huge magical interference. With the level of the other archmage, as long as he is given some time to observe, it is not difficult to do this.

With the airship team gone, Iona's last chance to escape safely was gone. Helpless, she could only hide in the hole of a withered tree, and then restrained her whole body, hoping not to be discovered by her opponent.

After waiting like this for a while, Iona felt the sound of footsteps coming from outside the tree hole, and at the same time there was a sharp breath of death magic power, those liches were nearby!

Iona raised her heart, she was very confident in her breath-containing magic, but she wasn't sure if there were any traces of her left outside the tree hole.

The sound of footsteps passed by the big tree, and the nearest was only ten meters away from where Iona was. The other party seemed to have stopped for a while, and just this one almost made Iona's heart beat out of her throat.

Don't come here! Don't come here! Iona was ready to fight to the death, no, don't fight, as long as she is discovered by the other party, she will destroy her body, and she can't be turned into an undead dragon.

As for Luo Lin, who was implicated by the contract thousands of kilometers away, she couldn't control that much. Anyway, he must be in a safe place, and even if he was hit by the contract, he would always have time to recover his strength.

Fortunately, the other party only stopped for about three seconds, and then continued to go east.

Iona also heaved a sigh of relief, she didn't dare to come out of the tree hole, and decided to hide inside for a while.

The power of the black dragon is too great, especially when it erupts at the end. In order to protect against the impact of the tsunami-like death magic power, the frost magic power in her body is almost exhausted. In addition to the injuries during the battle, Iona estimates that it will take at least two months for her to recover. Time can be restored.

I don't know if I can escape successfully this time. Huddled in the damp and dirty dark tree hole, Iona sighed inwardly.

The tree hole is not only damp, but also various kinds of extremely tenacious insects crawling around. For the convenience of escaping, of course Iona did not wear a long skirt, she wore a set of dark blue leather armor.

A bug crawled into the gap of the leather armor and crawled around on her skin, which was very uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to move, and she didn't dare to freeze the bug to death with the little frost magic power in her body, so she could only hold it back forcibly.

In the middle of the night, it actually started to rain. Dirty rainwater flowed down from the top of the tree hole and poured directly on Iona's head, completely soaking her whole body.

This is the territory of the Dark Legion, and the rain has also been affected, with a hint of darkness in it. After a while, Iona's skin was soaked in the rain and turned pale. The rainwater flowed through the small wounds on her body, causing waves of piercing pain, but Iona could only hold back and remained silent.

She has always been pampered and pampered, and she has never experienced this kind of suffering. When she couldn't hold it back, she felt her eyes were hot, and tears seemed to flow out. She immediately wiped away her tears, because she knew that tears would give off breath, and it was very likely that she would be tracked by that terrifying Lich.

One night passed, and then another day, and then another night, Iona remained motionless until noon of the third day, when she felt a faint sunlight pouring down from the tree hole above her head, and then she felt a little relieved and prepared to leave the tree. Get out of the hole and continue running.

For three days without eating, drinking or moving, her body was almost stiff. The harsh environment caused her body to suffer tremendous damage, and the frost magic power in her body almost stopped recovering.

Iona gritted her teeth, and moved in the tree hole for a long time before the blood all over her body began to flow again, barely recovering some strength for her.

She slowly climbed out of the tree hole, looked up, and saw the pale sunlight without any heat through the dead branches.

It should be safer now. Iona stumbled and walked in the dry forest, continuing to rush east.


Disentas was a little annoyed. He had been looking for this area for many days, but the other party seemed to disappear out of thin air without a trace.

Even so, he always believed that the other party hadn't escaped. She must still be in the hills. The reason why she couldn't feel it was because the other party used some secret method to hide her body aura.

These days, the Dark Legion has retreated to the south, and the Great Demon King is going to return to the Davik Fortress to rest. After regrouping, he will turn northeast to the Mosaren Bridge.

The elite defenders of the Mosalun Bridge lost nearly 30,000 people, and only 10,000 real elites remained. The rest were all new recruits who had never seen blood. Not on Steel Front Fortress.

As long as they break through, the Dark Legion will be able to obtain a huge supplement of strength, and then turn from the north to the west, and then fight against the Aoraki Kingdom, maybe they will succeed in one battle!

Before leaving, the Great Demon King gave Disentas 50,000 undead skeletons to help him find someone in the hills. The entire keel hill is so big, Disentas believes that no matter where the other party is hiding, his undead can find the other party.

Just as the Dark Legion retreated south and Disentas was busy looking for people in the Keel Hills, something happened to the Steel Front Fortress in the west.

The courier sent a letter from King Aoraki. The moment before, Edward was still immersed in the joy of repelling the dark army. The moment after, when he saw the contents of the letter, his face immediately turned pale.

They won the Steel Front Fortress, but because of King Aoraki's desperate and frantic conscription this time, a large number of rebels appeared in the country. Couldn't get to the fort on time.

This time, in order to collect enough food for the fortress, the kingdom imposed heavy taxes, and many families had their winter food taken away. Without food, you will starve to death. At this time, who cares about fighting against the darkness or not, let's talk about it after eating.

When Paimonte did this, Edward advised him to be careful and not to use such drastic methods, but in the end he was persuaded by the other party's reason of fighting against the Dark Legion, and he acquiesced in the other party's approach, because Edward couldn't think of a better way Solve this problem, and the pressure from the Dark Legion is too great, forcing him to accept this expedient measure.

Now that the Dark Legion has been repelled, something happened inside the kingdom, and the food and grass were cut off. There is no guarantee that the next batch of food and grass will be delivered. The only good news is that the food and grass in the fortress are still sufficient. months.

But if this news is known to the Dark Legion, the other party will make a comeback... Edward can't think about it anymore.

In any case, Edward knew that the kingdom must calm down the chaos as soon as possible, because the news could not be hidden for too long.

Thinking of this, Edward looked at the direction in which the Dark Legion was retreating, and heaved a long sigh. He originally thought of pursuing the fortress and made a detailed plan, but now, all of these have been ruined.

He estimated that it would take at least half a year for the kingdom to suppress the chaos. In this short period of time, they will be unable to look eastward, and at best they can only protect themselves.

Earl Maple Leaf, you have to hold on! Edward said silently in his heart.

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