
Mouse saw Galio and looked back at Abu.

Abu said he would not choose the Prince Galio system, but now that Galio has been released, he cannot change it.

What else can he do?

"Hey, choose Prince."

"Just play this system, trust Lin Kong!"

"If we can really win the game with the Prince Galio system, it will be very difficult for the opponent's BP!"

Seeing that the factory manager even helped Lin Kong choose heroes, Abu naturally did not do much to dissuade him.

Let Mouse take down the Prince.

For EDG at the moment, a victory is needed to stabilize the mentality, and Abu is also very clear about this.

The failure of the first game hit everyone's mentality. All the efforts of everyone for so many days were in vain.

The Galio system is like a toy in front of WE, how can the mentality not explode?

As soon as the Prince Galio was locked down, Hongmi smiled.

"It seems that they are going all out and want to use Galio to break through us."

"It's not that easy!"

"Take Elise in the jungle and Fizz in the top lane, give them another try!"

"Let them understand why Galio and Prince are not good enough."

Redmi is very familiar with Galio. During the entire regular season, it was not only EDG that was training, but WE was the ancestor of this system.

Naturally, they practiced more skillfully and understood the weaknesses of the Galio system.

That's why we are in the current situation.

The audience at the scene, seeing Galio and Prince, as well as WE's Fizz and Elise, immediately triggered ptsd.

The failure of the first game is still vivid in their minds.

As for those watching in the live broadcast room, they are no different from the EDG fans at the scene, and their mouths are not ordinary poisonous.

"It's so funny. They're still using Prince Galio, and they're also releasing Fizz and Elise. What's the point? They might as well go home!"

"EDG is the biggest shock wave, just like Uzi. They're also the world's No. 1 AD? They're not even as good as the No. 1 in LPL."

"What's the point of Lin Kong playing? They just don't want to win by choosing Galio."

"They're just being shot at, and they're also sending their 100% win rate to the grave."

"Tsk tsk, this record, 100% win rate, is about to be gone, they're going to be crushed by WE!"

"WE played too well today, EDG is no match at all."

"In the second game, I can only say that Kangdi personally organized the retirement ceremony for the factory manager, and he should really retire quickly!"

"That's right, why are you still hanging around, you're not as good as shit!"

In the live broadcast room, seeing that the first three heroes were similar to the first game, EDG immediately looked bad.

Especially for Galio,

All the audience agreed that even they could see that Galio was a trap set by Redmi, but EDG couldn't see it?

What's the point of playing? You might as well go home.

No one cared much about the subsequent BP.

But in fact, there is still something to say.

Lin Kong asked Mouse to directly use Qing Gangying in the third hand, although it was not easy to fight against Fizz in the laning phase.

But after the set, there must be a way. In addition, the opponent's top and jungle have two APs, so there is no problem for the entire Mercury's shoes to survive.

They are weak in the laning phase,

but they formed the strongest lineup in this version, or in the entire S7.

The ultimate mode of the Galio Prince system, the Prince Galio Qing Gangying, is the ultimate threat to the single point C position.

Can the Prince's EQ be dodged?

No problem!

Can Galio's ultimate move be flashed out?

Yes, it can!

What about Qing Gangying's ultimate move?

The moment the Hextron Ultimatum is released is the moment when the AD is determined to be dead!

The lineup of WE is a single core, with only the brother-in-law.

BP disadvantage?

That's what others think. In Lin Kong's opinion, this lineup is exactly the ultimate version of the Galio system developed by WE!

Colonel Guan: "The final lineup is confirmed. EDG top single Qing Gangying, jungle Prince, mid single Galio, AD Twitch, support Braum!"

"This is an ultimate late-stage teamfighting lineup!"

"On the other hand, WE is an early-stage offensive, anti-teamfighting lineup!"

Wang Duoduo: "That's right, top single Fizz, jungle Elise, mid single Karma, AD Kog'Maw, support Lulu!"

"The ultimate protection of the two support team ADs, and the strong ability to catch C in the top and middle."

"It feels like this is a replica of the BP of the first game."

"Let's wait and see if EDG can change after replacing King!"

Accompanied by the words of the two people on the commentary desk, the game officially began.

Abu and Hongmi shook hands with each other, and Abu could even see Hongmi's confident expression of victory.

The reflection of the Silver Dragon Cup appeared in his eyes, as if the Silver Dragon Cup had alreadyIt belongs to WE.

The game begins!

"We must win this one, come on!"

"Director, let me take charge of the early game. I have a new set of tactics, it's very simple, you just need to cooperate with me!"

Lin Kong shouted in the microphone,

EDG's players were beaten by WE in the first two games, and Director now believes in Lin Kong again.

He immediately nodded and agreed, and handed over the early command to Lin Kong.


"We can invade at level 1, they are not as strong as us in the early stage, let's go down!"

As the red side of EDG, Lin Kong gave everyone an unexpected operation, a five-man invasion at level 1!

The purpose was nothing else, just to mess up WE's early spider rhythm.

"Lin Kong, will this work? They must be positioned. There should be wards here!"

"Trust me, it will definitely work."

"I watched the previous two games. Zero's ward placement time is a bit strange. He really wants to prevent us from placing wards."

"So trust me!"

Facing Uzi's doubts, Lin Kong shook his head repeatedly and asked Uzi to believe him.

Because they were on the red side, Lin Kong immediately led everyone to the blue buff and rushed towards WE's river.

"Mouse, click E!"

"Block vision and use E directly into the grass. There is a high probability that he will stand in the grass and watch us."

Although mouse was a little surprised, he clicked E at level 1 as Shen, and the laning right would be taken by Fizz. The laning that was already difficult to fight might be even more difficult.


After weighing the pros and cons, mouse gritted his teeth and chose to trust Lin Kong.

Clicked the E skill.

After hearing Mouse's answer, Lin Kong no longer had any worries. He directed everyone to stick to the wall and head towards WE's bottom lane triangle grass.

Just like what Uzi said.

Facing EDG's strong first-level lineup, they were naturally well prepared.

Zero's Lulu had vision of the triangle grass.

The difference was that his vision was not to place fake eyes, but to stand in the grass with his body.

This was just as Lin Kong thought. In order to prevent his eyes from being removed, Zero chose to stand in the grass with his body!

This decision was not problematic. Zero's position was relatively inside. As long as he saw someone, he could run.

The premise was to see someone!

When Zero saw someone, only one Qinggangying E came over.

Zero had less than 0.5 seconds to react!

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