The score of 3-0 completely crushed NB.

In fact, it was also within the audience's expectations.

It's just that the process of the game was even more cruel.

Even EDG played a Linglong Tower.

Scout even won three MVPs.

The audience in the live broadcast room joked that Lin Kong didn't need to play at all, and he might be able to win the Spring Championship.

"Spring Championship?"

"You are too narrow-minded."

"I said, I will win the MSI championship this year!"

"I won't win the S game, buddy will help you win!"

When Lin Kong said this, it was also explosive.

The news that EDG shut out NB in ​​the evening was not as popular as Lin Kong.

It's a promise to win the S championship!

This is explosive.

LPL currently does not have a championship.

The strength of LCK still exists.

Even if EDG is still an undefeated champion.

But EDG was also an undefeated champion in the S6 summer game, and what was the ending?

Smelly quarterfinals!

What's even more terrifying is that EDG actually made it to the top 16 in S7.

Therefore, public opinion is still very pessimistic about what Lin Kong said.

LPL is weaker than LCK.

This is what most people agree with.

The trucks, even Samsung fans, have said that they will beat EDG in the MSI and S games.

The main focus is to fight against the internal forces.

Lin Kong is quite disgusted.

It makes Lin Kong want to slap the faces of these Korean bastards in the next game!

"However, before we beat them, we have to break through RNG first."

"At that time, we lost 1-3!"

One day after playing against NB,

Lin Kong did not continue to sell goods live, but instead began to study the current situation of RNG.

RNG is not weak and won the first place in Group A.

The loss of UZI does not seem to have such a big impact on them, which surprised Lin Kong.

Their strength is still strong.

Especially Xiaohu, Lin Kong even suspected that this guy had already reached the state of Tiger Spring Emperor at this time.

It was simply terrifying.

As for WE, they were still strong.

On the 22nd, WE's game was at 2 o'clock.

They beat OMG 3-1 stably.

60e taught 59e a lesson, and they felt much more comfortable.

"Let us congratulate WE for entering the 2017 season, the League of Legends LPL Spring Finals stage in advance!"

"Then, next, let's pay attention to RNG vs. EDG!"

"Who will be the second team to enter the finals!!!"

"Who will be the team that competes with OMG for the third place!"

Wawa, Miller and Colonel Guan were on the commentary stand.


For the game between WE and OMG,

It was proved.

There is a reason why the game between WE and OMG was scheduled at 2 o'clock and the game between RNG and EDG was scheduled at 6 pm.

After WE's game, the number of people entering the venue was several times more than before.

The entire sports center was packed with people.

RNG fans were on one side, and EDG fans were on the other side.

On one side were RNG fans, occupying about a quarter of the venue, although there were a lot of people.

The other three quarters were EDG fans, who directly filled the venue.

Occupying three quarters of the venue, the number of people may be several times that of the other side! !

The reason is simple.

How can RNG, who lost Uzi, compete with EDG in terms of the number of fans? !

EDG even has the second most popular figure, the factory manager.

And, Lin Kong!

EDG's fan team also made a huge battle flag, as well as the flags of each player.

Flying in the air.

The atmosphere of the entire arena was many times stronger than before.

The WE people watching from the audience were a little jealous.












"Don't shout empty, I'm not going to play today!"


"Indeed, Xiao Li is good enough to play against RNG!"

EDG's fans almost covered the entire venue, and the cheers from RNG were almost non-existent in comparison.

That was the venue arrangement, otherwise the director would have a hard time cutting out the cheers for RNG.

Compared with the game between WE and OMG, the game between these two teams was naturally explosive.

"Then, let's welcome them!"

"EDG players enter!!!"

Accompanied by the words of Colonel Guan, the five EDG players appeared one by one, just as previously reported.

The first to appear was Scout.

This inevitably made the audience feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, Lin Kong did not broadcast live today.

Everyone thought that Lin Kong would play.

"It's okay, Kong will definitely play in the second game later!"

"Yes, Kong did not broadcast live today. I don't believe that Kong will not play against RNG."

"Indeed, last time we lost a regular season game against RNG, Kong came up and killed two games!"

"Hahaha, it's not that Galio is too awesome, now many teams are starting to learn from Kong's Galio."

As the first player in the league to use the revised Galio and play with great results,

Lin Kong was also remembered for this.

As for not broadcasting today, Lin Kong also knew it.

I'm afraid he will play today.

As for the reason, it is naturally because he encountered a key game.

It's not because he played against RNG.

If EDG can crush RNG like they did against NB, Lin Kong probably won't go up.

The problem is that, except for Ai Loli in the bottom lane of RNG, who might be suppressed by Uzi.

The other four players basically restrain EDG in all aspects!

The jungler's Xiangguo fasting style of play makes it very difficult for the factory manager to play.

Scout and Xiaohu, Xiaohu's hero pool and steady play in this version are also better than Scout.

Needless to say, the top lane is evenly matched with the peak of Emperor S7.

Meiko's hero pool in the bottom lane is naturally weaker than Xiao Ming, although it will be supplemented later.

But it is still insufficient during this period.

The situation of the game is definitely bad.

The first game was almost the same as Lin Kong expected.

EDG fell into a disadvantage at the beginning.

3000 behind in 15 minutes.

This number is a bit unacceptable to everyone.

Fortunately, Uzi showed his strength as a top AD next.

EDG used a late-game lineup and dragged the game to 30 minutes.

With good luck, the factory manager grabbed a big dragon.

Uzi successfully saved the team with Frost.

With perfect positioning and output in the team battle, RNG was defeated, 1 to 0 in the first game!

The whole audience cheered the names of EDG and Uzi.

Only Lin Kong saw the crisis.

An hour later.

The crisis in Lin Kong's eyes also became a reality.

At 8 o'clock,

RNG 2 to 1 EDG!

In the third game that just ended, the game ended in 27 minutes with a crushing attitude of 19-7.

For a while, EDG fans fell into silence.

In the live broadcast room, it was a mess.

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