The six people were sitting together in a proper manner. Based on the news they had learned today, they thought that some reporter was coming to do a pre-match interview for MSI. They were quite formal.

But when Lin Kong came in, they were confused.

They had watched EDG's games before, and they also knew something about Lin Kong.

"Today, EDG's mid laner, Lin Kong, also known as King, is here to do a simple interview. Welcome everyone!"

Coach Kouma's efficient explanation also made the meaning clear to everyone.

SKT's business ability is also good. After hearing Coach Kouma's explanation, they kept talking and laughing and clapping to welcome Lin Kong's arrival.

"Brothers, look, this is SKT!"

"Faker, and Bang!!"

"Ahem, let's give our gifts to the players first!"

For some reason, when Lin Kong saw the SKT players clapping for him, he felt refreshed inexplicably. He immediately switched the screen to the live broadcast to show the faces of the SKT players clearly to everyone in the live broadcast room.

Then, feeling impolite, Lin Kong also hurriedly sat down next to Wolf at the edge, called the translator, and brought up the gift.

He quickly took out the deluxe version of the electric snake mouse.

A series of actions were smooth and flowing, and the six SKT players knew at a glance that Lin Kong was definitely not doing this for the first time.

"Come here, Wolf's customized deluxe version of the electric snake mouse, with the most gorgeous skin color."

"And a customized signature!"

"The coolest thing is this, the light adjustment!!"

"You can switch different light colors to show Wolf's name!!"

Lin Kong put Wolf's customized deluxe mouse in Wolf's hand, and Wolf didn't react yet, just thanked him.

Lin Kong stood up and walked to Bang, "Bang is the same, a special signature model!"

"Thank you!"

"I will cherish it."

Bang simply replied with two sentences in Chinese, which made Lin Kong's eyes light up and was amazed.

As a top player, Lin Kong can only say that Bang's image management is perfect. If there is no Faker in LCK, I'm afraid the so-called Faker is Bang!

"Haha, you're welcome!"

"Friends, audience in the live broadcast room!"

"See, this is the mouse that the S6 world champion AD personally admitted that he would cherish and use!!!"

"Top limited edition, customizable signature lights, only 1,000 copies are currently on sale at the Electric Snake!"

"The price is 10,999!!!!"

"Family, do you know what a top mouse is now? If you need it, hurry up and get it."

"The same Electric Snake mouse as SKT, officially certified!!!"

Lin Kong's advertising words were spoken one after another, and the SKT people couldn't understand them. Bang couldn't understand what Lin Kong said, and thought that Lin Kong had an impromptu rap, and clapped his hands on the side.

The people in the live broadcast room almost laughed to death.

"Fuck, WE base is selling goods, SKT is still selling goods, it's confirmed that he is the absolute king of selling goods."

"Kong brother is so dedicated!"

"It must be not only the mouse, but also the keyboard and headphones, bring them up quickly."

"Fuck, old fan, you understand Kong brother too well."

The live broadcast room was full of joy. Lin Kong turned around and saw Faker's eyes shining, his hands on his thighs, a little restless, as if waiting for something.

Lin Kong, who understood, suddenly had a bad idea.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he pursed his lips and smiled evilly.

After saying the advertising words, he turned around and faced Faker first.

Seeing Lin Kong coming, Faker thought he was going to give him the mouse, and his hand was stretched out, thank you was on his lips.

Lin Kong made a 180-degree turn and turned to look at the little peanut next to him.

"And our Peanut player!!!"

"Blank player!"

All of a sudden, Faker was faked, and he retracted his hands repeatedly, put his hands back on his thighs, and smiled awkwardly.

The audience laughed so hard,

"Fuck, it's definitely intentional."

"It's strange if it's not intentional, Brother Kong is so mean."

"Don't bully my little devil, give him the mouse, he's been waiting for a long time!!"

"Faker was faked, it's so funny, his hand was half stretched out just now."

"No, Brother Kong is too funny, doing this in other people's base, aren't you afraid of being beaten?!"

Of course, it's funny, after giving gifts to Huni and Coach Kouma, Lin Kong still gave the gift to Faker for the second time..

Even for this, he still had to thank Lin Kong.

Lin Kong did not continue to give away the remaining headphones and keyboards. He turned around and put them all in the SKT base as a gift.

There was not much time for the next interview, so Lin Kong went straight into the interview session.

As a top-level thick-skinned player, Lin Kong pushed Xiao Huasheng aside and sat next to Faker.

Then, with the help of a translator, he began the formal interview session with several SKT players.

"Okay, let's ask a few routine questions first."

"What is SKT's plan for the future this time?"

"Please... Faker will answer!"

Lin Kong did not continue to tease Faker. It was enough to play the joke once. Too many would be annoying.

Faker took the microphone and said two words lightly.

"Win the championship!"

"Good guy, you are really good at pretending!"

Lin Kong thought to himself, but still responded formally, "Ah, that's really confident enough, worthy of being Faker!"

Feeling that formal questions were meaningless, Lin Kong immediately started to make fun of Faker.

"The second question, well, I would rather let the audience in the live broadcast room ask questions. I will randomly select a few questions and ask SKT players to answer them."

"Start brushing the bullet screen. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to talk face to face with SKT players. Try to fight for it, fight for it!"

Under Lin Kong's mobilization, the SKT players also did a good job. In their opinion, this is a response to their fans.

In fact, Lin Kong's live broadcast room is full of EDG fans.

It can't be said that it's difficult to ask questions, mainly because Lin Kong is afraid of being beaten.

"Please help me ask, how did Faker feel when he lost to MSI in 2015!"

"I want to know how Faker felt when he lost to Zz11 last time."

"Do you still dare to choose Ahri in the final game?!"

"Quick, Kong, help me ask, is Ahri fun in the final game?"

Lin Kong naturally didn't dare to ask the questions in the bullet screen. It would be bad if he couldn't get out after asking.

He quickly made up the bullet screen.

"Ah, may I ask all the SKT players, what is your attitude towards EDG this time?"

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