Legendary Godfather

271: Tong Yi, you want to kill someone but you still feel guilty!

At the end of the game, Crystal Palace reversed a 3-2 away victory over Tottenham Hotspur.

Sherwood was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

He really didn't expect that he would lose this game!

He is a little confused!

Of course, the Tottenham Hotspur fans at the scene did not expect that the entire scene was completely silent.

Only a few away fans celebrated excitedly.

In the stadium, Tottenham Hotspur players shook their heads with great regret and annoyance. They all couldn't accept it. They should have won this game.

All because of Sherwood!

If Sherwood hadn't still invited the team to attack after the team took the lead, they would not have given the Crystal Palace people a chance to equalize and win in this game! It was because of the crazy attack after taking the lead that the defense was empty, which gave the Crystal Palace people a chance. ??

Sherwood, what exactly do you think?

Or are you, Sherwood, a spy sent to Tottenham Hotspur by Crystal Palace?

Some Tottenham Hotspur players are very unhappy and very angry!

They originally thought that Villas-Boas coached well and had objections to Sherwood's coaching. Now that they have done this, they are even more dissatisfied with Sherwood.

Of course, they were not stupid and did not show it on the spot or question Sherwood. However, they did not give Sherwood a good look when leaving the court.

Fortunately, Sherwood was still in a daze and didn't notice this at all.

Tong Yi looked at Sherwood, then walked directly to the confused Sherwood, stretched out his right hand and said, "Thank you!"

The confused Sherwood was a little confused and didn't even understand what was going on. He habitually extended his right hand and shook hands with Tong Yi in a friendly manner. Then when he heard this "thank you", he reacted and his face turned livid!

This damn Chinese soft rice man is really a villain!

He was slapped in the face in front of his face, and he even wanted to kill someone with heartache!

Damn it!

But by the time he reacted, Tong Yi had already left!

Sherwood was very angry!

What made him even more angry were the Tottenham Hotspur fans who were staring directly at him. He felt a little frightened by these looks!

He was furious in his heart, "Why are you looking at me like this? Are you mentally ill? Do you really think that Tong Yi and I are the same person? You are too stupid, damn those Chinese soft-boiled men." Thank you, it's just a divorce plan! You fools are so gullible, damn it!"

Sherwood was truly speechless.

In fact, Sherwood himself has too much inner drama, and Tottenham Hotspur fans really don't have such hypocrisy. They looked at Sherwood like this because they were just dissatisfied with Sherwood's team leadership performance and coaching ability in this game.

If you, Sherwood, hadn't committed suicide, would Tottenham Hotspur have lost this game?

Not at all!

Not to mention you can't compare with the Chinese soft-boiled guy, even Boas can't compare to you!

At this time, many Tottenham Hotspur fans have begun to wonder if they made a mistake in changing their coach? In fact, it would be better to keep Boas!

Although Sherwood didn't know what these fans were thinking, he knew that his situation would be very bad next.

What he has to face next is triple pressure from fans, players and senior management.

I don’t know if he can handle it!

At this time, he felt a little sympathetic to Boas!

However, Sherwood was not convinced by losing this game!

He really should have won this game. It was all those damn Chinese soft-boiled men who stole the victory that belonged to them.

Damn Tong Yi!

It's all your fault!

At this time, Tong Yi was in a good mood. He said at the post-match press conference, "First of all, I want to thank Mr. Sherwood, the head coach of Tottenham Hotspur. If he hadn't given us the opportunity, we would not have played this game." It is really possible to lose! Because my players are not in the best condition. The only way to win this game is because the opponent gave me a chance!"

It's so good that Sherwood just walked into the post-match press conference at this time and listened to all of Tong Yi's words.

Suddenly, Sherwood was furious!

The look in his eyes that stared at Tong Yi was full of anger!

Fortunately, he also took into account the media reporters and cameras around him, so this guy covered up quickly, and then pretended to be very calm and walked onto the main stage. Sitting down at the banquet.

Tong Yi nodded towards Sherwood, and then continued, "I'm really grateful to Mr. Sherwood. If he hadn't made the team attack like crazy after taking the lead, our Crystal Palace would have really lost this game!"

Tong Yi really didn't like Sherwood at all, he said it to his face.


The media reporters at the scene all took a breath of cold air, Tong Yi really dared to say that!

Suddenly, all the cameras on the scene were focused on Sherwood, and they all wanted to see Sherwood's reaction.

Sherwood was like a stone Buddha, with no expression on his face.

Media reporters have rested in peace. No change is the biggest change.

This guy Sherwood must be trying his best not to let his expression change in any way. On the surface, he is calm, but in fact, he is turbulent in his heart.

The harder this guy Sherwood tries to pretend to be calm, the harder he tries to prevent others from seeing the problem.

This guy Sherwood must hate Tong Yi to death.

Tong Yi continued, "We at Crystal Palace are very lucky to win this game! Of course, we cannot always rely on luck to win more games. The state of our Crystal Palace players has indeed been ups and downs recently. We must solve this problem as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be big problems later. This is also my problem and my responsibility, and I still didn't do it well!"

Then, the media reporters and cameras all looked at Sherwood!

Did you see that he was so humble after winning the game and leading the newly promoted team to the top five in the league? How about you?

Why is there such a big gap between people who are the same people?

Sherwood gritted his teeth and wanted to gouge out the eyes of these damn media reporters.

Of course, he hated Tong Yi even more in his heart.

It seems that this guy Tong Yi will not stop until he kills himself!

Sherwood snorted coldly and said to himself, "Chinese bastard, don't bother me. I just signed a formal contract with Tottenham Hotspur. How could I be fired immediately? Do you think the top management of Tottenham Hotspur will ask you?" Are you so stupid? Don’t be complacent. Next time we fight, I will definitely let you taste what it’s like to lose to me!”

Next time we meet, Tottenham Hotspur will definitely win!

Tong Yi also said, "The league has now reached a more critical moment. Our Crystal Palace team must adjust our state as soon as possible, otherwise, we may have played in vain this season! So, I'm sorry everyone, I am now I have to go back and train my team, bye!"

After saying that, Tong Yi stood up and left directly.

The media reporters and Sherwood at the scene did not react until Tong Yi heard the news.

Sherwood was very angry!

This damn guy is so disgusting!

He was originally planning to sting Tong Yi with words in front of him when he was speaking, but he didn't know that this guy just took the money and ran away, not giving him a chance at all, so that he had to prepare all the things he had spent so much time and effort on. Words are completely useless!

So depressed!

Sherwood almost suffered internal injuries!

Damn Chinese bastard, this damn guy must have done it on purpose!

Damn it, you and I have nothing to do with each other.

To be honest, this is actually Sherwood overthinking and being too content. Or maybe he takes himself too seriously and fills up too many things in his head. In fact, he is really not that important in Tong Yi's eyes. Tong Yi didn't care about his reaction at all, and didn't even take him seriously.

There was really something wrong with Tong Yi leaving so early.

However, Sherwood felt that he had been teased and humiliated by Tong Yi. Sherwood was very angry at this humiliation.


De secretly shouted in his heart, "Don't be arrogant, next time I will beat your damn Crystal Palace into a sieve!"

Then, when Sherwood faced the media reporters, he said, "We did not lose to Tong Yi in this game, let alone Crystal Palace. Their strength is particularly bad and cannot affect us at Tottenham at all." Tottenham, our loss this time was a problem within ourselves. After taking the lead, our players relaxed a little, which allowed the Crystal Palace people to seize the opportunity and complete the reversal. If there is no problem with my players , we must be the ones to win this game. The Crystal Palace people simply don’t have the strength to beat us. I’m very sorry that I didn’t win this game!”

The media reporters were all shocked. This guy Sherwood actually put the responsibility for losing on the players.

Tsk tsk!

Does this guy not want to hang out at Tottenham Hotspur?

He has just taken over the team, and it is exactly the time when he needs the support and support of the players. He actually stabbed the players in the back at this time and let the players take the blame. What do you think of the Tottenham Hotspur players?

This guy Sherwood seems to be really not suitable for coaching!

Anyway, Sherwood's operation was really confusing, and the media reporters at the scene were a little confused.

Sherwood continued, "However, our Tottenham Hotspur players are actually very strong, and our overall strength is also very strong. If my players can unite and unite, we will win the next game." If we work hard, we have a chance to reach the top four in the league, and even win the league championship! Therefore, I hope my players will cooperate with me from behind, play hard and work hard, and strive to win the league championship. , give a satisfactory explanation to Tottenham Hotspur fans and senior management! So, guys, work hard!"

Media reporters really think this Sherwood is seriously ill!

Are you giving me sweet dates after beating me with a stick?

But the date you gave me isn’t sweet either!

Anyway, at this time, media reporters are not optimistic about Sherwood coaching Tottenham Hotspur. They also don't know why Tottenham Hotspur's top brass chose Sherwood to replace Villas-Boas? To be honest, Villas-Boas is better coaching Tottenham Hotspur than Sherwood.

Is there any irreconcilable conflict between Tottenham Hotspur's senior management and Villas-Boas?

No matter what, media reporters feel that this coaching change of Tottenham Hotspur's top management is a huge failure. As for Sherwood, this guy is not suitable for coaching. This game has exposed all the problems. Next, Tottenham Hotspur's results are very worrying!

On the contrary, Crystal Palace's condition is gradually starting to improve. It is impossible to say that Crystal Palace will start to rise in the second half of the season!

Media reporters are more interested in Crystal Palace!

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