Legendary Godfather

001: Should I be Klopp’s assistant coach?

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly vibrated and made a sound.

Tong Yimi, who was half asleep and half awake, reached out out of habit, took the phone, and pressed the connect button.

Before he could speak, a high-pitched voice that broke with extreme excitement immediately came over the phone, "Hey man, do you know? For 94 million euros, Cristiano is really going to Real Madrid... God, this is crazy. Already..."

Isn’t Ronaldo at Juventus? Is he going to Real Madrid again?

Suddenly, Tong Yi's pupils trembled, and he woke up instantly, losing all sleep.


One second ago, I was clearly playing FIFA 2023 in the university dormitory. Why am I sleeping on the bed now? .??.??

He immediately looked around in shock, his pupils dilated instantly.

This is not his college dormitory, but a European-style suite with gorgeous decoration and retro style.

What surprised him even more was that there was a sexy blond beauty lying next to him.

Tong Yi's eyes widened in shock.

I... am I traveling through time?

Yes, Tong Yi traveled through time.

From his memory, he learned that he traveled from 2022 to Mainz, Germany in 2009.

His name is still Tong Yi, his height of 187cm and weight of 80kg have not changed, and neither have his parents.

The only change was his date of birth, which changed from March 21, 2000 to March 21, 1985.

In a sense, he's still him, but not quite.

Before time travel, he was an ordinary college student, but the "he" here is anything but ordinary.

"He" was born in a small mountain village in Xichuan. At the age of 18, he was admitted to the Cologne Sports University in Germany. At the age of 20, he began to study with the famous German football godfather Wolfgang Frank.

From the age of 21 to now, "he" has been an assistant coach next to his mentor Frank for three years.

Awesome, really awesome!

After all, that was Wolfgang Frank!

Frank, born in Reichenbach, Germany in February 1951, is 58 years old. He is a master of German football tactics. Together with Rangnick and Rappold, he is known as the pioneer who introduced modern football tactics into German football. He is the founder of the "Mainz Coaching Base" and has influenced and trained a large number of outstanding head coaches such as Klopp, Tuchel, Schwartz and Kramny.

As Frank's last disciple and Klopp's junior, "he" must be very good.

Tong Yi was naturally very happy to have become such a genius through time travel.

Moreover, his dream is to become an excellent professional football coach. Now that he is standing on the shoulders of "giants", he is one step closer to making his dream come true. Naturally, he is even more excited.

He clenched his fists and said to himself, "Come on, Tong Yi must become an excellent professional coach."

Next to me, this sexy beauty with bulging front and back, fair skin and beautiful face is

It's his girlfriend.

The slender waist and slender thighs made Tong Yi feel a little hot.

I can’t watch any more…

He reached for the phone, but before he could dial the number, a pair of white arms wrapped around his neck and threw him down on the soft and comfortable big bed...

After the four eyes met, the firepower was fully unleashed!

Between breaths, only the smell of hormones was left in the room...

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

There was another ringing sound, and Tong Yi woke up drowsily from his tired dream.

The caller was Frank, the teacher, and Tong Yi answered the phone carefully.

Martina in her arms also opened her eyes and looked at Tong Yi with her sapphire-like eyes, full of tenderness.

Tong Yi respectfully called "teacher."

Frank's voice came from the other end of the phone: "David, how are you doing with your job search recently?"

David is Tong Yi’s English name.

At the end of last season, Frank resigned as the head coach of the German Bundesliga Bundesliga Wein team due to illness. He will be recuperating at home recently and will not return in the short term. As a member of Frank's coaching team, Tong Yi naturally resigned from the Wayne team.

Recently, Tong Yi has been looking for a job, but the situation is not good.

In front of Frank, he did not hide, "Recently I submitted job applications to many clubs in the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2, but they were all rejected."

But it was not just as simple as rejection, Tong Yi also suffered a lot of ridicule and ridicule.

Frank on the phone didn't seem surprised at all. He said, "What about Duisburg?"

Frank had coached in Duisburg and had a bit of a flair. He recommended Tong Yi to Duisburg, hoping that Duisburg would accept Tong Yi for the sake of his past kindness.

Tong Yi frowned and said, "Teacher, they also refused."

In fact, Duisburg's rejection was more fierce and direct than other clubs, saying bluntly that their club did not need a Chinese coach.

The contemptuous and sarcastic eyes of the proud Duisburg people clearly remained in Tong Yi's mind.

Frank sighed, obviously expecting it.

After pondering for a while, Frank said, "Come to my place now and I will introduce you to someone..."

Tong Yi could feel his mentor's care and help for him, and he was very grateful. However, he didn't want to trouble Frank too much, as he was afraid of hurting Frank's face and favor too much. He immediately said, "No, teacher. I can handle the job search myself..."

Before Tong Yi finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Frank, "Stop talking nonsense and come here quickly."

Then Frank hung up the phone.

Tong Yi took a deep breath, feeling warm in his heart.

He looked down at Martina. At this moment, she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, but how could such a little trick escape Tong Yi's fiery eyes.

He carefully got out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash up, kissed Martina lightly on the forehead, and then walked out the door holding his coat.

As soon as he stepped out of the room, Martina immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Dear uncle, I want to ask you for a favor..."

The hotel is not very far from Frank's residence. Within half an hour, Tong Yi arrived at Frank's home. He saw Frank, who looked slightly sickly with gray hair and glasses, and a bearded man who also wore glasses.

It's Jurgen Klopp.

The three of them chatted for a while and then sat down on the balcony.

Mainz was still a little cold in July, but today the sky was beautiful and the sun was high, so they went to the balcony to bask in the sun.

Frank suddenly said, "Jurgen, what do you think of David?"

Klopp looked at Frank, and then at Tong Yi, and he understood why Frank invited him over today. Recently, he had heard about a Chinese who was mercilessly ridiculed when applying for a job in German football. It seemed that this Chinese was his junior brother Tong Yi.

Klopp said, "David is a very thoughtful person. He has his own unique understanding and ideas in terms of techniques and tactics. Although I don't agree 100%. But I know that he is a very capable person. As time goes by, , he will definitely become an excellent head coach, I am very optimistic about him."

This is not Klopp complimenting Tong Yi, he really appreciates Tong Yi.

Although they didn't have much contact before, Tong Yi would surprise him every time.

Listening to Klopp's words, Frank's face was full of smiles.

He himself is very optimistic about this closed disciple and is very satisfied.

Tong Yi was a little embarrassed and bluntly said that Klopp praised him too much.

Frank waved his hand slightly, interrupted Tong Yi, and said to Klopp, "How about David go to Dortmund to help you?"

Tong Yi didn't react, just stared blankly at the community court downstairs.

Klopp smiled slightly and said, "Of course it's okay, I can't ask for it. I'm just afraid David won't want to come..."

After saying that, both of them turned to look at Tong Yi.

Tong Yi still didn't react at all, staring blankly at the community court downstairs.

Klopp and Frank both frowned slightly, secretly unhappy. What, you still don’t like Dortmund? Klopp was even vaguely angry. He really put his hot face on someone else's cold ass.

Tong Yi really didn’t mean to look down on Dortmund. He didn’t hear the conversation between Klopp and Klopp at all.

His attention was focused on the community court downstairs.

There was a group of teenage children playing football happily. What caught Tong Yi's attention was not the strength of these children, but the name information and four horizontal stripes "red, blue, yellow and green" appearing above their heads.

Strength is marked on the red bar, followed by a number.

The blue bar indicates potential, also followed by a number.

There are no markings or numbers on the yellow and green horizontal bars, but the lengths are still displayed.

It's not clear what the last two represent, but what the first two represent is very clear.

Tong Yi took a look and found that the strength of this group of children was between 1040 and the average potential was about 60. Only one child surprised Tong Yi. His potential was actually 102. But the blue bar was not filled, but just over half. Tong Yi understood that the full value of these horizontal bars should be 200.

Tong Yi was very surprised, what are these? How is this like a game? How could you see this? Have your eyes mutated?

He looked at the little players again, convinced that he could really see the numbers.

It seems that the eyes have really mutated.

This should have been accidentally triggered when he was playing FIFA2023 in the dormitory.

This thing is simply the Eye of Bole.

Tong Yi was a little excited, now he was about to take off on the spot.

"Huh, since you look down on Dortmund, forget it." Suddenly, an angry Klopp snorted coldly.

Only then did Tong Yi come back to his senses. Looking at the angry Klopp and Frank, he secretly said something bad.

He immediately apologized and said, "Teacher, Jurgen, I'm sorry! I was distracted just now and didn't hear you clearly. Dortmund is a wealthy club in the Bundesliga. What right do I have to look down on? It's an honor for me to be able to join such a team." , which is also what I yearn for.”

Hearing what Tong Yi said, Klopp's anger eased.

Although he was still slightly dissatisfied, Klopp still said generously, "In this case, you can go to Dortmund with me and gain experience with me first..."

Frank nodded, meaning the same thing.

Being able to work as an assistant coach to Klopp is naturally a rare good thing for Tong Yi, and he will naturally not refuse.

Tong Yi immediately said, "Okay..."

"If the heart is in the dream, there is true love between heaven and earth..."

Before Tong Yi finished speaking, he was interrupted by a phone ringing, and the three of them were shocked.

Tong Yi immediately took out his cell phone, and the call came from an unknown number. He immediately nodded to the two of them and apologized, then answered the phone, "Who is it?"

A rich and somewhat aged voice came over the phone, "Is this David? I am Manfred Stoffes, the general manager of Munich 1860 Club."

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