For the next team fight, both sides are full of confidence.

  Because Brother Crystal’s Jhin takes the crit flow, plus clockwork and Qinggang Ying, their late-stage ability is very strong, so the snake team is very confident here.

   On the RNG side, the reason for their self-confidence is simply because their double C is hero and Uzi!

After a few more minutes, the water dragon refreshed. This is the fifth dragon. The snake team had some ideas, but RNG has already taken a position in advance, so the snake team decisively chose to give up. RNG will not kill the dragon. Take down.

   The two sides once again returned to the tug-of-war to find opportunities for each other.

   At this time, the Snake team's auxiliary Twilight Eye accidentally moved and walked to RNG's face.

   Spicy Hot Pot certainly won't let go of this opportunity. A rock formation was sprinkled with a stone formation, and while carrying Shen back, he lay down a large part of his blood.

   "Fuck him!"

   The RNG team members rushed forward and immediately dropped Shen, but the next news made them sink in their hearts.

   "The enemy legion killed Baron Nash!"

  The dragon is lost again!

   I have to say that this lineup of the Snake team is quite fast.

  Jin, Clockwork, Green Steel Shadow, and Praying Mantis are all heroes with high damage.

   So the opponent devised a tactic and deliberately asked Shen to come over to sell, delaying time, and then the four of them could directly defeat the dragon in just a few seconds.

   If Chen Yuan previously had a top level consciousness card, he could see through this trap, but now he cannot.

   At this time, everyone thought that RNG was difficult, including Chen Yuan himself.

   Then Uzi yelled: "Don't let them go back! Go up and fight!"

   As he said, EZ's ultimate move began to read the article, and a precise barrage was shot, interrupting the three opponents' return to the city.

   They are in the blue BUFF, not far from the big dragon. They are in five full states, facing four opponents with the dragon BUFF, they can completely fight!

   "GTMD!" Letme yelled at this time, taking the lead. The old driver turned into Maserati and rammed into Longkeng.

   Xiaoming’s Thresh also turned on the Ascension Talisman, and the remaining four people all accelerated, and the team battle was about to start.

   The executive power of the professional team began to manifest. Facing the enemy's charge, the Snake team also gave up returning to the city at the same time, and Qinggang Ying took the initiative to push forward with the clockwork ball.

   Brother Sheng Qiang’s Qinggang Ying is very proficient, he hooked out with a hook, and took the initiative to take over the old driver’s big move before hitting the wall.

   At this time, the hook was hooked to the wall, bringing the stunned green steel shadow to the wall, the second E kicked out, and the clockwork magic puppet rushed directly into the opponent's crowd.


   The clockwork ball appeared among the four RNGs, a terrifying spiral appeared, and it was necessary to strangle all the four.

   RNG’s double Cs began to show their magical powers, EZ, an E, and Yaoji a W, all of which ran out of the scope of the shock wave.

   But the Thresh and Stone Sparrow, which had no displacement, suffered. They were twisted together, combined with the clockwork QW, and instantly turned into residual blood.

   Sofm's praying mantis emerged from the invisibility state. When he fired WQ, the stone bird was instantly seconded, and Thresh was still reluctant to hold on because of the aftershocks.

   Thresh hit a hook and caught the praying mantis. After a delay, he gave his precious life under the claws of the mantis.

   After killing Thresh, the praying mantis went invisible again.

   The situation is three-on-four, but fortunately EZ and Demon are full of blood.

   Uzi started his operation at this time. His previous big move shaved three people, and he was still passive, and his attack speed was very fast, which opened his explosive output.

   How exploded the four-piece EZ damage was then reflected in Qinggang Ying's body.

   AQAWA, a set of shots at the speed of light in two seconds, the Qinggang shadow blood bar with **** hands but no armor is like a fake, falling like a waterfall.

   Brother Saint Gun started the big move and got close to EZ. At this time, Chen Yuan shot, W returned to the previous position and hit Qing Gang Ying with a QE.

   The damage was not high, but it was enough to take off the last blood bar of Qing Gang Ying, Qing Gang Ying returned to the spring, and the situation came to three on three.

   In the enemy camp, the old driver is still in front, and Letme still has a hand in playing meat. The incarnation of Thain under him is the **** of war, rushing forward with the output of Jhin and Clockwork, causing them a lot of trouble.

   Saien has been arrested, and his equipment is actually not very good. Under the firepower of the opponent's double-C, he eventually fell down.

   But he also delayed enough time. At this time, Yao Ji's W was also healed, and Chen Yuan began to operate.

   His Q and E are not good, but the remaining two skills are enough.

   flashed and resolutely handed over, narrowed the distance, and then threw W and R out of the speed of light.

   The first foot W stepped on Jin's body, and the second foot R stepped on both Jin and the clockwork.

   It’s thirty minutes now, and the enchantress has a way to wear shoes, Luden, a ghost book, and a way to wear a stick.

   The high amount of damage was all poured into Double C's body. With the ignition to trigger the electric shock, Brother Crystal's Jhin was directly hit by seconds, and the clockwork fell to half blood.

   Clockwork was not to be outdone, and a QW hit the demon girl, hitting it to half blood.

   Mantis rushed over at this time, trying to secretly kill the helpless Half-Blood Demon Fairy, but Chen Yuan was not greedy at this time. Pressing W, he returned to the previous position, and Mantis threw himself away.

   The next blood volume of the clockwork was collected by Uzi who jumped up in the distance.

   Next, there are only the blood-filled EZ and the half-blooded enchantress VS the half-blooded praying Even Sofm is powerless to face this situation and was eventually killed.

   This is a wave of epic team battles, and RNG won the victory.

   After successfully destroying the opponent, Chen Yuan and Uzi rushed straight to the high ground of the opponent's lower road.

   The two in the commentary booth were shocked by the performance of this pair of Cs.

   Wawa’s mouth grows big. Fortunately, he doesn’t have his lens now. He quickly cleaned up his expression and said, "Wow, these C's are too fierce!"

"Yeah!" Miller couldn't help but slap his tongue. "This can be said to be a wave of three beating four! Under the situation where the rock sparrow and Thresh were second, both Demon Ji and EZ played explosive output, and directly sent each other melted!"

   "And you said there was any problem with the opposing operation? It's okay. It dropped two seconds in the start and gained a number advantage. The opposing team has cooperated very well, but it just can't beat it!"

   "The bot lane has just arrived, and the resurrection time is forty seconds, and there is only one guarding house left. Looking at this situation, it should be a wave."



   As the commentator said, the two of them went to the base.

  The line of soldiers on the lower road was originally near the second tower, the demon girl rushed up to a W to clear the soldiers, and pushed the line of soldiers past.

  EZ’s tower demolishing speed is also fast, with three items on his body, and three or two hits make a tower.

   After Shen was resurrected, he tried his best to procrastinate.

   "Kill him, don't open it!" The incense pot became the spring water commander, commanding the double-C to kill the support.

   But helplessly, the two of them didn't pay attention to this Shen at all, there was only crystal in their eyes.

   As the snake team exploded, RNG won the first BO3 victory.


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