Legendary Godfather

442: The time has come for Hernandez’s trial

The game was over, but none of the media reporters left, not even the fans.

Media reporters immediately rushed to the post-match press conference hall.

They are all waiting for the post-match press conference to begin.

At this time, everyone was not looking at the stage, but looking back and forth around themselves, as if looking for someone.

Yes, everyone is looking for someone.

Everyone is taking pictures of today’s protagonist, Hernandez!

Today is a big day for Department Hernandez!

At this time, they wanted to rush to Hernandez and ask, "Mr. Hernandez, are you ready to kneel down and admit your mistake?"

They had been looking forward to this moment for a long, long time.

Finally, they waited for it!

This guy Klose is really awesome, so awesome!

He really scored more than 15 goals this season!

Who would have thought that Klose, who had been kept on the bench by Tong Yi for many consecutive games, would actually break out in this game and directly perform a big four!

Klose has scored 17 goals this season, far exceeding the 15 goals Hernandez said.

Let me see how you can quibble, Hernandez.

The media reporters are all gearing up, just like the lion-slaying conference in Jin Yong's "The Heaven and the Dragon Sword". Everyone is impatient and waiting for the trial of Hernandez.

At this time, no one saw Hernandez, and they were all a little anxious.

Someone said anxiously, "Hey, where is the Hernandez man? Why didn't you see him? He didn't run away, right?"

Suddenly, the media reporters panicked.

Many people are disappointed.

I've been waiting for it for a long time, and I've been looking forward to it for a long time. Don't let it end!

Hernandez, are you still a man?

If you are a man, come out! Don't run away!

Hannah looked at these excited people, and she felt a little bit of fear. The reactions of these people really irritated her, and she suddenly felt that these people looked like devils.

Hannah also felt a little sorry for Hernandez.

Of course, all this is caused by Hernandez himself!

Perhaps Hernandez didn't expect that he would encounter such a situation, right?

The people who once stood firmly behind him, waved flags and cheered for him and charged into battle, now became the people who crusaded against him and wanted to see him make a fool of himself. They even wanted to drive him away and kill him.

Is this the circle she, Hannah, is in now?

Hannah is a little scared!

She suddenly felt that this was completely different from the dream she had had when she was young.

She suddenly felt like giving up.

But these people in front of them are still clamoring crazily, and even launching their own attacks.

He went to find Hernandez with the connections around him and prepared to do everything possible to bring Hernandez to this scene.

They were unwilling to let Hernandez miss such a classic scene.

Today wouldn’t be possible without Hernandez!

Hernandez is the protagonist.

Some media reporters even rushed out of the press conference hall and went outside to look for Hernandez.

Seeing what these people did, Hannah kept shaking her head.

At this moment, Basel head coach Vogel walked into the press conference hall.

Immediately, the media reporters at the scene let out bursts of wailing.

No, the post-match press conference is about to begin, and Hernandez hasn't arrived yet. Is this guy really running away?

Damn coward!

Hernandez, you are not a man!

Vogel was shocked when he saw the reactions of the media reporters.

What's happening here?

Why do these people cry out like this when they see me? What are they doing? Why are they like this? Is this humiliating that we lost 0-7 today?

To be honest, Vogel originally didn't want to participate in the post-game press conference because this game was a shame for him. However, he could not shift the responsibility to his players, so he bravely stood up and came to the post-match press conference.

Looking at the media reporters in the audience who were in strange moods, Vogel didn't pay attention and walked directly to his seat and sat down.

At the same time, Munich 1860 head coach Tong Yi also walked into the press conference hall!

Suddenly, all the media reporters at the scene started to cry again, this time the sound was louder than last time.

They were really anxious and very angry!

Tong Yi is here!

Hernandez, where are you?

You're not really running away, are you?

Hernandez, you damn guy, why didn’t we see that you were such a person before? You are so contemptible to us, you are a scumbag!

The media reporters at the scene were really too anxious, like ants on a hot pot.

Some media reporters even approached the on-site press officer and asked him to start the post-game press conference later because one of the protagonists had not arrived.

Today, the damn guy Hernandez had to appear on the scene before this press conference could begin. Otherwise, today's post-match press conference will be meaningless.

The press officer was stunned!

What's happening here?

Tong Yi

and Vogel both came to the scene. Aren't these people all here? Why can't it start?

The press officer looked around among the reporters at the scene, and instantly he understood why. Because he did not see Hernandez among the reporters, it turned out that these reporters were waiting for Hernandez.

Suddenly, the press officer also felt that the demands of these media reporters were right.

It is indeed impossible to miss Hernandez today.

However, our Klose and our Tong Yi lack a sense of accomplishment.

The public is also missing an entertainment item!

The grievances between Hernandez, Tong Yi and Klose are now very clear to the whole of Germany, and naturally the press officer is also very clear.

Indeed, we cannot just let Hernandez go today.

If you are a man, you must take the initiative and take responsibility!

But what about the Hernandez people?

Couldn't this guy have escaped? If this guy really doesn't show up today, then do we still need to hold this post-match press conference?

The press officer was also a little embarrassed. He immediately turned to look at the two head coaches on the stage.

Tong Yi already understood why the post-match press conference hadn't started yet, because he didn't see Hernandez among the reporters. To be honest, Tong Yi is not surprised at all. This guy Hernandez is such a person. Do you really think he dares to stand up?

Of course Vogel understands.

But his face is very ugly!

Can you still hold this post-match press conference? If you don't open it, I have to leave. I don't have that much time to accompany you to fool around.

After all, Vogel was still very angry and humiliated at this time.

This game was beaten 7-0 by Munich 1860. It would be nice if he could sit in the post-game press conference. Now that he is still sitting here suffering, it would be strange if Vogel is not angry or angry.

Vogel looked directly at the press officer and said with his eyes, "Can the press conference still be held? If not, I will leave!"

The press officer understood the intention and had no choice but to directly announce the start of the post-match press conference.

The media reporters at the scene were very unhappy and very angry. They all glared at the press officer, can't you wait any longer? This guy Hernandez hasn’t arrived yet!

Without him, what’s the point of having this press conference?

The press officer was speechless.

If Hernandez, a coward, dared to show up, he would have shown up long ago. Is there any need to wait until now?

That's why you fools believe Hernandez will show up.

You have all been fooled by this shameless villain Hernandez!

Vogel on the stage ignored these people at all, adjusted the microphone and said, "First of all, congratulations to Munich 1860 for winning this game. They performed very well and are in very good condition. It is natural for them to win." It should be! Especially Miroslav, he was really great today. Congratulations to him for scoring four goals and completing the feat of 17 goals in a single season. In my eyes, Miroslav has returned to his youth. Even better than when he was young! If he can continue to maintain this state, I believe he will appear on the stage of the World Cup in Brazil. Come on, Miroslav, I support you!"

Klose on the stage was very excited when he heard this and nodded slightly to Vogel to express his gratitude.

He and Vogel are still very familiar with each other and have a good relationship.

At this time, hearing this old friend say this, he was naturally very excited and happy.

Vogel also said, "To be honest, I didn't expect that Miloslav would be able to shine in his youth this season! Miloslav this season is indeed an atypical Miloslav. No one expected that. He still has so much energy, but Mr. Tong Yi discovered it. Mr. Tong Yi has a pair of eyes that ordinary people can't match. His vision of seeing people is really amazing. The players he likes are all very good. He has performed very well. In the past, I still didn’t believe it, thinking that Mr. Tong Yi was all lucky. But after what happened with Miloslav, I believe it! Mr. Tong Yi can be said to be the strongest Bole in my mind. ! To be honest, if possible, I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Mr. Tong Yi. I will help Mr. Tong Yi in charge of youth training, and Mr. Tong Yi is responsible for discovering outstanding teenagers! As you know, my best job is still in Youth training!”

After all, Vogel has worked in Bayern Munich's youth training for many years and has trained many outstanding young players for Bayern Munich.

Now, Vogel is really completely conquered by Tong Yi's vision.

Vogel didn't mean it as a compliment, he really meant it. If there is really a chance in the future, he really wants to cooperate with Tong Yi. The job he enjoys most is training young people.

If he cooperates with Tong Yi, how many talented new stars will he have to cultivate in the future?

I feel very excited just thinking about it.

But the media reporters in the audience didn't care at all what Vogel said? Not even their attention was on it. His attention was on the door of the press conference hall, and they were all expecting a miracle.

Looking forward to Hernandez walking into the press conference hall.

But until now, they have not seen Hernandez.

They knew that this damn guy Hernandez had fooled everyone. Hernandez had become a shameful and hateful deserter. He was cowarded! He was completely defeated by Tong Yi!

Hernandez, you are a disgrace to the German sports media!

We are ashamed of your company!

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