
"Go for the Baron!"

RNG made the decision without hesitation, and went all out to kill the Baron.

As they were at a disadvantage, they would not let go of such a good opportunity to kill the Baron and turn the tables.

"RNG killed the Baron, and it seems that it is difficult for EDG to make a decision."

"They still want to join the team fight."

"4 vs. 5?!"

In the commentary booth, it can be clearly seen that the remaining four EDG players are still surrounding the dragon pit, while Lin Kong is dealing with the middle line and then rushing to the Baron.

"Let me grab it."

"It's not easy to grab, but I have to try!"

Zizi looked at the health of the Baron.

He calculated that by the time Lin Kong's Zed arrived, RNG would definitely have finished killing the Baron.


Mouse apologized at this time, but everyone in EDG was still looking at the Baron, and no one agreed.

"Okay, I'll poke from behind!"

Uzi and Meiko couldn't get close to each other because of their hero problems. EDG lost their front line without Titan and it was difficult to join the team.

They could only stand at the back and poke.

This is why RNG was so decisive in fighting the Baron.

Mouse's wave of giving up was indeed quite fatal.

"We can win if we take down the Baron!"

"Keep an eye on the Warwick!"

"We must interrupt the Warwick!"

RNG's microphone was quite chaotic.

In general, there was still one goal, to stop Zz1tai's Warwick.

As long as they could take down the Baron, they would cooperate with Caitlyn and Lulu, as well as the single-lane ability of Shen.

41 points push, not only can it eliminate the economic gap, but it can even surpass it in one fell swoop.

In this way, RNG with a mage is naturally better at fighting in a team than EDG with a Zed in the middle.

In the team battles for the Baron and the Ancient Dragon later, as long as they can take down one, it will be RNG's victory.

"Well, keep an eye on the Warwick!"

Under RNG's full attention, the moment the Warwick of the factory manager jumped over.

He was blown away by the ultimate of the barrel.

He was also controlled by the second stage of E of letme's Shen.

There was no way to complete the operation of grabbing the dragon.

"We got the dragon!"

"RNG got the dragon!"

"The death of mouse's Titan has a huge impact. RNG got the dragon, which is fatal for EDG."

Colonel Guan explained excitedly.

In the current situation, RNG got the dragon, whether to continue chasing or retreat directly.

It's all possible. The moment they have the dragon buff, the initiative is in their hands.

RNG, whose members basically maintained about two-thirds of their health, naturally chose to counterattack EDG as soon as possible.

The controlled factory manager became the target of concentrated fire at the first time.

He couldn't even hold on for 2 seconds and was killed instantly.

Uzi, who saw that the situation was not right, hurriedly called Meiko to run.

"Can't fight!"

"Go first!"

Meiko's Karma directly released RE, made a group acceleration, and ran to the middle lane.

"Want to run?"

"Kill him!"

Seeing Karma's ultimate speed up, RNG originally chased him symbolically for a while, and then planned to stop chasing.

After all, the Yasuo who had the ability to control and chase had just used the E skill, so there was no way to chase.

Unexpectedly, Xiaohu's Ryze directly used the ultimate to cut off the retreat. Of course, RNG rushed forward and rushed to the path of blue buff. Zed blocked Uzi's retreat and forced them to go to the middle lane.

And at the same time, they pressed towards the middle lane and joined Xiaohu.

As long as they could join Xiaohu, they could easily kill Uzi and Meiko. Uzi and Meiko both had flashes in the last team battle, so it was easy to keep them.


Xiaohu said angrily in the microphone, as if all the resentment he had suffered before was going to be vented now.

The EDG fans outside were extremely uncomfortable, and the RNG fans cheered excitedly.

The live broadcast room was filled with barrages of insults to Mouse's outrageous Titan operation.

"I am really convinced. How can there be such an exaggerated Titan, Q hit five people's faces."

"I vomit, vomit, really want to vomit, my brother Kong came up to save a game, three flowers gathered to kill Xiaohu, such a wonderful game, you want to lose?"

"If you lose, you can't go to MSI, I want to curse!"

"How can you play like this, hey, EDG quickly change the top laner, I don't want to say anymore."

"Can you have a powerful top laner? I really want to curse for a long time."

"Mouse can still play professionally, everyone here is at fault."Regarding Mouse's outrageous operation just now, the barrage was full of bad words.

Especially the fans of Lin Kong, whose extreme counter-kill in the middle lane just now was going to become a famous scene.

As a result, when people later investigated this famous scene of the game.

Lin Kong did not win in the end, and even lost to RNG!

It was extremely disgraceful, and it made everyone's insult to Mouse even deeper.

Seeing Xiaohu's teleportation array light up,

it made everyone even more desperate.

The colonel on the commentary desk even spoke.

"EDG will be in big trouble this time, if Uzi and Meiko are left behind."

"That's a 0-for-4 team fight, and a Zed will definitely not be able to do anything."

"RNG's advantage in getting the Baron is too big!"

"Not good, Uzi and Meiko can't get away, and Zed is useless and can't help!"

I don't know if it's Colonel Guan's power that's acting up.

In such a desperate situation,

Lin Kong saw the only way out.

Under the blockade of Xiaohu and surrounded by the RNG team.

Uzi and Meiko did not have flash, and they could not escape.

But who said there was only one option?

There was another option.

He took a look at the equipment bar.

Lin Kong had three sets of equipment, while Xiaohu had more than two.

The gold body was hit in the previous duel with him. According to Lin Kong's calculation, the current CD is at least 10 seconds.

In other words, in addition to running away, there is another option.


"Uzi, prepare to counterattack!"

"Kill Ryze first, Ryze has no gold and no flash."

"He landed in the R group!!"

"Landed in the R group!"

"I will kill Ryze in one second!!"

When everyone had no other choice,

Lin Kong provided a completely different option.

With full concentration, Uzi did not hesitate when he heard Lin Kong's clear command decision.

He turned around and released his ultimate move towards the four people in front of RNG.

At the moment when Xiaohu zoomed over,

he turned around and started to attack Xiaohu. As for Lin Kong, he did the same.

WEQA, Zed's classic burst combo.

Uzi and Lin Kong's output,

combined with the damage reduction buff of the dragon.

"The Shadow Master killed the Wandering Mage!"

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