Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 14: A stubborn jade appears among the house slaves

Ningchen saw the slightly delicate words on the paper and gradually became clear about the identity of the person who made this pastry.

Scanning his black eyes, he saw the last note on the paper and sneered,

"Yes, Gu Yue Haoyu, I should have thought it was you."

When Ye Ling'er heard this unfamiliar name, she couldn't help asking,

"Gu Yue Haoyu, who is this?"

"Haha, Ye Ling'er, you don't need to know that you can't take this pastry. In the future, whenever a girl in pink comes to give it to you, you will keep it for me first."

"Oh, got it."

"Back off, by the way, find me a house slave."

Ningchen looked at the cakes on the plate and fell into deep thought. Although he knew that the person who sent the cakes was Gu Yue Haoyu,

But Ningchen's brows were still furrowed, even more so than before.

Yes, even though I know the identity, I still don’t know anything about Gu Yue Haoyu’s motives.

Why did she give it to me? When did she give it to Ye Linger? How did she have such exquisite craftsmanship?

These questions filled Ningchen's mind like clouds and mist on the mountainside, and could not be resolved for a long time.

The problem that was originally clear has become confusing again.

I originally thought it was the psychological ignorance of young girls in adolescence, but now it seems that is not the case.

Ningchen sat on the main seat and turned to look at Ye Ling'er who was stunned.

His eyes are getting colder, his voice is as cold as ice,

"Ye Ling'er, didn't you hear?"

Hearing Ningchen's order to bring a house slave up, he couldn't help being shocked.

"What does Ningchen want his slave to do? No, what will he do?"

Thinking of Ningchen's cruel and cruel methods, he naturally thought of the fate of that domestic slave.

A chill that was different from the weather went straight from the soles of my feet to my spinal cord, and I was stunned in place.

Hearing Ningchen's soft drink, he came back to his senses again,

Ye Ling'er noticed the chill underneath Ningchen's words. She had served him for more than a year, so she naturally knew what the chill meant. Ningchen got angry.

But thinking about the fate of that domestic slave, heaven and man are at war in my heart, my teeth are clenched,

"Sorry, I was stunned just now. Let's go now."

Ye Ling'er still made her choice. Although she sympathized with the unknown domestic slave, she cherished her life even more.

Ye Ling'er trotted downstairs, fearing that Ningchen would get angry at herself.

Ningchen didn't care too much about such a trivial matter. He picked up his chopsticks, picked up a mouthful of fungi he didn't know what they were called, and put it into his mouth. Then he started his dinner.


Ye Ling'er came to the house slave's residence next door, with anxious eyes and dry breath in her mouth.

"Why is this so urgent?"

A young man with tied hair wearing a torn robe came towards me with a smile, which made people feel like they were bathed in a spring breeze.

With sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, red lips and white teeth, her eyes are gentle, like bright stars that seem to be able to swallow up everything in the world. There is always a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, giving people an inexplicable sense of security.

His extraordinary bearing is evident in every gesture and gesture. Even though he is wearing linen with pudding, you can still feel that the person in front of you must be a dragon or a phoenix among men, a star in the sky.

"Brother Ye Han, young master, I want to find a slave to come up."

It turns out that this person is the brother Ye Han whom Ye Linger has longed for. If Ningchen were present, he would definitely be able to detect Ye Han's extraordinary character.

"That's it, it's okay. You can just find a companion. Don't be afraid. There may not be any danger!"

When Ye Han heard Ningchen's request, he frowned at first, then relaxed it and comforted Ye Ling'er.

"Well, we can only hope so."

Ye Ling'er nodded and turned to choose someone. She also wanted to disobey Ningchen's order, but who dared?

Ye Ling'er's eyes moved rapidly, scanning each of the slaves. Ye Ling'er knew them all.

Uncle Zhang, Uncle Li, Aunt Wang...

"What's wrong? Look, the child is so anxious."

"That's right, tell us if you have anything to say!"

"Don't be afraid, little Ling'er, tell me what's wrong..."

Ye Ling'er recognized them all, and they all recognized Ye Ling'er, but Ye Ling'er had to choose one from the familiar neighborhood friends and send it to Ning Chen.

Ye Ling'er's eyes were slightly red, and her heart became more and more anxious. Every second that passed, she seemed to feel that Ning Chen's anger was growing.

On one side are the elders who often take care of and help him, and on the other side are his masters.

A trace of confusion flashed in Ye Ling'er's eyes, and she finally closed her eyes and pointed casually,

Maybe this would make her feel better.

Open your eyes and take a look,

It was actually Uncle Li who helped me a lot and often took care of me.

Ye Ling'er strode forward and hugged Uncle Li, as if this would be the last time she saw him.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Li, I don't want to harm you, but I don't want to harm everyone even more."

There was a hint of crying in the voice,

"Oh, little Ling'er, don't cry. What do you mean by harming me?"

Uncle Li was puzzled. Why did he say that he had harmed himself and everyone else?

"That's it. The young master wants a house slave to come up because a girl brought a cake to the young master. He is worried and wants to pick one of us to test the poison."

Ye Ling'er's eyes were red and full of tears. When Uncle Li heard this, his face immediately turned pale, and a trace of fear clearly appeared on his face that was already full of wind and frost.

"Hahaha, little Ling'er, you are a good boy, I don't blame you."


Li Boqian laughed twice and gently stroked Ye Ling'er's head to make him feel relieved.

Letting go of Ye Ling'er in his arms, he glanced at everyone around him and laughed miserably, with an obvious death in his smile.

He walked slowly towards Ningchen's bamboo building, opened the door, and stepped onto the stairs leading to the second floor.

Ye Han looked at the back of Li Bo who was going away, with complicated eyes. He felt that his chest was suffocated and felt very uncomfortable.

"Alas, old man~"

It finally turned into a sigh, and the depression in his chest was suppressed. He turned around and walked into his room, disappearing into the darkness.


Stepping on the stairs step by step, Li Bo's heart was strangely calm at this moment, probably because he knew his own ending.

"Come in."

Ningchen took the initiative to invite him in without waiting for Uncle Li to knock on the door and greet him, which surprised Uncle Li.

When he opened the door, he saw Ningchen's calm face, not anxious or impatient, eating dinner quietly.

Uncle Li did not dare to speak. Although he had never served Ningchen directly, his bad reputation among the servants was well known, and he was afraid of disturbing Ningchen.

Ningchen ate dinner bit by bit, and all kinds of dishes were put into his mouth, but Ningchen did not touch the plate of pastries. The only sound in the room was Ningchen's eating.

After Ningchen finished his meal, he picked up a tissue and wiped the food residue from the corners of his mouth. Liu looked at Li Bo,

"Come, have a bite of this cake."

Ning Chen pushed a small plate to the table with a small piece of cake in it,

"Young Master, can I not eat it? I still have a wife and children. I held you in my arms when I was a child."

Li Bo looked so ugly that he was about to cry. The fear of death made him play the emotional card with Ning Chen,

"So, did you not hear what I said?"

"...I heard it."

Li Bo walked slowly to the table, picked up the small plate, looked at the exquisite cakes in the plate, swallowed a mouthful of saliva,

picked up a piece and put it into his mouth...

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