Legendary Godfather

132: Senderos’s personal statement

When asked, Tong Yi replied: "Philip is a very strong player, and his potential is amazing. He has unique talents. In my opinion, he is a very good team player. He encountered some problems before, but they have been solved now,"

It's the same as saying it or not. The reporters below were anxious.

Immediately, another reporter asked, "Coach Tong Yi, how did Senderos resolve the issue? What role did you play in it?"

The other reporters nodded. This was the question they wanted to ask.

Tong Yi said lightly, "Philip relied on his own diligence and hard work to solve the difficulties he encountered. He is a very smart player. His achievements today have nothing to do with me. It is all his own." of credit.”

The reporters were a little surprised. How could this guy Tong Yi answer like this? Shouldn't he take all the credit?

Jacob stared at Tong Yi's performance coldly, with disdain on his face.

The reporters naturally still had many questions, but it was obvious that their focus was on Senderos. Seeing that they could not get answers from Tong Yi, they immediately turned to Senderos and began to interview Senderos.

Hannah stood up and asked, "Mr. Senderos, what made you change in the hinterland of the hotel? And how did you do it?"

Senderos was naturally very excited. Facing the questions from media reporters, he said excitedly, "For my performance today, I want to thank our team's head coach, our leader, Tong Yi." Sir, he made me who I am today!”

The reporters were shocked and turned their heads to look at Tong Yi.

Jacob snorted coldly, feeling that this was just a show, with 1,860 people in Munich putting on a show.

Do you want to attribute all the credit to Tong Yi and create a character for him?

Senderos continued, "If it weren't for Tong Yi now, I wouldn't be where I am today!"

The reporters were shocked again, and Senderos emphasized it again.

They all looked at Tong Yi.

Senderos said, "Everyone knows that I have encountered some very serious problems in the past two or three years, which severely damaged my self-confidence. It also prevented me from fully displaying my strength on the court, and even It makes me a little afraid of confrontation, and I no longer have the courage to do so.”

All the reporters fell silent, not expecting that Senderos would dare to speak out so openly.

Senderos also said, "When a player goes on the court, you don't have confidence and you are afraid, you cannot play 50% of your true strength, or even less. This is also the problem I have been having recently. "

Sure enough, Senderos' biggest problem is psychological.


Senderos continued, "Some people will say that you have realized that you are not confident. Wouldn't it be better if you became more confident? This is very simple to say, but it is very difficult to do. I have never experienced it. People don’t understand what that feels like.”

Some people in the crowd who had had similar experiences felt the same and kept nodding.

Senderos is right.

People who are not confident do not mean that you can become confident if you want to.

Being approved, to many outsiders, is a small step forward. However, this is a big step that is difficult for the parties involved to take. Some people even never get over it until their death. There are many such people.

Psychological problems are the most difficult problems to solve.

Senderos continued, "A person's self-confidence must be cultivated or inspired! Obviously, at my age, if I want to cultivate self-confidence, it will take a lot of time and many games, and this is still an unknown process. , no one knows how many games it will take to cultivate my confidence..."

All the reporters nodded, that was indeed the case.

Senderos suddenly looked at Tong Yi with gratitude, and said with a little choked up, "I hate that there are few coaches who would cultivate my self-confidence regardless of the time cost, the number of games, or even the outcome of the game. However, our leader was originally willing to , he chose to believe in me. When people all over the world didn’t understand, he chose to believe in me, always put me in the starting lineup of the game, and let me play the whole game..."

The reporters couldn't help but turn their heads to look at Tong Yi again, with a hint of admiration in their eyes.

Senderos also said, "At that time, because of my fault, the results of the game were very bad. As a result, my boss received a lot of criticism and attacks. I really felt very ashamed of him and his trust in me. .I even doubt that I am not worthy of his trust in me, and I have failed him!"

After a pause, Senderos continued, "At that time, countless reporters, fans and even football celebrities accused our leader of putting me in the starting lineup, and he even withstood the pressure of the club's senior management. I am very, very grateful, and at the same time I blame myself very much, I feel that our leader made a mistake, I don’t deserve him to treat me like this, I feel ashamed of him.”

All reporters recalled that this was indeed the case at that time. Many of them have reported on this matter and expressed their opinions questioning Tong Yi's decision to let Senderos start. They all believe that using Senderos is Tong Yi's biggest failure.

Senderos continued, "Even in the most critical game, a game that related to whether our leader should stay or not, he still let me start! I was very panicked at the time,

I was afraid that because of my poor performance, my boss would take the blame and lose his position as head coach of Munich 1860. So, I found him and asked him not to let me start. I said I was afraid! "

None of the reporters thought there was such a story, and they all listened and recorded it carefully.

Senderos stared at Tong Yi gratefully for a while, then he turned to look at the reporters and said, "At that time, our leader said to me - I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? Take it easy. Play and play seriously, I believe in you!"

When he said this, Senderos choked up again.

This kind of trust cannot be given to him by anyone.

From that moment on, he felt that he could never let Tong Yi down, and he could not live up to this heavy trust.

Even Tong Yi trusts himself so much, why doesn't he trust himself?

Senderos said, "This sentence inspired me! I can't live up to this trust. If I can't stand up, this should be the last trust I will encounter in my career, and even the only one. I You can’t live up to it, and you can’t live up to it! This is not only for our leader, but also for myself."

Reporters noticed that Senderos clearly felt like a different person here, more confident.

Senderos continued, "It was our leader who inspired my confidence with his unlimited trust and full training, allowing me to crush my inner demons and return to the top. To be honest, I am very grateful to him. No He wouldn’t be where I am today, he is my teacher and mentor!”

Senderos said it very sincerely, and it was obvious that this was not a show.

To be honest, after hearing Senderos's words, the reporters could imagine it, but they couldn't feel it.

After all, there is no real empathy in this world.

They also know that Senderos's mental journey along the way is definitely more turbulent and ups and downs than what he said. However, if you are not a person involved, you really cannot fully understand Senderos, nor can you feel the power contained in Tong Yi's seemingly ordinary words.

Those words may have no power or use to the spectators, but they certainly contain infinite energy for Senderos, the person involved.

The reporters could see something from the way Senderos looked at Tong Yi.

To be honest, there are really few head coaches in this professional football world who would selflessly train Senderos regardless of game results, time cost, or even his own future like Tong Yi. No wonder Senderos was so touched and so grateful to Tong Yi.

It was Tong Yi who used this method to completely inspire Senderos in the most crucial game, allowing the talented and confident Senderos to come back.


Judging from the results, Tong Yi's behavior is worthwhile, very worthwhile.

After all he succeeded!

He achieved what he wanted!


It’s really amazing!

At this time, media reporters all realized how powerful Tong Yi was. Of course, I also realized Tong Yi’s stubbornness!

It was only because of Tong Yi's operation that Senderos became what he is now.

This is not something any coach can do.

In this regard, Tong Yi is better than many coaches. Moreover, Tong Yi's performance in leading the team is still very good. Who dares to say that Tong Yi can't do anything now? Who dares to say that the achievements of Munich 1860 have nothing to do with Tong Yi? Who dares to question Tong Yi?

Don't look down on a person because of his young age.

Geniuses exist in this world.

The reporters looked at Tong Yi differently, as if there was a halo surrounding Tong Yi.

They also feel that it is really an honor for Senderos to meet a coach like Tong Yi.

Senderos continued, "It was my mentor who gave me a second 'life' and I am very grateful to him. What I want to say here is that my mentor is very strong and they are a talented coach. Our team's ability to achieve such results is naturally indispensable to the credit of every member of the coaching staff, but the biggest contribution belongs to my mentor, who led us to achieve such good results."

This is where Senderos rectified his mentor's name.

At this time, Campbell also said, "Philip is right. Our Munich 1860's current good results are inseparable from the dedication and strength of our leader. He is the most talented head coach I have ever seen. I learned a lot from him. He, who has only studied football for a few years, knows more than me, who has played football for more than ten years. He is really knowledgeable and powerful. I am very knowledgeable. I admire him."

Campbell didn't tell lies, every word was true.

Vieri also stood up and said, "I can testify to this. David is a very thoughtful and very capable head coach. In my opinion, he is not even worse than Lippi and Capello. He He has his own way of doing things, and he is really good. I am very lucky to meet him at this age. Just like Sol said, I can learn a lot from him, which will help me become a professional in the future. A football coach is very helpful. He is a very powerful coach and we will not allow you to slander and manipulate him!"

All the reporters were shocked. They didn't expect Tong Yi to be so well supported in the team.

It seems that this guy is really powerful.

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