Lin Kong, who usually plays badly, felt a little embarrassed and scratched his head.

"Well, at this time, don't say anything and pretend to be a master!"

Lin Kong was secretly happy in his heart.

Just kidding, he just killed and teased Crown and Anzhangmen, SSG's mid and jungle.

S6 world runner-up, S7, 3-0 Dafei, trampled on SKT's world champion mid!

This gold content made Lin Kong's heart still pounding.

Outside the field, RNG fans in the live broadcast room and on the scene, and even the audience watching around the world, were shocked by Lin Kong's single kill just now.

Especially in the slow replay, everyone saw clearly where Lin Kong was playing the game just now.

Predicted Crown's predicted flash, and had a clear idea of ​​crossing the tower.

Countless people admired Lin Kong's operation.

"OMG, is this the new mid laner of LPL? I heard that this is his second time on the stage of the professional league? What did he do just now? Killed Crown alone? Even killed him by crossing the tower, it's crazy!"

"Incredible, perfect solo kill by crossing the tower, I think he is the world's No. 1 male gun at this moment!"

"Fuck, fuck, Kong Ge, this is Kong Ge, there were so many people outside just now, I kneel down for you, this solo kill is too cool."

"Emma, ​​it's too crucial, there is even Master An behind, and it's a solo kill by crossing the tower, so awesome!"

"You are my king! This wave of solo kills is awesome!"

This is e-sports, strength reverses everything.

Who would have thought that everyone was waiting to see Lin Kong being blasted by Crown just now.

Now everyone is bragging about how perfect Lin Kong's crossing the tower just now was.


In the RNG preparation room, fly also spurted out a mouthful of water that he had just drunk.

"This guy, is the male gun so powerful? Impossible, I have never seen him play a hero with a gun."

"Except for the gun he played recently in CSGO, this guy hid it?"

"Or is it luck?!"

Fly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He is too familiar with e-sports. In this circle, strength is supreme. Whoever is awesome will brag.

Whoever is bad, you will be criticized until your ancestors are dug up.

If Lin Kong can really lead RNG to beat SSG in this game, Lin Kong will probably become famous in one go.

"Luck, it must be luck!"

Fly calmed down and continued to watch the development on the field.

After being killed by a single, Crown brother quickly calmed down. This is also the style of SSG, rigorous, mechanical to the extreme operation.

And, the terrifying vision arrangement.

Under the perfect vision control of SSG, Xiang Guo has been unable to make any progress in the top lane, and even Looper's Rambo was suppressed by CuVee's Ekko by 20 knives at the ten-minute node.

As for the lower half of the area where SSG mainly attacked, under the care of Master An, the advancement system of Miss Police and Jyra was perfectly displayed.

Miss Police and Jyra could unscrupulously point at Uzi in front of his tower, but there was no chance of counterattack.

In S6, there was no tower skin. Without tower skin, the speed of tower loss in the early stage was very fast.

At 8 minutes and 38 seconds, the tower in the bottom lane was destroyed.

The economy of SSG was nearly 3,000 ahead.

As for the reason why it did not reach 3,000, it was still Lin Kong who got the first blood.

But this number was soon broken by SSG at ten minutes.

The pressure of SSG's operation and vision was almost suffocating.

Lin Kong knew that before S8, the LCK team relied on operation to beat the whole world, but that was just talk.

Now, he has personally experienced how terrible the LCK operation is.

At eleven minutes, the economic gap was 4,000, and the next tower was destroyed.

The policewoman in the middle lane stopped, and Lin Kong had no way to operate, so he could only hang up under the tower and eat the tower knife.

At 11 minutes, the vision of the middle lane was completely deprived by SSG!


Desperate suffocation!

Lin Kong could feel that his headphones could hear the relaxed tone of everyone just now, but now they were all tense.

Miller: "Oh, SSG's operation is too perfect. Obviously, our LPL team is very strong in the line, but when facing the LCK team, I always feel that I can't use my strength."

In the commentary booth, Miller's face was quite ugly. They were still discussing Lin Kong's perfect single kill a few minutes ago.

But with a head 1-0, 4,000 behind in economy, and eleven minutes, this is completely the gap in team strength.

Wawa also sighed, "There's nothing I can do. Maybe that's why LCK still dominates League of Legends."

PDD was also a little uncomfortable on the sidelines. Just when he wanted to say a few words, An Zhangmen on the fieldStart to attack the little dragon.

PDD: "This wave is going to attack the little dragon. After Ruler pushes the line, he can go over and take the dragon. RNG seems to want to fight, but can they win?!"

"Winning is bullshit!"

"With a 4,000 economy gap in ten minutes, you still want to join the team. I'll join you, but you're a fool!"

"RNG, go home. The gap of 4,000 economy in ten minutes wasted my perfect single kill."

"Damn RNG, Xiangguo and looper are completely useless."

"Send a lifetime of Korean fermented bean curd!"

In the live broadcast room, the atmosphere of the single kill just now has long passed. The LPL fans who watched the game were furious when they saw that RNG was poorly managed.

Especially being beaten by Korean fermented bean curd like this.

It made them feel sick.

Even many people turned off the live broadcast room, not wanting to continue watching the game between human and computer.

"Brothers, let's talk."

"Oh, what are you afraid of? Look at me killing their ADC with two shots!"

Feeling the change in the atmosphere in the team, Lin Kong also hurriedly said a few words to ease the atmosphere.

The other four RNG players smiled bitterly. They didn't want to be operated by SSG. It was just the difference in strength.

uzi: "Don't talk about that. Kong, come to the team. Let's try this wave."

mlxg: "Well, let's try it. Looper, you TP down. There is no chance in the front. Lin Kong, you should also eat the line and come over..."

"Why don't you eat the line before coming? They don't play that fast."

Xiang Guo saw Lin Kong in the middle lane let go of a running line, so he rushed over and was about to remind him.

Lin Kong's eyes popped out in the next second.

Because Lin Kong was close to the wall in the middle lane, he flashed over the wall and came to the bushes in the middle lane, which was also a predictive smoke bomb.

The moment Lin Kong landed, the smoke bomb hit the Ruler Policewoman and CoreJJ Jyra who were rushing to the dragon pit.

Without hesitation, the classic combo came out again. EA Q followed by the ultimate move, and Lin Kong instantly killed Chidi's policewoman in close combat.

A real instant kill.

In the second when Chidi was covered by the smoke bomb on his screen, Lin Kong's smooth combo took him away.


Chidi's puzzled expression proved his confusion about Lin Kong's damage.

Lin Kong cheered in the internal voice, "Wuhu, the policewoman is dead, and Jella is also low on health."

"Take the dragon, take the dragon quickly."

"I told you, don't be so nervous, our country's gun god will take you to fly!"

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