Legendary Godfather

421: This is definitely a lose-lose transfer deal.

After the game, the major media outlets were discussing Real Madrid's problems. Many people were looking down on Real Madrid and felt that Real Madrid had done a very bad job this season. This update may have completely failed. This is a perfect example of reverse reinforcement!

Media reporters are crazily criticizing Real Madrid's signings.

Of course, Real Madrid's top brass were repeatedly pulled out and beaten to death. Even Florentino was the first to bear the brunt. Many people claimed that this was an outsider interfering with an insider, and that this was Real Madrid going backwards!

Now Real Madrid has indeed encountered a lot of negative comments.

Of course, at this time, many media reporters also expressed their expectations for Crystal Palace's new season. They feel that Crystal Palace is still the strongest team in the new season and is still the greatest competitiveness for the Premier League championship.

The main reason is Ronaldo's performance and strength. There is no sign of decline.

Crystal Palace has definitely strengthened this season.

Therefore, the Crystal Palace in the new season is still an invincible giant!

But at this time, the official websites of Real Madrid and Crystal Palace successively updated a piece of transfer news, that is, Real Madrid spent 100 million euros to officially introduce Brazilian goalkeeper Alisson from Crystal Palace!

Suddenly, the entire sports media around the world was trembling!

Big news!

Big earthquake-level news!

The most expensive goalkeeper in world football is born!

100 million euros, which shocked all the fans, media reporters, and even celebrities. They all had their mouths opened, it was unbelievable!

How can this be?

This is just a goalkeeper!

They suddenly felt like their brains were overloaded.

Immediately, countless reports with comments about this transfer emerged. Are they all claiming that Real Madrid is crazy? Spending so much money to bring in a goalkeeper?

Although they feel that Alisson is indeed very strong and is the number one goalkeeper in world football today. However, no matter how No. 1, his transfer fee cannot be as high as 100 million!

This is crazy!

Many of the top forwards in the world can't reach this price. Real Madrid actually spends so much money to introduce a goalkeeper? Can a goalkeeper determine a club's ceiling? Can he bring Real Madrid the Champions League title?

If you spend 100 million to introduce a forward, people may understand, but is this a goalkeeper?

Moreover, how many top strikers in world football today are worth more than 100 million euros?

At this time, these celebrities and media reporters were sarcastically criticizing Real Madrid. They even directly suspected whether there was some black gold transaction involved? You guys are not as good at washing rice. Are you treating people all over the world as fools?

Yes, what shocks everyone now is not that Crystal Palace sold the championship goalkeeper

Alisson, but at this transaction amount!

Seriously, this is scary!

In their opinion, no matter how strong Alisson is, it is impossible for him to reach a transfer fee of 100 million.

There must be something shady here!

At this time, although Crystal Palace sold its main goalkeeper, it may have affected the team's strength. But the media reporters are all on the side of Crystal Palace. They feel that even if they face an offer of 100 million euros, he will make the same choice as Crystal Palace now. Even if it is only 90 million, or even 80 million, they will sell Alisson.

It's not that we don't want to keep Alisson, it's just that they gave us too much.

Of course, media reporters also claimed that Alisson's departure will definitely greatly reduce the strength of Crystal Palace, but if you refuse an offer of 100 million euros, you would be a fool.

Webster and others jumped out and claimed that Tong Yi was short-sighted. To sell the club's absolute main goalkeeper for 100 million euros is simply digging one's own grave. In their view, Alisson accounts for at least half of Crystal Palace's outstanding performance in recent years. Without Alisson, Crystal Palace would definitely be missing half the championship.

How many times has Alisson saved Crystal Palace in crucial games? Especially in the championship finals!

Another person really wouldn't be able to do what Alisson is like!

Therefore, in Webster's view, Crystal Palace's biggest failure was to send Alisson away.

In the new season, Crystal Palace's defensive strength will be greatly weakened, which will definitely affect Crystal Palace's performance. Without Alisson, Crystal Palace will not be able to win the championship in the new season.

After all, there is only one Alisson in the world!

This is not something you can just find to replace Alisson. As for Maignan at the Crystal Palace now, it is impossible!

At this time, Webster was crazy about Crystal Palace.

Of course, Crystal Palace fans also have concerns in this regard.

They have no doubt about Alisson's importance and contribution to the team. Alisson's departure will indeed greatly affect Crystal Palace's defense. After all, Crystal Palace dared to press and press at such a high level because it had an excellent goalkeeper as a solid backing.

Now without Alisson, what will happen to Crystal Palace?

But when thinking of 100 million euros, Crystal Palace fans will also have difficulties, and they should not refuse this offer.

Therefore, the Crystal Palace fans did not blame Tong Yi and the Crystal Palace club at this time, because this was an offer that was impossible to refuse. But they are indeed worried about the new season!

Although Maignan performed well in the previous warm-up match with Real Madrid, they still don't think Maignan can replace Alisson!

Even the commentator who called out Maignan during the game to make Crystal Palace fans temporarily forget about Alisson thought so. He felt that no one could replace Alisson!

Perhaps this season Crystal Palace's defense will face a huge test. If they can't handle it, Crystal Palace's new season may be completely over.

Therefore, Crystal Palace fans are very worried at this time.

What will Crystal Palace do in the new season?

But even so, many media reporters have changed their previous predictions for the Premier League championship in the new season. Even taking into account the current situation, many media reporters still rank Crystal Palace at the forefront of championship teams, currently ranked third after Chelsea and Manchester City.

Some media even ranked Crystal Palace in second place.

Except for the pro-Crystal Palace media and its own media, there is no other media that ranks Crystal Palace first.

However, these have little impact on Tong Yi.

To be honest, Tong Yi doesn't really care about it now!

After all, the Premier League championship is played by the teams one by one, not by the reporters who rank them based on seniority every day.

Tong Yi doesn't care about these issues now. Tong Yi's thoughts are focused on the upcoming Community Shield game.

This game is quite important.

Tong Yi needs to win this game to let Crystal Palace fans regain confidence in the team. Even without Alisson, our Crystal Palace is still the most competitive.

Therefore, this game is very important.

Crystal Palace must win this game!

Crystal Palace’s opponent is also one of Crystal Palace’s biggest competitors for the Premier League title in the new season, Chelsea.

At this time, Chelsea is preparing for revenge!

Chelsea faced Crystal Palace twice last season and were robbed of two championships by Crystal Palace. They will naturally bear this in mind. This season, they are here for revenge. They want to double what Crystal Palace gave them last season.

Chelsea must win this game!

Chelsea head coach Conte is also very confident at the moment.

Firstly, Chelsea are now in good shape after recruiting this summer. Secondly, Crystal Palace has many problems. Isn't this just an opportunity for Chelsea?

Chelsea must win this game!

And now that Chelsea know that Crystal Palace's main goalkeeper Alisson has been sent away, they feel that Chelsea are safe in this game.

Conte was interviewed by media reporters at this time. He said, "To be honest, if I were in David's position, I would also choose to take it.

The offer of 100 million euros was too much to refuse! But to be honest, if Alisson is sent away, the strength of Crystal Palace will definitely drop significantly. Therefore, there must be hidden dangers in Crystal Palace in the new season. Therefore, I think it will be difficult for Crystal Palace to win the Premier League championship in the new season. of. I think our probability of Chelsea winning the championship is higher than that of Crystal Palace. I have this confidence! And our biggest competitor for Chelsea this season will also become Manchester City! Alisson is so important, otherwise how could he be worth 100 million! "

Conte is quite gloating. It seems that he has determined that Alisson's departure will have a huge impact on Crystal Palace, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

To be honest, the evaluations of many outside media reporters and celebrities are similar to Conte's. Alisson is really important to Crystal Palace. Without him, Crystal Palace's competitiveness will drop significantly. This season, Crystal Palace may be doomed!

However, at this time, not many people from the outside world praised Real Madrid's signing.

Because they think the cost is too high and unbelievable!

So now many media reporters and celebrities believe that this is a rare lose-lose deal, and neither Real Madrid nor Crystal Palace can benefit!

Therefore, Real Madrid is also being sprayed badly at this time.

Real Madrid fans are also full of anger. Why spend 100 million euros to introduce a goalkeeper? This is simply hell!

Discussions about the deal have continued, but Tong Yi has never stood up and expressed an opinion. Now he is leading the team to actively prepare for the Community Shield game against Chelsea. This game is getting closer and closer. Tong Yi is now fully devoted to this game, preparing to win the team's first championship this season and shut up these miscellaneous people!

Of course, the outside world is "helping" Crystal Palace at this time. They are all helping Crystal Palace select people.

Crystal Palace has sent away Alisson, and they will definitely find someone to replace Alisson. The current young Maignan will definitely not be able to do it. Who will Crystal Palace bring in? These media seem to be reporting these gossips like crazy. Some media claim that Crystal Palace is about to introduce Bayern Munich's Neuer. The Sun even said that Crystal Palace is very likely to win De Gea and let De Gea. Reunited with Tong Yi and his disciples, "The Times" even stated that Crystal Palace is likely to introduce Real Madrid goalkeeper Navas...

In their view, these teams are preparing to rip off Crystal Palace in the transfer market!

After all, your Crystal Palace is making a lot of money, and everyone wants a piece of it, right?

Tong Yi has never considered this issue at all. Now his mind is all on the Community Shield game!

On August 6, 2017, Tong Yi led the Crystal Palace team to the new Wembley Stadium, where they will face Chelsea!

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