Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 35: Money is like a mother

There was a strange calm between the two of them. Ningchen chuckled lightly while the old man from the school had a serious face.

"Master Xuetang, if you don't give up, you will have to admit defeat."

Ningchen was still unforgiving and continued to put pressure on the school elders, while the academy elders felt a little chill in their hearts.

"Looking at Ningchen, no matter what he does with the Yuan Stone after winning, it will be beneficial without any harm."

"If he chooses to swallow this Yuan Stone, it will undoubtedly increase his wealth. His image is still so stable and unshakable."

"If he gives back the Yuan Stone to everyone, everyone will be grateful to him, and the dignity of the school will be further reduced in the future!"

"In the long run, the second option is obviously better. It depends on Ningchen's choice."

The elders of the school knew this very well, and immediately got angry again in an imperceptible manner,

"Well, after all, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. My brain is useless. I give up."

When everyone heard this, they burst into exclamations one after another. They were a little unbelievable about this result.

"Ah? Did I hear it right just now? The boss of the Xuetang family lost to Ningchen. How is this possible?"

"The boss of the Xuetang Family actually lost to Ning Chen. According to the rules before the chess game, wouldn't this Yuan Stone be the right thing?"

"I think you are probably right. 50% of them are from Ningchen."

Thinking of this, everyone's expressions were extremely exciting. After all, how could they have imagined that the school master would lose to Ning Chen?

Ningchen didn't listen and didn't listen. He smiled faintly and cupped his hands slightly towards the academy master. He stretched out his hand to touch the pile of Yuan stones on the side and looked at the number of Yuan stones in the pile.

"According to what was agreed in advance, 50% belongs to me, 20% belongs to the boss of the Xuetang family, 20% belongs to Haoyu, and the last 10% belongs to the others. Do you have any objections?"

Ningchen looked around and saw that there was still a trace of reluctance in everyone's eyes. He sneered in his heart, but the movement of taking the Yuan Stone in his hand was speeding up.

After a while, Ningchen got back his share, which was a total of fifty-eight yuan stones. For Ningchen at this time, it was indeed a huge sum of money.

The school master looked at the obviously larger number of primeval stones in front of him, but he couldn't feel happy in his heart.

Haoyu's eyes kept lingering on the figures of the Yuan Stone and Ningchen he had won.

The rest kept muttering, daring to get angry but not daring to speak. They looked at Ningchen and the school elders,

"Hey, I'd better give these Yuan Stones to you. After all, these are your Yuan Stones."

The school master let out a sigh and distributed the primeval stones to the mourning crowd on the side. When Ningchen saw this, his eyes darkened slightly.

"The master of the school family is really good at it. He spent more than twenty yuan stones to win their hearts."

There is an old saying: "The icing on the cake is not worth the timely help."

At this moment, when they are the poorest and most lacking of Yuan Stone, the effect of distributing Yuan Stone to them is far greater than dividing it when they have surplus money.

Everyone looked at the kind-hearted elder of the family, their eyes were complicated, but most of them were grateful.

At the same time, he became even more hostile towards Ning Chen, who didn't care at all. The chuckle at the corner of his mouth showed that he was in a good mood.

"In this case, I will take my leave first."

Ningchen didn't intend to stay any longer, so he put away the chessboard and walked out the door.

The moon shadow is like a hook, the starry night is like a curtain,

Ning Shichen walked slowly towards the door. The clear light of the bright moon shone on his back, revealing a hint of loneliness.

However, he saw several figures standing by the gate, gearing up and eager to try. When Ning Chen saw this, he was not surprised.

"It seems they still came to find me, but unfortunately, they forgot the difference in strength between me and them."

With a sigh, he walked forward on his own, not paying attention to those people at all.

"Stop, Ningchen, you took our Yuan Stone and you want to just walk away?"

Seeing Ningchen walking towards the door, one of them took the lead to attack Ningchen.

"Stop talking so much. Don't you just want to take the Yuan Stone back? Don't think about it. I can't give it back to you."

Ningchen's face was calm and he was talking eloquently. After clarifying the contradiction, those people obviously looked a little ugly.

"It seems you are ready to be beaten, Ningchen."

"Sorry, Ningchen."

"It's useless to talk anymore, let's go together!"

Everyone walked towards Ningchen with unkind expressions, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Ningchen smiled imperceptibly, because what happened now was within his preparatory course and plan...

"Qingshu, wait for me."

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you to take the medicine."

Qingshu turned around and looked at Yaohong who was trotting all the way. He stood quietly and waited. He waited until Yaohong arrived before setting off.

"Qingshu, in the bet just now, I bet five yuan stones and I got one yuan stone!"

"Oh, I can't help it. Who would have thought that Ningchen could actually defeat the boss of the school family?"

Qingshu smiled bitterly. Facing Yaohong's complaints, he didn't have any good advice.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much. I haven't eaten dinner yet. Let's go quickly."


Qingshu followed Yaohong and quickly left the school and came to the courtyard outside. With the help of the moonlight, the two of them could vaguely see several figures in the courtyard.

"There seems to be a fight ahead. Let's go take a look."

Qingshu's face immediately became serious when he saw this, and his pace also quickened, regardless of the red medicine behind him,

But it wasn't until Qingshu got closer that he could see clearly.

I saw a young man in black robe, clenching his fists, standing quietly on the spot, surrounded by other students, all of whom fainted.

The dark black clothes moved with the wind, whirring, like a vicious tiger in the mountains, a Yaksha evil ghost,

Ningchen also noticed the two people at the side at this moment, raised his eyes slightly and looked at them, but his silent eyes made the two people feel hairy,

"Ningchen, what are you doing, why do you want to harm your classmates?"

Qingshu came back to his senses and questioned Ningchen loudly, but Ningchen would never let him do what he wanted,

Ningchen turned around and left without saying a word, he didn't want to waste words with Qingshu,

Qingshu had to put down Ningchen who was going away, walked quickly to the side of the fallen people, and checked their vital signs,

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, just fainted, Yaohong, Yaohong ?”

Qingshu turned his head and saw that Yaohong had been standing there for a while and came back to her senses after Qingshu called her.

"Oh, sorry, I was distracted just now. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. What were you thinking about just now?"

"I was just thinking, Ningchen could beat more than a dozen classmates by himself. Combat power is one aspect, and character is another. How could he do that?"

Yaohong looked at the door where Ningchen was going away and told Qingshu the question in her heart.

Qingshu didn't know how to answer for a while and could only smile bitterly.

"I don't know either. Ningchen has always been so special..."

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