Legendary Godfather

064: Crystal Palace’s new manager Campbell

At the end of the five rounds of the English Championship, Crystal Palace has won all five games and has become the only team in the English Championship to have a complete victory. With 15 points, it ranks first in the English Championship.

Ranked second is Blackburn, who remain unbeaten with 3 wins and 2 draws, with 11 points.

There are four teams behind with 3 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss and 10 points.

But, for now, Crystal Palace have it all.

This is indeed beyond the expectations of many English media reporters and celebrities. This guy Tong Yi is really so good. He just took over Crystal Palace in the new season and allowed Crystal Palace to maintain a complete victory and reach the top of the league.

I didn't expect that this soft-boiled guy is actually quite capable.

But now, media reporters and B\u0026Bs in England feel that Tong Yi's irrational suspension will destroy the advantages he has worked so hard for.

A three-match ban means Crystal Palace will be surpassed by the team behind them.

After all, except for Tong Yi, no one in the current coaching staff of Crystal Palace has had the experience of coaching alone. At this time, if they are asked to catch up, can they lead the team to achieve good results?

Anyway, the media reporters and celebrities in England didn’t believe it.

Even "The Times" reporter Harris found Arsenal's head coach Wenger and interviewed Wenger. "Excuse me, Mr. Wenger, do you think Campbell has talent in coaching? Do you think he would coach a team?" What results will be achieved?"

Wenger was instantly confused by Harris' question.

What's happening here?

Recently Wenger's attention has been on Arsenal and the upcoming games, and he has not paid attention to the gossip from the outside world. So he really didn't figure out what happened?

He was confused by the question.

Wenger, who was a little confused, pondered for a while, and then said directly, "Sol is actually a person with relatively good coaching talent, which actually showed up when he was at Arsenal. However, I am not very clear about his recent developments. I don’t know what stage of his coaching course he has reached. So I don’t know much about his situation, but I believe he will be able to become an excellent head coach!”

With that, Wenger left without giving Harris a chance to react.

But what Wenger has said so far has made Harris very satisfied.

Although Wenger said some nice things to Campbell, what Wenger actually meant was that he felt Campbell was not good enough. If he thought Campbell was good, he would definitely praise Campbell crazily, instead of like this.

Harris was so excited that he went back and wrote a piece of news saying "Wenger is not optimistic about Campbell and Crystal Palace is about to lose three games in a row." In an instant, people all over England knew that they were not optimistic about Campbell. Especially the fans in the English Championship were very happy. Crystal Palace was going to lose three games in a row, so their team would naturally have a chance.

Now Crystal Palace is preparing for the next game.

Although he is about to be suspended for three games, Tong Yi still comes to the Beckenham training base every day. Of course, he is now taking this opportunity to hand over all the team's affairs to Campbell. Tong Yi will not interfere with training matters and tactical arrangements. He will leave them completely to Campbell, allowing Campbell to fully experience coaching alone. Feel.

To be honest, Campbell is very grateful to Tong Yi.

Tong Yi really did his best to support and train him. Ever since he agreed to transfer Tong Yi to 1860 Munich, Tong Yi has been dedicated to his coaching career. Campbell is really grateful.

Now Tong Yi gave him such an opportunity again, even regardless of the team's results.

Campbell was really touched.

Campbell is a professional player. He has experienced many times where the head coach was suspended, and then the assistant coach came up to direct the game. But in the past, the head coach was responsible for formulating training and tactics before the game, and only asked the assistant coach to act as a puppet when it came to the game.

Even in the past, when international football did not prohibit the use of walkie-talkies in the coaching bench, the banned head coach could still control the game through a walkie-talkie in the stands.

Really, he has almost never seen someone like Tong Yi completely let go.

Tong Yi's trust in him really couldn't be increased.

Even Campbell felt the pressure.

Looking at Tong Yi standing on the sidelines, Campbell struggled for a long time and came to Tong Yi's side and said, "Boss, is it a bit..."

Tong Yi looked at Campbell, smiled and said, "Why, you are not confident in yourself anymore?"

Campbell was silent for a moment, then looked at Tong Yi and said, "It's true, I'm really afraid of affecting our team's performance. Of course, I know that you trust me and are helping me wholeheartedly and cultivating me." .This is also a very good opportunity for me..."

Seeing Campbell's tangled look, Tong Yi was actually a little surprised.

It's rare for Campbell to be so entangled and coy in his normal life.

He immediately said, "Just say whether you are willing to coach alone? If you really don't want to, I can hand over this job to others!"

Campbell's eyes widened, and upon hearing this, he immediately said, "Yes, of course I am willing to do it!"

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, so he is naturally willing.

Tong Yi smiled and said, "Since you are willing, then don't think so much and don't have any miscellaneous thoughts. Just devote yourself to your work and try your best. I believe in you, our coaching staff

Your colleagues also believe in you, and our players also believe in you! Good job! "

Hearing this, Campbell felt hot in his heart.

To be honest, Campbell is much older than Tong Yi. However, at this time, Campbell really felt that Tong Yi was his mentor. And in order to train him, Tong Yi really tried his best to train him, and he was really grateful.

And he also felt that he was very lucky to have met Tong Yi at the end of his career.

If he hadn't met Tong Yi, he firmly believed that he wouldn't have turned coach yet. .??.

To be honest, after being in the coaching profession for so long, Campbell found that he really likes this profession.

Last season at 1860 Munich, he was still a player and coach of the team. But at that time, he didn't really want to play. Instead, he wanted to put all his energy into coaching.

Therefore, this season, he retired directly and became a member of Tong Yi's coaching staff.

Campbell also thought that one day in the future, he would go out to coach alone and become the head coach of a club. Now that this opportunity is right in front of him, he is still a little uncomfortable and timid.

Now with Tong Yi's encouragement, Campbell has put all these concerns behind him and devoted himself to his work.

Seeing Campbell like this, Tong Yi was relieved.

When Kruger saw Campbell coming over, he patted Campbell directly on the shoulder and said, "You can coach with peace of mind. We all believe in you. Come on and do your best!"

Campbell was really moved and nodded firmly towards Kruger.

The atmosphere of their coaching staff is still very good, and the relationship among colleagues is also very harmonious, with no infighting. These are all Tong Yi's personality charms. Tong Yi has combined them perfectly. Now everyone is very happy working together.

Campbell was filled with enthusiasm, nodded firmly to Kruger, said thank you, and then walked into the training ground to direct the players on the training ground to start training and prepare for the next game.

Looking at Campbell's appearance, the corners of Tong Yi's mouth raised slightly.

"Are you really so trusting of him?" Suddenly, Pintus's voice sounded in Tong Yi's ears.

Tong Yi glanced at Pintus, and then said, "Actually, this has nothing to do with being restless. Sol needs such experience. Otherwise, he will not grow, and I am really optimistic about Sol." Yes, I believe he will become an excellent head coach in the future."

Pintus looked at Tong Yi carefully, then turned to look at Campbell on the training ground.

To be honest, he doesn't know if Campbell will be a good head coach in the future.

But he can also feel Tong Yi's expectations for Campbell.

Pintus suddenly said, "Since you think so highly of him, wouldn't doing this make him leave you earlier?"

In Pintus' view, if Campbell grows up, he will definitely leave Crystal Palace to coach alone.

Now that Tong Yi is so optimistic about Campbell, wouldn't it be good for his team to keep Campbell by his side as an assistant? Do you have to cultivate Campbell so quickly and then let Campbell leave you like this?

Tong Yi was slightly stunned. He had not thought of this level.

After a while, Tong Yi said, "Actually, I didn't think that much, and even if Thor really wants to leave in the future, I won't have any way to stop him. Just like Killian, look at Killian, although Although he has left, we talk on the phone almost every week, and he often tells me about some of the problems he is encountering now, etc.!"

Pintus also thought of Nagelsmann!

Tong Yi's cultivation and love for Nagelsmann is something everyone on the coaching staff knows. After Nagelsmann came to Tong Yi's coaching staff, Tong Yi was almost inseparable from Nagelsmann. And he taught Nagelsmann everything he could.

Even Pintus was a little suspicious. Tong Yi regarded Nagelsmann as a closed disciple.

But in fact, Tong Yi was both a teacher and a friend to Nagelsmann.

Tong Yi also learned a lot from Nagelsmann.

To be honest, Pintus did not expect that Nagelsmann would be the first to leave Tong Yi, and Tong Yi agreed directly without any obstruction.

Thinking about it now, maybe Tong Yizai knew that Nagelsmann would leave.

Just like now, Tong Yi knew very well that Campbell would eventually leave, but he still tried his best to help and cultivate Campbell. This is Tong Yi's charm.

Pintus is very comfortable working with people like Tong Yi.

To be honest, Pintus thinks Tong Yi is a very, very good person.

And in terms of physical training, Tong Yi also completely trusted himself, never interfered once, and completely trusted himself. This gave Pintus the greatest respect, and also made him feel full of Tong Yi's trust. Working next to Tong Yi, Pintus really felt relaxed and recognized.

Seriously, Pintus has never faced this before in his career.

Therefore, Pintus feels that he is lucky to be able to work beside Tong Yi.

To be honest, so far, he has never thought about leaving.

In fact, this summer, Juventus and Bayern Munich both contacted him and wanted him to be a physical coach. But he rejected them all. He still felt more comfortable around Tong Yi.

He Pintus will not leave anytime soon.

Pintus also feels that Campbell will not leave Tong Yi in the short term.

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