"Jiang Yichen, Teacher Jiang! It's your turn for class."

Zhang Ya stood up and waved, as if she was cheering.

She was a member of the study group and knew how amazing Jiang Yichen was. In this mock test, her score increased by at least 30 points.

Not only that, she also believed that with some time, it would not be a problem to increase it to 580 or even 590 points.

Jiang Yichen seemed to know everything and could do everything, and he became her idol.

Jiang Yichen frowned,"Me? Fine, everyone can study on their own during this class today."



"I've decided. I support Jiang Yichen to be the boss."

For a moment, the whole classroom was noisy, like a vegetable market.

Leng Qingxue looked at Jiang Yichen in surprise, not knowing why he said this.

If it was a Chinese class, with self-study every day, those students who didn't want to study would be happy, but those who wanted to study would have no way to study quietly.


Jiang Yichen stood up,"Everyone be quiet!"

"Self-study is not letting you go, everyone please be quiet. I will let you study for one class, and I will give you questions to do in the next class."


"No way!"

"Jiang Yichen, I think I should take back what I said just now. I don't want you to be the boss anymore.……"

"Don't be so frivolous. Whoever has the lowest score should take the initiative to go on stage and perform!"

Since he was the class leader, Jiang Yichen immediately put on a stern face and spoke in a clear and convincing voice.

In just a moment, the whole class became quiet.

"There are only 12 multiple-choice questions."

While talking, Jiang Yichen ignored them, sat down, took a few blank A4 papers, and sat on the podium.

His words and actions made people look at him from a distance as if he was a teacher.

Leng Qingxue's beautiful eyes moved, and she didn't know how much she fell in love with Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen ignored everyone and spent a little time to come up with a set of multiple-choice questions. He wrote all the questions by himself in neat regular script.

Then he went to the classroom office and asked Zhang Yunlong to make copies.

Zhang Yunlong, who was holding a thermos cup and drinking wolfberry tea, attached great importance to it and met all of Jiang Yichen's requirements. Not only that, he also took him to make copies in person and gave him a green light all the way.

""Jiang Yichen, the Chinese class of Class 9 is now handed over to you. I believe you can lead them well." Zhang Yunlong said expectantly.

Jiang Yichen frowned,"Director Zhang, what's the situation with Teacher Li? Where is he hospitalized?""

"It seems to be the county hospital, on the sixth floor of the inpatient department." Zhang Yunlong thought for a moment and said,"She is just trying to show off. She is not in good health to begin with, and she is old enough, but she still wants to follow you."

"The problem should not be serious, don't worry."

Seeing Jiang Yichen's worried look, he smiled and comforted him.

"Oh, I see."

After getting the photocopied questions, Jiang Yichen returned to the classroom slowly.

The students in the second class looked at the questions that were handed out and had bitter faces. Chen Hao was even more upset.

He was the representative of the Chinese class, but Jiang Yichen didn't ask him to hand out the questions at all. Instead, he asked Zhang Ya and Pan Yun to hand out the questions.

It was simply ignoring him.

Although he wouldn't hand out the questions even if he was asked to do it, it was a different matter whether he was asked to do it or not.

So when he got the questions, he didn't want to do them very much.

But there was no way, he had to hand them in, otherwise what if Jiang Yichen asked him to perform on stage?


I'm fighting for my own honor.

Looking at the people under the podium concentrating on doing the questions, Jiang Yichen felt a little sleepy and lay on the podium to sleep.

Alas, I must not be a teacher in the future.

Otherwise, if I meet these naughty guys, according to Jiang Yichen's hot temper, I have to pick them up and beat them up one by one.

How could Li Qiuxia be so patient to teach me with great care.

Well, for the reward of the system, Jiang Yichen will reluctantly lead this group of little bastards!

12 multiple-choice questions are the basic format of the current Chinese college entrance examination questions.

This format has not changed for many years.

The questions include pronunciation, typos, idioms, incorrect sentences, semantic understanding, etc., which can be regarded as objective questions in the Chinese test paper. There is no room for falsehood.

It is also a place where points are easily deducted.

Of course, it is also a place where it is very easy to improve.

If you get one more of these questions right, it is equivalent to an increase of 3 points in the score, and 3 questions are equivalent to nearly 10 more points.

After a light nap, Jiang Yichen saw that the time was almost up, so he began to explain the questions.

Jiang Yichen explained one by one in great detail, and some of them even provided some tips for answering.

It was refreshing.

Time passed quickly, and after the bell rang, Jiang Yichen had finished explaining, and he stretched out his hand and threw the chalk back into the box.

"Okay, I’m so tired, get out of class is over!"

"stand up!"

"Goodbye, teacher."

Led by the monitor Qin Xiaoxin, everyone stood up and spoke subconsciously.

Jiang Yichen waved his hand, not wanting to pay attention, and went to drain the water.


Anyuan County People's Hospital.

In Ward 606.

Li Qiuxia, wearing a hospital gown, was very upset."I don't care what you say. I will be discharged tomorrow. My students are about to take the college entrance examination. I will stay in any hospital after the college entrance examination."

Her son Li Xiangwen was very helpless.

But the white coat next to him was very firm."Absolutely not. Your condition is more complicated. You must be hospitalized. An expert will review it in a few days."

"What's the point of an expert review? If you can't find any problems, then there is no problem."Li Qiuxia looked unhappy.

Li Xiangwen was worried. Compared with his mother, he had the most contact with the doctors and knew more about the situation. Therefore, he was determined not to let Li Qiuxia leave the hospital.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Everyone stopped and turned to look.

A handsome boy poked his head in and took a look inside.

"Jiang Yichen!"

Li Qiuxia's face lit up with joy, and she was about to stand up and call him in.

But she was immediately suppressed,"Mom, you're still on the IV!"

"Teacher Li.

Jiang Yichen walked in and waved his hand. A fat man opened the door and came in.

After Pan Yun, it was the class monitor Qin Xiaoxin and Zhang Ya.

Qin Xiaoxin was holding a bouquet of flowers.

Pan Yun was holding a bag of apples.

"Teacher Li!"

"Xiaoxin, Pan Yun, Zhang Ya, you are all here! Is the get out of class over? Director Zhang Yunlong gave you a Chinese lesson, right? How was it?"

"It's okay that he has a low level. I will be back in a few days and I will take care of him then." Li Qiuxia said with a smile.

Qin Xiaoxin put the flowers on the bedside,"Teacher Li, Jiang Yichen is the teacher of Chinese class."

"Jiang Yichen?" Li Qiuxia was stunned for a moment, but immediately smiled,"Okay, Yichen, I'll be relieved if you teach me."

Jiang Yichen smiled and said,"I can't be a teacher, I just help them do some exercises, or wait for you to come back and teach us.""

"Okay, the teacher will be back soon.

Li Qiuxia's eyes were filled with tears without her realizing it.

"Teacher, I wish you a speedy recovery. We are waiting for you!" Zhang Ya also said

"I will, I will"


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