Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 2 The devil gets wise and gains qualifications

The next morning, the air was filled with the smell of damp earth.

Ningchen walked slowly towards the forbidden area of ​​​​the clan. Soon, a group of boys and girls of similar age to Ningchen gathered on the road.

Ningchen carefully observed the boys and girls traveling with him, and among them there were indeed a few familiar figures to Ningchen:

Gu Yue Chishan, who is majestic, generous and upright, but somewhat dull,

Gu Yue Moyan, who has a slim figure but a horse face,

Gu Yue Qingshu, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, smiles like the spring breeze blowing across his face. Each of them will be the mainstay of Gu Yue Village in resisting the wolf tide in the future, but none of them have first-class qualifications.

Soon everyone was pushing and shoving to the forbidden area in the clan, which is the deepest part of Guyue Village. A middle-aged man was standing here. He had been waiting for a long time. His eyes were shining, he was not angry and he was not intimidated, and his body was as tall as a gun. Arrow, seeing that everyone had arrived, said calmly:

"I am the elder of the school and your future teacher. From today on we are officially acquainted. Come and follow me and I will take you to enlightenment."

Without waiting for anyone to react, his steps started to move, and he walked away ten steps away.

Everyone hurriedly followed, and gradually they entered a spacious rock passage that led to the underground.

Before everyone could adapt to the sudden dark environment, their eyes were filled with azure fluorescence. It seemed that there was a wide space under the layers of rock walls.

On both sides of the road are the sources of blue fluorescence, moon orchids. Their petals will emit blue light at night, and the dark space under the rock wall will also glow.

This kind of flower is only planted in the forbidden area of ​​Gu Yue's village. It is the secret treasure of Gu Yue clan. Complementing it is Gu Yue clan's village-suppressing Gu insect, Moonlight Gu.

As the saying goes, "Human is the spirit of all things, and Gu is the true essence of heaven and earth." Gu insects have one to nine levels, and those who can use true energy to activate the Gu insects are called Gu masters, and they also have one to nine levels.

The true essence is the purpose of the Acupoint Opening Ceremony, which is to open an empty orifice that can carry the poisonous insects and true essence for those with Gu Master qualifications.

Naturally, there are three, six or nine levels of empty orifices.

The highest level is Grade A, and the void can carry 70% or even 90% of the true essence.

The slightly worse one is Class B, which can carry 50% to 70%.

Even worse is level C, which can carry 30% to 50% of the true essence.

The worst ones are Ding and others, who can only carry 10% to 30% of the true energy.

Different qualifications lead to different recovery speeds, with Class A still being the fastest and Class D being the slowest.

Ningchen was in the middle of the crowd. Looking far ahead, he could see that the rocks in the distance had been artificially developed into a platform for people to watch. At this time, the platform was full of people, all of whom were old men with silver hair and gray beards.

They are all the powerful people of the Gu Yue clan

With the clan leader as the leader, and other family elders living in seclusion behind them, all the powerful people of the Gu Yue clan gathered here to watch this important enlightenment ceremony.

The leader of the Gu Yue clan on the stone platform, Gu Yue Bo twisted his beard and looked at the boys and girls who were exclaiming because of the beautiful scenery. A few sharp gleams flashed through his dark and turbid eyes:

I wonder if someone with first-class qualifications will be born this time? A monster was born in the Bai family this year, Bai Ningbing. I hope this generation will have outstanding descendants who can fight against Bai Ningbing.

Everyone still followed the footsteps of the Xuetang family elder. When they reached the end of the road, they saw a pond, which was up to their knees. The Xuetang family elder stopped and looked at the patriarch Gu Yuebo. Gu Yuebo gave a slight signal, Xuetang family elder. He turned to look at the crowd and drank:

"Now I read the name, and the person named walks into the pond and walks forward as far as he can go. If you can't walk anymore, don't show off, just go back the way you came. Gu Yueyangwei, come on. , you are the first.”

Among the crowd, a plain-looking young man walked towards the water, but after only four steps, he could no longer move forward. Seeing this, the school master was not shocked at all, and silently shook his head and coldly announced the young man's fate:

"Gu Yue Yangwei has no qualifications. The next one is Gu Yue Jiu Shan."

One by one, young boys and girls walked out of the crowd and stepped towards the pond. As soon as they stepped into the pond, a milky white halo came from everywhere, surrounding Huan's lower abdomen. This is a necessary process for the Hope Gu to awaken.

But after returning to the team, everyone's expressions were filled with a hint of melancholy.

Including Gu Yue Qingshu, who has 70% of the second-class qualifications,

Gu Yue Mo Yan, who is 60 to 70 percent of the second grade,

Guyue Chishan, a second-grade 65% grade,

Even if they are the mainstay of Gu Yue Village in the future, they are just immature boys and girls at this moment. Yes, who doesn't have a dream of unparalleled heroes in their hearts?

Before being crushed by the cruel reality, everyone thought they were geniuses who could rival the heroes in the story.

Ningchen chuckled in his heart and looked at the young girl in front of him whose mood was affected by their qualifications.

A hole is like watching a fire, and one can clearly see the details of everything.

Ning Chen knew clearly in his heart that qualifications could not determine everything, but it was best to have a first-class qualification. Not having it and not forcing it would be the icing on the cake, but it could not determine the future limit of Ning Chen, a thousand-year-old demon.

Naturally, it is impossible for your mood to be affected by a small qualification.

Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself

"Next, Gu Yue Ningchen!"

The cold and stern voice of the school master interrupted Ningchen from his deep thoughts.

Ningchen strode out of the crowd and stepped into the pond. A slight chill flowed down his trouser legs and rushed to his heart.

Gentle light groups came from all directions and surrounded Ningchen's lower abdomen. There was still a pressure and resistance hidden in the originally cold river water, which blocked those without Gu master qualifications and hoped that the Gu would reduce this resistance.

Ningchen suddenly felt the resistance stopped and stepped forward.

After twenty steps, the resistance returned to Ningchen's feet again.

But in the end, the distance reached 30 steps. Ningchen didn't care about the upper-middle aptitude. He returned the same way with a blank expression.

"Guyue Ningchen, C-level 50% aptitude, next."

The elder of the school pronounced indifferently. After Ningchen, there were no other outstanding aptitudes. Guyue clan leader Guyuebo sighed imperceptibly:

"No A-level again. It's true. A-level aptitude is really rare. The only two B-level aptitudes are also from the side branches of the Red Vein and the Desert Vein. It seems that we need to focus on cultivating Guyue Qingshu."

The aura of a superior inadvertently revealed, making the surrounding families feel terrified. After all, the Gu world respects strength, and the clan leader is naturally the strongest of a family.

Ningchen stood calmly in the crowd, not affected by his aptitude at all.

The whole person stood there, still as quiet as a deep pool.

During the whole awakening ceremony, he performed mediocrely, not happy or sad like other people, with almost no expression on his face,

and did not say a word.

He did not enter the eyes of the clan leader, the elders, and even other students. He was even the type that would be forgotten in a few days.

In the school on Blue Star, such people are generally invisible in the class. Teachers will not pay attention to them, and students will not pay attention to them.

However, it was precisely because of this that Ningchen achieved his goal.

"A gentleman hides his ability in his body, waits for the opportunity to act, shows others his dullness, and guides himself with his sharpness."

Ningchen is not a gentleman, but this principle also applies to him.

He does not want to appear in the eyes of the family's top leaders too early. Entering the political chaos too early will do more harm than good.

So he can only practice with peace of mind, focus on increasing his strength, and wait for the right time,

then he will soar into the sky and be like a flying dragon in the sky!

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