Legendary Godfather

242: Master Duan Shui and the FA cut the knot with a sharp knife

"Slaughter! Crystal Palace slaughtered Hong Kong's Liverpool 6-0 in an away game!" - "The Times"

"Breaking news! Crystal Palace swept away Liverpool!" - "Manchester Post"

"Shocked! Lukaku, who scored twice, was kicked by Hong Jun fans and was seriously injured and hospitalized!" - "The Guardian"

"Crystal Palace beat Liverpool with six goals, fans rioted at Anfield!" - "London Times"

"Bloodshed broke out at Anfield, Liverpool lost and it was embarrassing!" - "Bild"

"Tong Yi will never give in when faced with such evil behavior!" - "World Sports News"

"Rogers, the Chinese soft-boiler, is the culprit who caused the riots! He should be severely punished!" - "Liverpool Echo"

"Six to zero! China's famous coach Tong Yi leads the team to conquer Anfield!" - "Sports Weekly"

"Severe punishment! Football stadiums are not lawless places! Liverpool hooligans should be jailed!" - "Sina Sports"

"Rogers is really a good guy, but I don't like him!" - "Marca"

"Liverpool! Please keep football hooligans away from football stadiums!" - "Torino Sport"

"Liverpool makes us re-recognize football hooligans!" - "Gazzetta dello Sport"

The next day, major media outlets reported on Crystal Palace's away game against Liverpool.

However, without exception, these media focused their reports on the bloodshed at Anfield. They all sharply commented on the performance of Liverpool fans that they could not afford to lose, and they all said that this was smearing English football. This is also A disgrace to world professional football.

Of course, countless media reporters crazily criticized Rogers.

What Rogers said after the game really refreshed people's views, especially after hearing Tong Yi's eccentric words about Rogers, they thought so.

Rogers missed the point. Instead, he protected some football hooligans, claiming that all mistakes were Tong Yi's fault and that Tong Yi was the one who started the trouble.

This is outrageous!

No wonder so many media reporters stood on the highest moral point and criticized Rogers crazily.

During this time, even Rogers did not dare to take to the streets easily.

Even on the streets of Liverpool there are people who point fingers at him.

This made Rogers very angry.

What made him even more angry was that Rogers was turned into a villain, while Tong Yi became a sought-after hero.

Because many media reporters and fans have praised Tong Yi's daring character and courage to face evil forces.

Tong Yi is really great!

Of course, there were also a lot of media reporters reporting on Lukaku's situation, because it seemed that Lukaku's condition was really serious at the time, with blood all over his face!

Many timid people can't stand it.

Those who fainted with blood were on the spot

They fainted, and even some people who fainted were trampled, and many people were injured.

Fortunately, nothing worse or more extreme happened.

The impact of this incident is very large, and Liverpool's image has been really greatly affected.

Of course, the images of Crystal Palace and Tong Yi were also greatly affected.

There are also many people who have the same view as Rogers. They all think that this damn guy Tong Yi started this incident. If you were faced with the humiliation and criticism from these excessive football hooligans in Liverpool, you would have endured it, not been so tough, not angered them, and just endured it silently. This would not have angered them and led to a larger outbreak. The violence. Messy.

If this guy Tong Yi was more sensible, there would be nothing else for these Liverpool football hooligans to humiliate and curse.

Why do you want to piss off these lunatics?

It's all Tong Yi's fault!

To be honest, there are quite a few of these people doing this!

Tong Yi naturally ignored the opinions of these guys with distorted views. Tong Yi didn't care at all.

To put it bluntly, these guys are the accomplices of the executioner!

If it were before the founding of the People's Republic of China, these guys would be complete traitors!

When a victim is faced with a group of knife-wielding thugs, it doesn't matter if these guys don't help. Instead, they have to stand up and shout for the victim to suffer silently and not to resist, so as not to anger the thugs and threaten the safety of others.

Dogs, these are real dogs!

Tong Yi is too lazy to pay attention to these... dogs!

The impact of this matter is so great that the Football Association and the English Professional Football League have also intervened in this matter.

If they don't handle this matter well, it will have a huge impact on the image of English football.

The Football Association has set up an investigation team to investigate this matter!

In fact, this matter is really not too complicated, and it will be clear once you check it. Soon, the FA investigation team figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

Then they went back to discuss it and punished the matter accordingly the next day.

The first thing is to fight against those Liverpool football hooligans. The Football Association of England has no mercy on them at all. They are directly banned from watching live games for life, as long as they are regular events held in England. Moreover, the police also punished these guys with criminal detention, and even the most serious guys faced jail time.

This punishment is still very severe.

This makes Crystal Palace and other people and fans who are paying attention to this matter relatively satisfied.

Secondly, penalties were also imposed on Liverpool Football Club. First, they were fined 200,000 pounds and banned fans from entering Anfield Stadium for five games. In other words, Liverpool will

The next five home games will be played behind closed doors, and no Liverpool fans will be able to enter the venue.

This punishment is also very severe!

Once again, Rogers was punished. Rogers' remarks after the game also caused great repercussions and discomfort. The Football Association also punished him, banning him for three games and fined him 50,000 pounds.

Regarding this article, some people think it is too much.

Although there is a slight problem with Rogers' words, it is not a big problem. He did not cause any discomfort. He just knew that it caused Tong Yi's discomfort. There is no need to punish him so severely, right?

But when they saw the last sentence of this punishment, these people stopped. .??.

Finally, the Football Association of England also punished Tong Yi. The reason for the punishment given by the Football Association was that Tong Yi provoked the home fans during the game. For Tong Yi's behavior, the Football Association also punished him, banning him for three games and fined him 50,000 pounds.

The FA really treats everyone equally!

It can be said that Tong Yi and Rogers each hit 50 big boards!

Crystal Palace fans are naturally very dissatisfied with this result. Why punish our Tong Yi? What did our head coach Tong Yi do? How could you be so cruel? What is the basis for your punishment? Is it just to calm the mood of Liverpool fans?

Master Duan Shui?

Even some media reporters feel that the FA's punishment of Tong Yi is really excessive, and Tong Yi should not have received these punishments.

But more people still believe that Tong Yi should be punished because he did provoke Liverpool fans during the game.

It just made Webster unable to listen anymore.

Why did Tong Yi provoke Liverpool fans? Where did Tong Yi behave and act to provoke Liverpool fans?

Tong Yi just shouted a few words loudly to ask Crystal Palace to continue attacking and score as many goals as they could.

Can’t we say these things anymore?

Does this provoke Liverpool fans? Did he roar at the Liverpool fans or raise any humiliating gestures to the Liverpool fans?

No, not at all!

So why did Tong Yi provoke Liverpool fans?

Anyway, Webster felt that the FA was indeed a master of water this time. Their basis for judging Tong Yi's provocation against Liverpool fans was simply untenable. This was purely punishment for the sake of punishment and was not realistic at all.

Webster stated this in detail in his report, clearing Tong Yi's name.

This attracted countless supporters, all of whom were trying to clear Tong Yi's name.

There are even a lot of fans who have united and attacked the official websites of the Football Association and the English Professional League to express their dissatisfaction, and even madly criticized the Football Association and the English Professional League.

Fairness in the Football League. Some people even claim that this is discrimination by the FA and the English Professional Football League, and discrimination against Chinese people.


When it comes to this, the problem becomes huge!

When the Football Association and the English Professional Football League saw that these issues were involved, they also stood up and held a special press conference to explain the matter in detail. And they said they didn't discriminate in any way. It's the same for everyone as long as they're in the English Professional Football League.

However, they gave reasons for the punishment, but these people still couldn't accept it.

They just feel that the FA and the English Professional Football League are cutting off water and discriminating.

However, at this time, the Crystal Palace spokesperson stood up and expressed acceptance of the punishment from the FA and the English Professional League. He also stated that this was indeed their fault and that they would not make the same mistake next time.

The Crystal Palace club came forward to help the FA and others.

However, the doubters simply do not believe it. They even feel that Crystal Palace should have been threatened and coerced by the FA and the English Professional Football League before they issued these statements, otherwise they would never have done so.


The Football Association almost lost their temper after learning this.

After that, they ignored these guys and didn't mention this matter again, just downplaying it.

Of course, at this time, Tong Yi also stood up,

When facing reporters, he said, "I accept the penalty imposed by the Football Association. Although I did not provoke the Liverpool fans with my words and deeds at the time, maybe my words still stimulated the fragile hearts of the sensitive Liverpool fans. ! Anyway, I don’t think I did anything wrong, but the FA and the professional leagues may have their own considerations and guidelines! I don’t understand the punishment they imposed, but I accept it! Please don’t pay attention to this. It’s over, let’s focus more on the next games. We at Crystal Palace will definitely continue to move forward. I still say the same thing, our goal for Crystal Palace this season is to qualify for the European competition!”

Obviously, the FA interview was not satisfied with Tong Yi's speech, very dissatisfied.

Some people even think that Tong Yi is satirizing the FA.

But the FA didn't hold on to this anymore. After all, Tong Yi also said he accepted it, so what else do you want? Do you want to keep talking about this matter and making it more popular so that he will never stop talking about it?

That would be the worst thing for the FA and the professional leagues.

Therefore, although they were dissatisfied with Tong Yi's speech, the Football Association still accepted it.

Just let this matter pass.

Anyway, their punishment for Tong Yi is real, even if this punishment is punishment for Tong Yi's remarks this time. Anyway, Tong Yi will be suspended for three games and fined 50,000 pounds.

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