Colonel Guan and the Haier brothers looked at each other and laughed at each other after hearing the reason for the pause.

"Because Lin Kong's single kill of Faker just now was too script-like."

"In the principle of fair competition, the official gave Lin Kong anti-cheating."

"As a result, Lin Kong was normal and did not violate any rules. The official has apologized to EDG and Lin Kong, and the game will continue!"

After Colonel Guan finished speaking, the barrage was all dumbfounded.



"Do you suspect that my brother Kong is cheating? And you didn't find out anything? Hahaha!"

"No way, if you really check for cheating, doesn't that prove that my brother Kong is a faker? His operation is like hanging on a wall!"

"Fuck, there is cheating!!"

"I'm almost dying, I'm so happy, this official is too funny, my brother Kong is playing awesome and then they check my brother Kong for cheating."

"I have to say, if you can kill Faker alone and kill him like this, I would also think you are cheating."

In the live broadcast room, question marks were flying all over the place, plus the comments of the people who were having fun.

No one thought that it was not the machine that had a problem.

There is a cheat!

It's a pure physical cheat, and it's played too well!

After listening to the commentary, the audience in Rio burst into laughter.

Do you suspect that he is cheating?

It turns out that he is just playing too awesome.

The game started again, and SKT still didn't know what happened.

EDG couldn't hold it back.

Zizi: "Wow, there is such a thing! I've never heard of it."

Uzi: "It shows that my brother Kong is too good. The official was confused and thought that my brother Kong had a script."

"I can't help it. I'm going to die of laughter. The official is so funny." Lin Kong also laughed. Now I think about it, I still want to laugh.

Meiko was still laughing, "Kong brother, you didn't really open it, but you just didn't get caught. Otherwise, you don't train, but you are so awesome!"

"Go away, your script is not as good as mine!"

EDG's microphone was full of joy.

SKT was quite uncomfortable. In the current situation, they were already far behind.

Not to mention the strong blessing of the fire dragon in the early stage, Lin Kong got the line right in the middle lane, and the factory manager in the bottom lane could do a lot of things.

After the lion dog reached level 6, the impact on the line was far beyond the comparison of the green god.

In addition, after Lin Kong killed the single, his equipment was also ahead of Faker. As a roaming assassin, he also posed a threat to the side line.

SKT's tactics did not consider the possibility of Faker's line being blown up.

Soon, problems arose one after another.

First, the factory manager attacked Huni in the top lane. The first ultimate at level 6 landed on Huni, and with the help of Mouse's Gragas ultimate, Huni was killed instantly!

Secondly, after Lin Kong returned home to make up a set, he stepped on the straw sandals and Youmeng, with his home as the background.

He went straight to the bottom lane and hit the SKT bottom lane in time, and pocketed Wolf's 300 yuan. It was Bang's reaction that was fast enough and flashed at the first time.

Otherwise, Lin Kong would have killed Bang instantly.

Two consecutive attack points made SKT extremely uncomfortable.

The three domestic commentators were getting more and more excited.

Wawa: "Zichangzhang got the kill!"

Wawa: "Kongge is also making achievements in the bottom lane, the kill ratio is 3:0, and the economic lead is widened to 1500!"

Miller: "There is also the advantage of the fire dragon!"

Miller: "The second dragon is also a huge advantage for EDG."

The situation on the field can be said to be very good.

Changed the situation in the previous few minutes, three lanes were controlled, and EDG gathered the second dragon as soon as possible.

Prepare for a team fight!

"Arrange the vision!" Zhaichang made preparations before the dragon fight.

"Be sure to pay attention to your position in a team fight, be careful of being attacked!"

According to the usual rank, the vision can be basically arranged by gathering 30s before the dragon refreshes.

The game is different. In the game, basically 60s before the dragon, the vision starts to come to the dragon for vision.

After the vision is safely arranged, the dragon refreshes, and EDG occupies a favorable position.

The second dragon is a water dragon, which is not as good as fire and earth, but it is also very helpful for the line, and SKT does not want to give it to EDG.

In addition, Bang's development is still good. At this point in time, his damage is stronger than that of the big mouth. They also have Kennen.

Huni was caught in the last wave and did not use flash. Kennen with flash and big is a killer in team battles.

This is also SKT's capital for joining the team.

When the little dragon refreshed, SKT also cleared the soldiers in the middle lane and rushed to the dragon pit.

Tam, who was walking in the front, was staggering. Wolf also knew that he would notSomeone will kill him.

Following closely behind was Kennen, who was ready to attack at any time when Tam determined his position!

EDG was indeed killing the dragon, and pulled the little dragon a little lower, looking like they wanted to kill it instantly.

Seeing this, SKT did not hesitate, "Look at the AD!"

All the words were about looking at the AD. At this time, SKT's team battle was very clear. As long as they could kill the continuously outputting Kog'Maw, the rest of the people would not be a big deal.

Xiaohuasheng summoned Xiaoju as soon as possible and approached the EDG team.

Bang was looking for the best output position, while Faker and Huni were looking at Uzi's position, wanting to cut Uzi.

During this period, all EDG members stopped killing the dragon and prepared to join the team with SKT.

Huni's position was almost at a point where he could kill Uzi.

"Kennen is going to charge!"

"EDG must be careful of Kennen this time, and he must not be hit by the thunderbolt!"

Huni's position is very good. If he moves forward, he can use E to dodge 4 people, but Uzi can still use flash to pull away, so Huni has not charged yet.

Huni, who was thinking about the thunderbolt to start a team fight, suddenly remembered, open four?

What about the other person?

Thinking of this, a shadow suddenly appeared in the shadow of the blue buff and the river on the side, and then Lin Kong aimed at Kennen, switched positions with W, and the man was in Kennen's face.

"You want to start a team fight, have you asked me?!" Lin Kong thought to himself, and he stood in front of Kennen and Tam, startling the two SKT players to move closer and take a step back.

EDG all pulled back at the same time, and the distance for Kennen's E flash was not enough.

Huni had no space to start a team fight, and Zed was in front of him. Lin Kong had very good equipment, and a burst attack could definitely kill his pure AP Kennen. Even if he couldn't kill him, he would be too weak to start a team fight, so SKT didn't need to fight a team fight.

"I'll eat you!"

Wolf was also anxious when he saw the situation, and quickly ate Kennen in one bite, trying to protect Huni from being hit by Lin Kong.

To keep the hope of a team fight.

But in fact, he overlooked a serious problem.

Lin Kong didn't even use his ultimate to boost Kennen, let alone his ultimate, and his EQ was useless.

Seeing Tam anxiously use his ultimate, Lin Kong immediately changed his target.

He used his ultimate on the fragile Daisy who was wearing speed shoes, didn't even have a complete set, and had no displacement.

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