Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 72 Dusty History

"Go on."

After Ningchen heard these two names, he knew in his heart that what Qingshu said was true.

Qingshu also nodded and talked eloquently.

"So I asked the patriarch, 'Two geniuses with first-class qualifications? Ruan Yue and Yuan Heng? Then why haven't I heard of them?' "

"I was very confused at the time. After all, I had never even heard of two geniuses with first-class qualifications."

"But when the patriarch heard my inquiry, he felt a bit disdainful and angry for no reason."

"'Huh~ Geniuses? It's true that they are geniuses, but they are also a pair of crazy couples!' "

"Only when I heard it did I know that Ruan Yue and Yuan Heng were a couple."

"However, the patriarch seems to be unwilling to complain and continues to spit on these two people."

"'These two people have shown extremely high talents since their school days. Both of them have 80% first-class qualifications. Yuan Heng is handsome and reasonable, and Ruan Yue is slim and gentle.' "

"'They have already shown a good impression of each other when they were in school. After all, they are first-class geniuses, and they only care about the other party who is also a first-class genius.' "

"At this point, I think this is quite normal. After all, it's okay for a first-class genius to have an arrogant personality."

" 'After they graduated from school, they actually had reached the second level of cultivation. However, they felt that the team assigned to them by their family was restrictive, so they simply left the team and forcefully asked me to assign them the task of garrisoning the mortal village. .'"

"'I liked them very much at that time, so I agreed. As for why they are said to be incompatible with each other? It's because they have very similar personalities. They also hate the team and like to be free!' "

"Hahahaha, don't you think it looks like Ningchen? Yes, Yuan Heng and Ruan Yue's heir is Ningchen!"

"Only then did I realize that your parents have first-class qualifications!"

“So my curiosity kept pushing me to listen!”

Qingshu was very shocked, but he still paid attention to Ningchen's face, fearing that he would suddenly become angry.

" 'But as their strength grows, they become more and more wanton and reckless, even obeying my orders and disobeying them! ' "

“‘They even uttered wild words, saying that they would replace me as an old guy in the future! Hahahahahahahaha, you really don’t know the heights of heaven and earth!”

"'I won't go into too much detail for you. All you need is that our Guyue Village used to have many first-class geniuses. Yuan Heng and Ruan Yue were just a couple!' "

"This is everything the patriarch told me. I can't guarantee the accuracy. I'm just telling you what I heard."

Qingshu told Ningchen everything about Yuan Heng and Ruan Yue in one breath.

Qingshu carefully looked at Ningchen's face, fearing that he would suddenly become violent after hearing such words belittling his parents.

However, Ningchen disappointed Qingshu in the end. Ningchen's expression never changed from beginning to end. He was always so calm.

"Hu~ Thank you very much, Qingshu."

Ningchen took a long breath, smiled at Qingshu, and expressed his gratitude.

And Ningchen's smile fell into Qingshu's eyes, making him feel relieved.

"Well, I will challenge you again when my strength grows, Ningchen!"

Qingshu also smiled back, not showing the slightest signs of decline just now, as if he had stepped out of the shadow of the dust.

Ningchen did not respond to Qingshu, but quietly walked towards the village.

Alone and alone, it looked very desolate.

When Qingshu saw Ningchen walking away, he did not follow him. After all, after Ningchen heard such a large amount of information, it would be better to give him some personal space to digest it.

"I really don't know what Qingshu talked about today. I didn't expect that my parents are actually first-class talents!"

"What a pity. I guess I only inherited the looks of my parents, but not their qualifications!"

"But why no one talks about my parents in the village, as if they are avoiding tigers and poisonous snakes, I still don't know this!"

"Is it possible that the success was due to provoking that old guy, Gu Yue Clan Leader, but it doesn't seem like it. After all, that old guy Gu Yue Bo is quite powerful."

"It seems that the remaining truth needs to be investigated by myself!"

Ningchen felt very calm in his heart and was not angry at all because Gu Yuebo insulted his parents.

A broad-minded person will become furious when someone insults his or her parents.

Cowardly and incompetent people will also violently fight when they hear someone speaking rudely to their parents.

Parents are the foundation of a person and the deepest and strongest emotional bond.

It's a pity that Ningchen is not a "human", he is a "demon"!

None of the seven emotions and six desires possessed by "human beings" can be found in Ningchen.

There is no trace of the morals, ethics, emotions, etc. that "people" possess in Ningchen.

Without him, how could these superfluous things withstand the erosion of time?

It has long been lost in the long river of history along with the thousands of years of Ningchen.

Now Ningchen is just a demon who only cares about profit and strength!

In an instant, a hint of thought flashed through Ningchen's black eyes.

"But Qingshu reminded me that my parents have both double-A qualifications!"

"How can the inheritance only consist of a bamboo house, a few domestic slaves, a few hundred yuan stones and a gourd grass poison?"

"It seems that the immortal Gu Yuebo really hates my parents so much that he even divided up the primeval stones left for me."

"I'm afraid the remaining Yuan Stones will be given to me and Ningchuan."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I guess I can't get the Yuanshi inheritance back, but I think my parents' Gu insect inheritance should still be there, I just don't know where they are hidden by my parents!"

"Of course, this is based on the best-case scenario. It is possible that there will be no more Gu insects and the entire inheritance will be divided up."

"Hey~ if there is a Gu insect legacy, the chess path will be much clearer!"

Ningchen sighed in his heart. His footsteps were very fast and he had already returned home before he knew it.

Stepping into the bamboo building, he habitually walked to the second floor, where he and Ningchuan's room was.

The first floor is the kitchen, dining room, toilet and Ningchen’s parents’ room.

But today, after hearing Qingshu's discussion, Ningchen unexpectedly walked to his parents' room by accident.

Although he has investigated his parents' room many times, he has not found any useful information every time.

"Ahem~ It's really dusty after it's been unoccupied for so long. I'll have to ask the servants to clean it up later."

When he opened the door, the choking dust rolled into Ningchen's nose, causing Ningchen to cough.

Ignoring the dust, Ningchen continued to walk inside and came to a desk.

Bang~ Ningchen accidentally touched the desk, and something fell on the floor.

The room was very dark, and Ningchen could only see roughly, so he had to look for the sound and pick it up.

I touched something square and angular. I picked it up and saw that it was a photo frame.

Unfortunately, it was covered with dust and I couldn't see the photo in the frame clearly.

This image is the product of a kind of channeling Gu, a sealing Gu. It can generate a very similar and clear image. The higher the number of revolutions, the clearer it is.

Generally, they are Gu insects used by Gu masters to record things.

Ningchen wiped off the dust on the photo frame and saw clearly the portrait in the photo frame.

"A handsome young man is holding a gentle and charming young woman in his arms, and the woman is holding a baby in her arms."

"The woman's eyes are extremely gentle, looking at the baby in her arms, while the man's eyes are quite arrogant."

This portrait is the only photo of Ningchen and Ningchen when his parents were still alive...

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