In the preparation room, Xiaohu sat on the side, covering his hand, which was covered with blood.

Medical staff sat on the side, bandaging Xiaohu to stop the bleeding.

Lin Kong twitched his mouth, "Is it really such a coincidence?"

Just now, he was playing Doudizhu on his mobile phone,

and was excited with two kings in his hands.

He raised his butt and bumped Xiaohu behind him, knocking him on the table and getting injured.

"It's such a coincidence!"

"Xiaohu's hand injury is not serious, but he can't play this game."

"You must play this time, we don't have any other mid-lane substitutes."

Fly scolded sternly, extremely dissatisfied with Lin Kong's reaction.

This time, Lin Kong did not refuse to play.

After all, it was him who got Xiaohu injured,

and it was reasonable for him to play.

"Who cares? Anyway, it was a losing game, and it just makes me lose faster if I go up."

Others don't know, but Lin Kong knows that the original duel against Samsung was a losing one, so it doesn't matter if he is replaced, at most he will lose faster.

The other players had similar thoughts.

This game was basically a loss, but even if they lost, they were still in the quarterfinals and would be scolded, but they could accept it if they wanted to protect the quarterfinals.

As for winning...

Except for uzi, RNG thought about what Lin Kong had done recently, playing CSGO, traveling to Country M, eating, drinking, playing and sleeping, and nothing else seemed to be done.

They all doubted whether Lin Kong would be able to farm now.

Outside, RNG fans booed when they heard the news of Lin Kong's replacement.

"CNM, give me your money back!"

"Replace Kongdi? What a joke, Xiaohu can't even beat him, but you still put Kongdi on, can the Dark King believe it?"

"Kongdi was beaten several times in the regular season, RNG doesn't know?!"

"Do you have to wait for Crown to be superb in this match and beat Kongdi to pieces?"

"Is Kongdi your father, RNG? You let him play when you play against Samsung?"

RNG fans were more angry than each other. During the regular season, Lin Kong played one or two games, and was beaten in every game.

Xiaohu is at the peak of his youth, and then Lin Kong was officially hidden.

Now, Xiaohu is replaced by Lin Kong, and fans certainly can't accept it.

"Go and check WB, there is an explanation from the RNG coach on WB!"

As soon as the game started, the RNG fan group flooded into WB.

Just now, fly explained through his WB that Lin Kong caused an accident, which caused Xiaohu to be injured, and only Lin Kong could play.

And also attached a picture of Xiaohu's injury, and the bleeding part, it looks very serious.

He also hypocritically said that RNG people believe that Lin Kong can play a wonderful performance.

Once this Weibo came out, it also caused a bombshell.

Fly was explaining the situation and comforting fans.

In fact, fly could have kept it to himself. Xiaohu's hand injury was not serious. After bandaging, it would be restored to its original state in less than a week.

But now fly said it, just to let fans guess whether Lin Kong deliberately messed with Xiaohu just to play.

And he also knew that RNG's winning rate against SSG was not high. If Lin Kong was replaced, the winning rate on paper would be directly reduced to zero. When Lin Kong exploded in the laning phase and became the target of public criticism, it would pave the way for the subsequent expulsion of Lin Kong.

A perfect underhanded trick.

Just as fly thought, RNG fans were successfully guided and began to speculate.

"Kongdi? Kongdu! Kongdu! He has ulterior motives, ulterior motives. Isn't this definitely to mess with Xiaohu?"

"Hey, it's disgusting. It's okay to be bad, but his character is also bad. When can he T this B?"

"Don't, he is the father of RNG."

"I can't stand it, I can't stand it."

The comment area below WB exploded immediately, and the audience's evaluation of Lin Kong dropped to the freezing point.

At this moment, Lin Kong, who was sitting in his seat, still knew nothing.

In the preparation room, fly, who didn't want to take the blame, laughed secretly.

"Lin Kong, play well this time, and if you can get some results, the club can keep you next year."

"Don't mess around."

On the court, seeing that fly was not there, uzi also reminded Lin Kong.

Hearing this, Lin Kong, who was about to start, felt a pang in his heart and turned to look at uzi sitting next to him.

At this time, Uzi was not that mature yet, and was still his favorite mad dog.

As a childhood friend who grew up with Uzi, Lin Kong also knew how much this guy was looking forward to winning, especially against the LCK team.

He didn't want to lose a single game...

Thinking of this, Lin Kong didn't want to start for the first time.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you. I will definitely use my best hero in this game today!"

Looking at Lin Kong's sincere eyes, Uzi was also shocked. He had never seen Lin Kong look so serious.

Nodded immediately, "Well, that's the best."

Turning around, he continued to invest in the game BP.

The version of the S6 World Championship focuses on the confrontation between the mid and jungle. RNG banned the strong Nidalee on the jungle side and the powerful Jhin and Fanzi Ma on the bottom lane.

SSG also played seriously. They didn't know much about Lin Kong. They banned all strong heroes, such as Lee Sin, Syndra, and Dragon King.

They also took the lead in selecting Miss Fortune to ensure the confrontation in the bottom lane.

Seeing the situation, RNG took out Rambo and excavator, preparing to play in the upper half around Looper, who is in the best state now.

SSG chose to play in the lower half, and continued to take out Olaf and Viktor to ensure the strength of the mid and jungle.

"For the third hand, let's play the mid and AD."

"AD takes EZ, mid lane..."

"Just be a wretched Malzahar." ”

RNG's substitute coach thought about it and asked Lin Kong to take the grasshopper, but Lin Kong immediately replied righteously.



"Then what can you do?"


Lin Kong just finished speaking and immediately locked the Outlaw Graves on the third floor, which immediately shocked the RNG substitute coach.

Locked at the same time, there was no chance to call the referee to re-BP.

The SSG people on the opposite side were also confused when they saw the Graves on the third floor.

The current coach of SSG, Coach Jin who led the S8 championship, couldn't help seeing this Graves.

"Is LPL playing so wild? This Graves is a mid-lane."

"Come on, the jungler changes to Ekko, and the support goes to Jyra, and continue to execute BP, don't worry about his Graves. "

Coach Kim spoke, and all the SSG players immediately followed suit. As an LCK team, they have the strongest execution ability.

Wait until they lock the hero.

The RNG players are the ones who are dumbfounded.

mlxg: "Fuck, you really chose Graves!"

mata: "It's over, the opponent has locked it, and can't change it."

uzi: "What should I do?"

mlxg: "What should I do? Just chill, it's the only way, play it, I hope this is a hero you are confident in."

"Don't panic, don't panic."

"My Graves, invincible! "

Lin Kong shook his head and waved his hands repeatedly to his teammates' doubts, with a confident smile on his face.

As for the reason, it was very simple. The random hero proficiency MAX experience card Lin Kong just used happened to get the male gun.

Now, in Lin Kong's mind, all the data of the male gun hero have reached 100 points.

The realm of God!


RNG's voice was in chaos, and RNG's substitute coach was confused. Finally, he hurriedly let Mata choose Braum and left the game.

Fearing that he would continue to stay there, Lin Kong pulled him to play mid-lane.

"The game officially begins!"

"I am the commentator of this game, Wawa."

"I am Miller."

"I am PDD."

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