"Ah?" This word appeared in the minds of all the EDG team members at the same time.

Meiko: "Brother Kong, why did you choose a nurse!"

Uzi: "Did you press the wrong button?"

Factory Manager: "No way, can you still withdraw? How can you choose the wrong one?"

Everyone couldn't understand and thought that Lin Kong had made the wrong choice and was ready to call a pause. Seeing this, Lin Kong stopped them again and again.

"No, believe me, my Lulu can play in the middle!"

"You can win, believe me, and besides, this is an invitation to the opposite G2 to come to the scene."

"If they don't come, I will kill them in the end!"

After Lin Kong finished speaking, the corners of the mouths of several EDG players twitched, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Lin Kong really wanted to play a nurse in the middle, and he even thought it was okay.

A nurse in the middle!

Compared with the previous Lulu's outrageous value, it starts at a hundred times!

Lulu in the middle, still has all skills to consume.

What about the nurse?

When playing as a mid-lane, the W skill can only heal teammates. Not to mention that one skill is inherently useless, QE can't even clear the line of soldiers. How can such a useless hero play as a mid-lane?

Just by using his hands to attack? !

However, since Lin Kong said so, the factory manager stopped calling the referee.

"Okay! I believe you!"

"But if we lose, we must have fun in the next game."

The factory manager agreed, so naturally the other EDG people would not have more opinions.

Besides, even if Lin Kong stopped playing such an outrageous mid-lane after losing the first game, wouldn't it be easy to win?

The EDG people didn't care much, and Abu calmed down and continued BP.

It was just that the G2 opponent was a little confused.

"Lulu mid-lane?"

A P thought it was Lulu mid-lane, and didn't expect that Lin Kong might play such an exaggerated hero as a nurse.

In the follow-up, G2 also maintained its normal BP.

The third hand selected Victor who was suitable for the lineup.

Seeing that A-P didn't play a hero, Lin Kong shook his head repeatedly.

"How can I not play a hero? I didn't see that my nurse was in the middle, what a pity!"

"I can't help it. Since you don't play a hero, I have to start first."

"If I get killed by my nurse later, I'll be on the pillar of shame, hehe!"

Lin Kong laughed evilly. Poor A-P didn't know what kind of laning he would experience next.

The subsequent BP of both sides continued, which was quite normal.

With the combination of Twitch, Lulu, and the mid-lane nurse, EDG lacked a team starter and a jungle C position.

The top lane took out the classic Gragas, and the team starter and protection ability were maximized. The jungler chose the strong-cutting Warwick, which was the best to deal with the non-displacement Kog'Maw.

G2 took out the top single Kidney and the jungle Chrysanthemum, focusing on the full protection. It was also the same idea as EDG, protecting the mid and bottom double Cs for team fights.

However, after the heroes were confirmed, everyone was still discussing why Lin Kong played Lulu in the first game.

It was not until a few seconds before the game started that Lin Kong did not switch heroes with Meiko, and everyone realized what was wrong.

Finally, the heroes were confirmed, EDG's mid laner, the nurse, and the support Lulu!

Not to mention the commentators, the audience was stunned.

The first to be stunned were G2's coaches and players.

"What's going on? Are they stuck? Did they not change heroes?"

"What's going on? What's going on!"

G2 was stunned, and the domestic official live broadcast room was full of question marks.

The three commentators on the stage always thought that EDG might be stuck and failed to change heroes, and would soon be suspended.

Everyone was suspicious, but the game continued, and EDG had no intention of pausing at all.

Entering the game, the two sides met, and the mid lane nurse went out with a long sword, and chose War Fervor, standing in the middle.

EDG did not have any strange intentions, and Lin Kong even had a smirk on his face.


Confirmed, mid-lane nurse!

It's true!

"OMG? Mid-lane nurse?!"

"Is this EDG's King player, playing so fancy?"

"I thought mid-lane Lulu was already very strong, but I didn't expect there was a master!"

"My God, there is such a way to play, mid-lane nurse, is it EDG's trump card!?"

The commentary on the scene in Rio, the audience all exclaimed, mid-lane nurse is a magical hero they have never seen before.

The G2 people had the same reaction.

The domestic people, seeing this, the three commentators on the stage laughed,

Colonel Guan: "This is my brother Kong, what I said in the live broadcast yesterday was right, my brother Kong will definitely easily win G2 today, and win more beautifully than SKT."

"If this nurse mid-lane wins, it will be amazing."

Wang Duoduo: "The support is used to play mid-lane, this is the nth time,And our Kong can still maintain a 100% win rate on Lulu, who says other people's healers are not good? ! "

Wawa: "Only our Lin Kong can play like this, you let Faker do it? Can he play healer in the middle? ”

The three people’s thoughts were basically the same as the barrage, and they all looked forward to how Lin Kong’s nurse would perform in the mid-lane.

Everyone had experienced the first time Lin Kong took out Lulu before, and they all thought that Lulu was not good in the mid-lane, but what was the result?

Every time he got mixed up! Every time he won!

It might really be EDG’s killer tactic.

Lin Kong did not disappoint everyone, and showed everyone at level 1.

What does it mean to be an auxiliary output? The DPS is terrifying!

When he went online at level 1, Lin Kong did not go to Q the soldiers. Lin Kong knew very well that his ability to clear the line could not be compared with A P’s Viktor?

Isn’t that funny? It is impossible to have the line power of the soldiers.

If you want to get an advantage in the middle lane, what else can you do if the soldiers are gone?

Then hit people!

Lin Kong is not going to waste time with you If you think about how to play when you go out, with a long sword and three reds in hand, who can beat the nurse at level 1?

A Q blocked the gap between Ah P's last hit, and Lin Kong rushed up to attack.

He directly crossed the line of soldiers and chased Ah P, and attacked fiercely.

Ah P had never seen a mid-lane player play like this, not to mention that the opponent was a supporting nurse in the middle, and he wanted to counterattack at the first time.

As a result, Ah P remembered one thing, the nurse's basic attack should not be underestimated, with the attack power of the long sword and the enthusiasm of war.

Dozens of blood in one go is not a joke.

He was no match for A at all, but Lin Kong took half of his blood at level 1.

Ah P was dizzy.

Fortunately, he was a Viktor after all, with skills to last hit, and his arms were quite long.

After eating two bottles of medicine on his body After that, the HP gradually increased, and the army line still gained an advantage.

Although it was really uncomfortable to be secretly attacked by Lin Kong several times, it was not unacceptable.

When he reached level 3, after A P's HP was used up, his HP was still half, which was not bad. Although Lin Kong's HP was full, his three bottles of HP were gone.

The laning was basically stable.

Thinking of this, A P wanted to continue to suppress Lin Kong under the tower to expand the advantage.

After all, the higher the level, the laning of Victor is not at the same level as that of the nurse.

In addition, EDG's other positions are stronger than G2, and G2 must find opportunities to win A P.

Unfortunately, A P didn't know that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry!

Slowly suppressing can obviously be done well, but he had to further expand the results.

As before, when using E to consume Lin Kong, this time an extra Q is added, resulting in this gap when the Q skill is used up.

Seeing that there are not many soldiers, Lin Kong is directly furious!

The Q skill slows down the opponent, and no one loves him when he starts to sprint.

Seeing Lin Kong sprinting, A P was a little confused at first, and put down W repeatedly.

Slowing down Lin Kong.

If A P turned around and ran at this time, he might not die, but it’s a pity that there is no if.

He clicked Lin Kong twice more.

Okay, the game is over!

Lin Kong didn’t indulge A P at all, and flashed out of the range of Victor’s W position.

Put down the E skill, intercept Victor’s intention to walk back, and then prevent Victor from pressing the flash in the first time.

In a hurry for a while, A P walked back to avoid the silence of Lin Kong’s nurse’s E skill.

It was this walk back that happened to fall into Lin Kong’s trap. He deliberately put E where it made people feel that he could pull away by walking back.

In fact, even if Ah P uses flash again, the distance between him and his nurse is almost close to each other. How can he pull away later?

Lin Kong immediately attacked Victor. All of Victor's skills were on CD, and he couldn't attack him.

Ah P's mind was blank for a moment. His health was reduced by Lin Kong's nurse's basic attack.

He didn't know what to do at all. A terrifying thought came to his mind.

"I'm going to be killed by the nurse?!"

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