As long as they can kill Ai Loli's policewoman at the same time, RNG still has a chance to take on the subsequent team battle.

When the factory manager heard Lin Kong's voice, he did not hesitate and rushed towards the policewoman.

He also knew that if he hesitated any longer, they would not be able to win the team battle until Uzi's Ice was killed and they had not dealt with the policewoman.


"Want to kill me?!"

"No way!"

Seeing the factory manager's lion dog jumping over, Ai Loli also successfully flashed away.

The moment the lion dog appeared, he was carrying the clockwork ball.

Seeing Ai Loli's flash, everyone naturally thought it was over.

Wawa: "Go, Zweila jumped up."

Miller: "Welsh found the policewoman!"

Colonel Guan: "But, the policewoman has flash, so she's pulled away."

Colonel Guan: "The skill of Clockwork will also be missed."

Wawa: "Then EDG is powerless to turn the tide..."

Miller: "Wait!!!"

The three people on the commentary desk saw Zweila's Warwick jump up, and then saw Ai Loli's flash, plus the E that turned around, pulled to her teammates, and came to a relatively safe position.

Originally thought that EDG had no hope and chance to turn the tables.

After Zweila jumped up, he did not cause much damage to the policewoman, but only played a QE damage in the air, reducing the blood volume of the policewoman to half.

This blood volume is far from enough.

After the policewoman pulled away, there were teammates all around. At this time, as long as the RNG team turned back to deal with the Warwick first, the Warwick would die.

Clockwork and Warwick jumped up, and the ultimate and skill damage they issued together were all missed at the first time.

Then EDG's lineup will be even more defeated.

They didn't have enough output to begin with.

But, the skill of Clockwork, which was supposed to burst out with Zz1tai's Warwick, was not in place at all.

The reason was simple.

Lin Kong predicted Ai Loli's flash!

He had long thought that the moment Zz1tai jumped out, Ai Loli would definitely flash away.

So he didn't follow the skill at all, but used Q to move his ball to the other side in advance before Zz1tai landed.

Next to Jyra and Taliyah, it was still the position after Ai Loli flashed!!!

"Not good!!!"

Seeing Clockwork's ball appear at the same time after her flash, Ai Loli also realized that it was not good, and she had already pressed E in her hand.

It's just a pity that everything was too late.

The policewoman's E could not move out of the coverage of Lin Kong's ball at all.


The purple shockwave appeared next to Jyra, Taliyah, and the policewoman, pulling the three of them closer at the same time.

The purple shockwave of the shockwave,

In the eyes of everyone in EDG.

It was no longer a big move with simple special effects.

It was the dawn of victory!!!



"Go, go!!!"

Seeing Lin Kong's big move pull up three people, EDG's microphone exploded immediately, with praise and command mixed together.

Everyone had the same idea in their mind, this big move was too good, this wave can win!!!

Xiaohu and Xiaoming, who were all focused on Uzi Hanbing, realized that something was wrong.

They couldn't press the flash.

Lin Kong's big move hit the three of them.

Then followed by the range damage of W and the recovery damage of E skills.

Triple damage superimposed.

Instant explosion!

Colonel Guan: "Oh my God?!!!!"

Seeing the reversal big move of Clockwork on the field, Colonel Guan couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Haier brothers were also shocked.

"Incredible, this is to predict the flash position of the policewoman in advance!"

"And bring Zyra and Taliyah together, hit!"

"This is all calculated, King has thought about it, just come back and hit you!"

"What a prediction!!!"

The commentary desk went crazy, the situation that seemed to collapse just now EDG was instantly reversed by a big move!

With the triple damage superposition,

Lin Kong got the head of the policewoman,

Followed by the fragile Zyra, who was taken down by the subsequent Warlord's Warwick.


Uzi shouted fiercely, and the closest blind monk who cut him in front was harvested by him in the first time.

"Look at Taliyah! Look at Taliyah!"

Both the blind monk and the policewoman were taken down, and the only one left with damage on the RNG side was Taliyah.

Everyone turned around and began to focus on Taliyah.

In the end, only letme saw that the situation was not right, and immediately handed over QE flash and fled the scene.

Fortunately, he is a small fish man and runs very fast, otherwiseThey were definitely going to be taken down.

With that, EDG won a big victory.

RNG's fans were still cheering just now, but they sat down in a daze the next second.

On the other hand, EDG's fans all jumped up.



"Fuck, Brother Kong!"


"Fuck, awesome!!!"


The EDG crowd was boiling,

and the live broadcast room was also shocked by this shocking reversal of the team battle.

"Supporting a building that is about to collapse, this shock wave is not the same as that shock wave!"

"You fucking hater?! Damn it, Uzi is not the C in this game, he was targeted and last hit but still overtook!"

"You are crazy, did I say Uzi?!"

"But, Uzi is useless."

"What the hell, why are you arguing, my brother Kong is invincible, this predicted big move, my god, I am wet."

"To be reasonable, Uzi's output in this wave is also in place, and he also avoided Xiangguo's Q by moving, don't be so annoying!"

"Awesome, Kong!"

"I can't stand it, this dog can be arguing."

"NND, he will argue even if he wins."

"Zizi played well in this wave In the last second, I jumped out and cooperated with my brother to win the team battle! "" 1 change 4! " Judging your needs and expectations, you can predict the big move in advance, too handsome! "" Haha, seeing the expression of love loli, just like eating shit. "" Hahahaha! " It means that no one sins. "Nice !!!" "It's big !!! Ah !!!" In the preparatory room, Abu was also very indifferent just now. EDG was almost defeated.

If Clockwork's ultimate hadn't hit three people, EDG would have been defeated just now, and there would be no need to watch the rest.

It was just a flat push by RNG.

With one ultimate to save the game, Abu now knew that the secret weapon that Lin Kong mentioned was not fake.

This was really a skill.

On the other side, Feng Ge frowned and began to pray with his hands.

If he lost this game, he would probably be tanked later.

He couldn't afford to gamble at all.

"We must win!"

However, RNG might not have been defeated on the field, but their morale had suffered a heavy blow.

Compared with EDG, the microphone was completely silent.

Only Xiao Ming was still giving basic commands, and everyone else was in a state of autism.

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