Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 64 Team and Individual

When they heard that their rating was not Grade A, but might be Grade B or even Grade C, they immediately couldn't sit still.

"Why! If we follow the orders of the master of the school family, we might be ranked C class, while they are class A!"

"That's right! As a Gu Master, don't you take the orders from above as your top priority?"

"And we didn't cheat!"

The crowd was excited and very dissatisfied. However, the face of the school elder was like ice, getting colder and colder.

"It seems like you really don't understand my intentions?"

"It doesn't matter how well you write the paper, it doesn't matter whether you cheated or not, what matters is how courageous you are!"

"In other words, of course I know which of you cheated and which didn't."

"But I want you. I hope you can argue with reason, stick to your heart in the face of my threats, and not be easily shaken. This is what I really think!"

The old names in the school made them look extremely ugly and speechless.

"As a Gu Master, how can I be easily shaken by the intimidation of others?"

This kind of rhetoric is okay for some other students, but for Ningchen, it seems a bit immature.

"Okay, let's get here today. The next exam will start at 10:00 tomorrow. Meet at the gate of the village. Let's finish class!"

The school master turned around and left, telling the time and place of the second exam.

"Hmm~ The gathering is at the gate of the cottage. It seems that the second one will be held outside the cottage."

Ningchen leaned to the side and understood what the elder of the academy had just said.

Opening his eyes and looking around, Qingshu and the others were calm as usual, with a slight hint of joy, while the rest were as if they were surviving a disaster. Haoyu's eyes dodge and his face turned slightly red.

"Well~ I just took this opportunity to throw her a fish bait."

Ningchen felt like a bright mirror in his heart, and slowly walked towards Haoyu, which made Haoyu a little flattered.

"Lord Ningchen actually walked towards me. He's not here to find me, is he?"

"No, why would Lord Ningchen come to see me?"

When Haoyu saw Ningchen coming, she was extremely excited and had a little bit of hope, but this time Ningchen fulfilled Haoyu's wish...

"Haoyu, thank you for the exam just now. Although it did not affect the results, I am also sorry for my previous behavior!"

Ningchen won Haoyu's heart again with a few sincere thanks and apologies.


Haoyu's flushed face was seductively tight, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito.

Immediately, Ningchen turned around and walked away. Without saying a word, it was enough to throw out the bait.

"...Lord Ningchen apologized to me, and he really helped Lord Ningchen!"

"Ah... Master Ningchen's strength is so powerful! It hurts my heart, but it makes me want to stop even more!"

The more Haoyu thought about it, the more excited she became, her face became more alluring, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her legs were clamped together unconsciously...

The sky is covered with clouds, and there is no sun or light.

Ningchen and even dozens of students gathered outside the village, and the Gu Masters headed by the school elders had been waiting here for a long time.

"The second test of the year-end assessment is 'Hunting'. The examination area is ten miles in radius. We have cleared away the wolves and brown bears, leaving only wild deer, wild boars and hares."

"And every time you kill a prey, you need to cut off their characteristics. In the end, you will be graded based on size and quantity."

"Okay, let's get started!"

The school master explained all the key points and announced the start.

However, before the old man from the school could say anything, many students dispersed in a hurry, but Ningchen was not in a hurry and left slowly.

The Gu Masters, headed by the school elders, wanted to protect this group of students. After all, they were all valuable assets of the village and could not tolerate any loss.

There are a few family elders among them, and the rest are the mainstays in the village, second-level Gu masters,

The second-level Gu Masters are the backbone of the village and the largest group of Gu Masters. Therefore, they naturally bear the heavy responsibility of protecting the new generation.

He trampled the dead branches and leaves in the forest, and walked leisurely in the forest. His calm black eyes scanned the surroundings, observing everything around him.

"Hmm~ In terms of hunting alone, none of them can beat me, but the old guy from the school family's intention is naturally not that simple."

Ningchen's heart felt clear. He knew very well that the Xuetang family's intention would never be so simple and obvious. This move must have some deep meaning.

His eyes darkened slightly, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, thinking about the intentions of the school master.

In an instant, a thin figure burst into Ningchen's eyes.

Ningchen recognized this man with his fleshless cheeks and sinister eyes. Jiao San,

At the same time, Jiao San also saw Ning Chen with a panicked look on his face.

After all, Ningchen is notorious among his peers!

"Oh~ I see, the Xuetang family always has such intentions!"

"In this mountain forest, it is inevitable to meet classmates. At this time, the vast majority of students are still at the intermediate level or even the elementary level of the first level, and their strength is still insufficient. Hunting requires a long battle. In the long run, the true energy will not be enough. "

"But this problem can be avoided by forming a team with other students, and the school elders do not strictly prohibit team formation."

"It seems that this exam is about teamwork and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances!"

When Ningchen saw Jiao San, his heart suddenly became clear.

"The rating of this exam should be based on the ability to cooperate with other students, and my rating in the last exam was "A", so in this exam, I just need to avoid cooperation with others."

Ningchen knew his goal very well, so he did not plan to be an A in this exam, but needed to control the rating a little bit.

Ningchen looked around and saw no trace of prey, so he prepared to change places.

Tightened his thigh muscles and stepped heavily.

Boom~ The terrifying force stepped on the ground, leaving a clear shoe print, causing the dead branches and leaves to fly everywhere.

The whole person rushed out like an arrow from a bow, and ran dozens of meters away in a few breaths.

"What? How can it be so fast!"

The second-level Gu Master hiding on the side was also shocked by Ningchen's speed.

This speed is almost comparable to that of an ordinary second-level Gu Master!

"It seems that I can change the object of protection."

The moon blade danced, piercing through the branches and leaves,

Hum~hum~A wild boar as big as a calf leaned against the tree, extremely weak,

There were several scars deep enough to see the bones on its body, and blood was trickling from the wounds, dyeing the soil red,

It was panting heavily, exhaling more than inhaling, and was already on the verge of death,

The black bean-like eyes revealed a fear of death, and also reflected Ningchen's figure,

Ningchen held the sword in his hand, walked slowly, walked in front of it, and looked down at it calmly,

The sword tip was raised, and a cold light flashed,

The sword tip accurately pierced the wild boar's neck, completely ending its life,

Ningchen leaned down, grabbed the fangs with both hands, and prepared to pull them out.

Instantly, a wild roar resounded through the forest, scaring the birds in the mountains to flee.

Ningchen's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly retreated.

Judging from the sound, the roar was not far away from him. He could also tell what kind of animal made the roar. It was a bear.

Rumble~Rumble~Rumble~The footsteps like rolling thunder gradually approached Ningchen, which also brought Ningchen's attention to the highest level.

A huge brown figure rushed out of the bushes on the side. It was a brown bear.

It was huge in size, with several claw marks of unknown animals on its fur. The bear's eyes revealed a cruel look. and tyranny,

Ningchen watched it quietly, with his heart on high alert, holding the long sword tightly in his hand,

And the brown bear also noticed Ningchen in front of him, with sharp teeth in his mouth showing, as if he would attack Ningchen in the next second...

"Guyue Moyan team, score 80 points."

"Guyue Chishan team, score 92 points!"

Moyan looked a little surprised, looking at the dull Chishan on the side, but Chishan responded with a faint smile,

"Damn, I actually lost to you this time, Chishan!"

"Well, let's see what Qingshu does later!"

Moyan felt a little indignant, but then he let it go, after all, no matter how high Chishan was, But Qingshu,

"Guyue Qingshu team, scored 120 points!"

Hiss~ Many students took a breath of cold air. This score was a cliff-like gap compared to the second-place Chishan team.

Qingshu smiled faintly, revealing boundless confidence. In his heart, he had already regarded the first place as a sure thing.

"So, the first place in the second exam of the year-end assessment is..."


Just when the ranking was about to be read out by the school elder, a cold shout interrupted him mercilessly.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, but saw a figure in black and red robes, walking slowly from far to near.

This person was Ningchen...

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