Legendary Hero

Chapter 28 Small Merchant

Ever since he came into contact with those people, Sa Watson has always felt restless.

He is just a businessman, as long as there is a profitable business, even if it is a small violation of Vendôme's decree, he will do it secretly.

More than a month ago, he got a message that a group of people were collecting raw spell crystals. They didn't mind paying high prices, even double the price on the market. They only wanted the secrecy of the transaction.

After getting the news, Savosen used his various means to collect rough crystals. He successfully completed several transactions and earned at least a thousand gold coins.

This gave him a taste of the sweetness. Although he didn't like dealing with those spooky guys, he still bought a large piece of rough stone at a high price on the black market and planned to sell it.

The problem lies in this rough stone that cost him hundreds of gold coins.

For some reason, the group of people who were always very punctual suddenly disappeared, and a week passed, and there was still no news.

This matter made Sa Watson very upset, because it meant that he would lose nearly a hundred gold coins, but this was not a big deal. Although the loss was large, he could still bear it.

It made him feel that something was wrong. There were some secret rumors in the business circle. The rumors said that the group of people who bought the rough crystals before were servants of demons. will suffer.

The rumors did not know whether they were true or not, but they made Sa Watson flustered. He wanted to throw away the rough stone in his hand, but he was reluctant. After some struggles, he buried the rough stone under the apple tree in his backyard, and it was still on it. A layer of turf was laid.

After doing this, he felt a little relieved.

In the evening, the butler came to remind: Master, there is a dinner tonight, and Mr. Greens will be the host.

Didn't you just eat it yesterday? Come again today? Does he have something to show off? Sa Watson frowned. Although they had a lot of business, he didn't like Greens. Will treat guests and invite friends to show off.

It was nothing at first, but the white crystal jade ring that Greens showed yesterday was so beautiful, he was moved by seeing it, and thought of exchanging it with Greens, but this guy refused without any sympathy. Him, it made him very unhappy.

I didn't hear that he got anything. The housekeeper looked at his master's face, and said cautiously: There is a rumor about your reputation.

What rumors are there? Savos frowned, and suddenly he remembered the rough crystal stone buried in the backyard.

Mr. Greens' white crystal jade ring was stolen. He suspects... suspects...so I invite you...

What are you talking about? You bastard! Damn it! You humiliated me so much, I'm going to fight him! Hearing this, Savosen felt the blood rushing to his face and his temples throbbing. This damned guy actually suspected that he was thief!

He was already dissatisfied with Greens in his heart. At this time, the combination of new and old hatred made him explode all of a sudden.

The butler hurriedly persuaded: Master, calm down, it's good to explain this clearly. Mr. Greens didn't say it clearly, he just went to the banquet.

No, I'm going, what will others think of me! Sa Watson only felt so angry that he couldn't calm down. After thinking about it, he felt that the duel was too reckless, but at least he could cut off business with this guy contacts.

Em, you go and throw all the Greens stuff on my ship!

Master, this... The housekeeper wanted to persuade him again.

Go! Savson said angrily.

The butler left Savatson's study with a helpless expression on his face. When he walked out of the room, the helplessness on his face disappeared. Instead, he showed a relieved expression, mixed with some pride.

He weighed the purse in his arms, and there were three heavy gold coins in it, which were worth more than a year's wages for him.

It was given by some masked man, he didn't know why he did it, and what harm it would do to his master Savatson, he didn't care about it, he didn't think about these things at all, Why should he care about the life and death of that miser?

In short, he decisively took the money and used some tricks to easily make Savosen fly into a rage.

Next, he naturally carried out Savosen's order and threw Greens' cargo overboard.

In the study, Sa Watson still felt extremely angry. If he had the chance, he would definitely grab the head of that bastard Greens and slap him hard.

The anger tormented him for a long time, until the steward came back and reported that all the goods of Greens had been thrown overboard, he felt better and fell asleep peacefully.

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, the steward came to report in a hurry: My lord, something is wrong. Greens has gone to the public security station to report the crime. Those city guards are going to come in and search.

What? Search? Do I just search my place? What evidence do they have? Sa Watson was furious, and he vowed to fight that idiot Greens!

In his rage, he still felt a little guilty, and he thought of the rough crystal in the backyard.

Mum, go slow them down and wait for me to get up.

Savosen quickly got up from the bed, put on clothes indiscriminately, and then rushed to the window, looking towards the backyard where the rough crystal stone was buried.

Looking at it this way, his face turned pale.

At the location where the crystal was buried, three young men in city guard uniforms were digging the turf with shovels, and a large pit had been dug. A corner of the black iron box had been exposed in the pit, which made the three The young man dug harder and harder.

It's over, it's over! Everything is over! Savoxen murmured and repeated this sentence. It was rumored that there was an archmage who was investigating the illegal trade of crystal rough stones. He was an archmage with boundless power and extraordinary wisdom. God is no different.

I heard that they can directly grab the soul out of the body and torture it. No secrets in the world can be hidden from them.

Now, his private collection of rough stones was discovered, what should we do?

Just when Sa Watson was scared to death in the bedroom, the door was knocked again, and the butler's voice appeared, crying: Master, something is wrong, the three city guards said that they want to arrest you go back!

Savosen was woken up. He looked out the window again, and saw that the three young city guards had disappeared, and there was only a big pit left on the ground, but the box containing the rough crystals was gone. They must have been carried away up.

Em, you tell them, let them give me a yard, and I will give them any gold coins they want...

With a 'bang' sound, the bedroom door was pushed open, and a strong man with a hideous face walked in. Savosen, who was already in a panic, felt so frightened that his lower body became hot, and there was a The water rushed out, soaked the trousers, and flowed from the trousers to the ground. It was yellow in color and exuded a foul smell.

Aha, this guy was scared to pee. The wild wolf laughed loudly, pulling the scar on his forehead to become more ferocious, almost knocking Savatson unconscious.

Rollin and Harrington came in one after another, and then closed the bedroom door.

Seeing the situation, Savosen suddenly had a glimmer of hope, and hurriedly said: What do you think? Do you want gold coins? Just ask.

Luo Lin took a step forward, pointed to the iron box they brought in and said, Don't worry. We are here to find out the white crystal jade ring that Mr. Greens lost. There is something strange about the turf in your backyard. We thought you put the things away. Hidden there, and finally dug out this thing, the rough stone inside is not small... tsk tsk tsk.

Harrington picked it up in a timely manner: To be honest, for a decent businessman like you, a white crystal jade ring is just a trivial matter, and it's over if you return it to Greens. At most, it's just a few gold coins. As long as you find out, there is no reason to talk about it, and you will be escorted back immediately, and handed over to the archmage for interrogation in person!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't! Savosen knelt on the ground begging for mercy, regardless of his age.

He is not afraid of these city guards, what he is afraid of is the Archmage!

Brother, I think this man is very pitiful, why don't you let him go? Harrington began to sing bad faces according to the plan.

Yes, yes, gentlemen, please help me. As long as you help me pass this level, my house, whatever you fancy, just move away! Savosen felt hopeful again.

How can this be done? Brother, if the Archmage finds out, we will be finished too. We can't help you. Wild Wolf played the black face, he is the most suitable for this role.

Luo Lin pinched his chin, hesitating: What you said makes sense. But the matter of the Archmage really cannot be delayed. Otherwise, no one can afford this responsibility.

Sa Watson desperately promised: I will never dare to make such black-hearted money again, absolutely not.

Black-hearted money? What kind of money? Tell me. Luo Lin's eyes lit up, and he grasped the key word.

It's that group of people, that group of masked people. They bought rough stones at a high price, and the price they paid was more than twice the market price. I was fascinated for a while.

Luo Lin suddenly nodded and said: So that's the case. Then I have a way to save you from the trial of the Archmage, and at the same time we will not delay the matter.

Say it, say it! Sa Watson hurriedly said.

The thing is like this. You continue to hold this rough stone.

Don't dare, I will never do this again. Sa Watson desperately refused.

Take it if you tell me! The wild wolf shouted angrily.

Savatson was taken aback and dared not refuse.

We will watch you in secret, and when those people ask you for the rough stone again, you will give them the rough stone. The condition is that you tell us the place of transaction in advance. Luo Lin said.

This... Sa Watson hesitated: But they haven't contacted me for a long time this time.

What if I contact you? This is your only chance to redeem your sins. You can figure it out! Luo Lin snorted coldly. He knew that the people of the Destruction God Cult would definitely practice Savoxen again, because they needed it too much. The magic crystal is gone, and they still have to bear the pressure of destroying the gods from other planes, and they won't be able to hold it for long.

Then... okay. Savatson finally agreed. Although he was afraid of those masked people, he was still willing to face the former compared to the powerful archmage.

Luo Lin breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't plan for nothing this time, and everything has gone well so far.

The three of them explained how to contact Savosen in the bedroom, and retreated from the merchant's house.

Before leaving, the wild wolf stared at his convex eyes and threatened fiercely: We will keep watching you, don't play tricks on me! Otherwise, I will definitely pinch your two thin legs and tear you apart. In two halves!

Savatson swallowed and shook his head again and again.

He is a gentle businessman, and slapping someone is already the ultimate violent action. Where has he seen such a savage character like a wild wolf?

Now, he just wanted to end this matter as soon as possible and wake up from this nightmare as soon as possible.

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