The game started in the afternoon, early in the morning.

Countless spectators who got tickets arrived at the Olympic Sports Center in the morning and prepared to start queuing.

Some were even more exaggerated, preparing in the early hours of the morning, just to enter the venue first without queuing.

The finals started at 5 pm, and people could enter around 2 pm.

Because there were indeed many people coming this time, the organizer also opened two channels, allowing fans of the two teams to enter through different channels.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, the EDG team saw the grand scene of queuing.

"This, I feel the pressure before I even enter."

Meikou couldn't help but complain, causing the EDG team members on the side to nod repeatedly.

At a glance, there are two channels.

There is a long queue in the channel for WE fans, and you can tell that there are about a thousand people.

On the EDG side, it's more than ten times! !

The queue of tens of thousands of people makes the entire entrance channel look densely packed.

Not only were there three lines, but they were all folded S-shaped lines, otherwise they would have lined up all the way to the South Gate of Heaven.

The entrance for the players was right next to the audience entrance.

Walking over, you could feel the enthusiasm of the crowd all the way.

"Oh, look! Here they come! It's Kong!"

"Fuck, Uzi!"


"Come on EDG!!!"

"Uzi, you must win today, go to MSI, and crush SKT!!!"

"Come on Zhangzhuang, win the championship this year!!"

"Kong, do you want to play today? Let's have a key game!"

"Scout, come on! Try not to let Kong play."

"Zhangzhuang, teach the opposing jungler who is the best jungler today!!"

Those who can come to watch the game are all EDG's die-hard fans.

There were cheers all the way into the venue.

Just like Meikou said, the pressure was already full before entering the venue.

After arriving at the venue, it was time for a break, about 2 hours.

The opening ceremony started at 4 o'clock.

During these two hours, Abu did not let anyone idle. He gave everyone an hour to adjust their state and warm up their hands, and then began to arrange tactics.

As for Lin Kong, since he was not a starting player, he just listened on the side.

In addition, he was not a starting player, so Lin Kong had made up his mind, no matter how the game went.

He definitely did not need to play in the first two games.

If he was going to play badly, he would definitely play until the end!

Even if it was 0-2, he was not afraid.

What's more, Lin Kong did not think that the current EDG strength could be defeated by a 2-0 start.

"Send a wb, and broadcast the first two games later, haha!"

As soon as Lin Kong sent out the wb, it also attracted a crowd of onlookers.


"Live broadcast?"

"Fuck, is Kong really not going to play in a match today?"

"That's impossible. He won't play in the EDG final today."

"It must be a fake live broadcast!"

"Absolutely. It's estimated that it's a recorded broadcast at the time. Can the final be broadcast live? I don't believe it!"

Lin Kong didn't care after posting it on WB. The netizens below were naturally furious when they saw this message.

Lin Kong was indeed not the starter in today's final, but it was a bit arrogant to broadcast it live.

Wait until 2 hours later...

"Brothers, family members, who understands! Many people made bets with me today."

"They didn't fulfill their bets with me. What about those who said that I would do this and that when I started broadcasting?"

"I caught a lot of people under my WB."


At 4:30, Lin Kong arrived at the live broadcast room on time, which really scared everyone.

In just half an hour, Lin Kong's live broadcast room also entered hundreds of thousands of people.

The screen was full of question marks.

"Fuck, the anchor really won't go on stage."

"Brother Kong, please don't. I want to see you, Galio, catching three at once."

"If the anchor is not playing, can you take us around? Why is it so dark?"

"This must be the preparation room. We must not be able to see it."

"What the hell, Brother Kong is so powerful, can he broadcast live on the spot?"

"Can he really broadcast live on the spot?!"

"Dear anchor, I declare that this award must be given to Brother Kong."

"EDG is so lucky to sign Brother Kong."

In theory, live broadcasts are basically prohibited at the finals site to prevent diversion.

Not to mention places like the players' preparation room, where there is no live broadcast.

However, Lin Kong noticed that places like the preparation room basically have cameras for recording documentaries.

Since there are cameras, why can't they broadcast live?

With these words, plus the key point, "his own fame".

In an instant, the official approved him a special live broadcast quota, but if he wants to play, he can't broadcast live.

“Your brother Kong will certainly have a way!”

“As long as you buy EDG peripherals, Brother Kong will show you more.”

“Watch the game, watch the game!”

“Let me give you a taste of Kong-style game commentary.”

“Watch the broadcast. I can’t have any footage here. I can just brag to you.”

As for the Kong-style game commentary that Lin Kong mentioned.

When selling goods every day, Lin Kong would use previous games to make graffiti or directly move the footage.

This also gave rise to such a joke,

also called the game commentary out of thin air.

It just fits Lin Kong’s current state.

“Start bp!”

“No luck, the red team starts.”

“This version is still better with the blue team. ”

The game officially started.

The red and blue sides chose sides, which is a tradition of LPL, and they chose by flipping a coin.

Abu was unlucky and didn't get the first choice, so WE took the first move.

In terms of BP, Lin Kong also gave a relatively reasonable explanation.

Although Lin Kong's understanding of the panel is not good, he can be a professional player.

The actual understanding is definitely higher than the panel after seeing it every day.

"Fizz, this Fizz is used for swinging, of course, it is most likely to be the top laner."

"This version of Fizz is very BT."

"Prince Galio?"

"This system is also a classic, I developed it, how about it, isn't it awesome? ! "

Lin Kong's commentary was also very clear, and he explained all aspects well.

For a while, many viewers in the official live broadcast room even curiously turned on Lin Kong's broadcast.

Among them, there were many passers-by.

The first game bp was over.

WE had a combination of three APs in the top, mid and jungle, with Fizz in the top lane, LeBron in the middle, Elise in the jungle, and Ashe and Braum in the bottom lane.

EDG had Prince, Galio, and Rumble in the top, and Policewoman and Thresh in the bottom lane.

EDG's Galio system was newly trained, and Lin Kong did not reveal too much.

Just expressed that this set was very strong.

If you play well, you will be invincible.

"This is a sure thing!"

"Absolutely a sure thing!"

"Haha, why did WE choose three APs in the top, mid and jungle? I laughed to death."

"There is such an outrageous bp."

"EDG has the powerful Prince Galio that Kong said is powerful. How can we not take him? ”

“Kong Ge really has no chance to play today!”

Hearing Lin Kong’s praise, plus the top, mid and jungle three AP lineup selected by WE, the audience in the live broadcast room undoubtedly boosted their confidence.

Thinking that EDG can easily win.

Lin Kong frowned, and he was very familiar with this BP.

“Isn’t this WE and RNG!”

“It won’t be a repeat of history.”

“Is it really such a coincidence? !”

As a tough guy, Lin Kong was also quite clear about the original spring finals of s7.

At that time, WE defeated RNG 3-0, which was a great shame.

Lin Kong also had some impression of the lineup.

Thirty-two minutes later...

As Lin Kong expected, WE defeated EDG.

The start was not good!

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