Slowing down and speeding up again, Lin Kong immediately caught up with the two.

At this moment, the big mouth was still on CD, and the spider was in the same state.

The two were also hit by Lin Kong's QW to one-third of their health, and they became nervous.

Still standing together and fleeing.

Once again, they were hit by Lin Kong's next Q skill.

Only then did the two think of running away separately.

But it was too late, Lin Kong's third Q refreshed again.

Attacked the spider running down.

QA took the spider's head.

The big mouth had already run to the second tower in the top lane, and there was no way to chase.

But it was enough for Spider to be chased and killed.

"Wuhu, the head is in hand!" Lin Kong also shouted in the microphone.

If the hero Clockwork is unlucky, it is really difficult to kill the head and get the head.

The first head is in hand, and you can also be happy.

"Big Dragon!"

"Big Dragon!"

In the microphone of EDG, the factory manager directed everyone to attack the big dragon.

The commentators and the audience outside the venue were extremely excited.


"I know, he dared to flash over and chase."

"If Spider is killed in one second, the opponent will have no chance to grab the dragon, and the Baron is safe."

"Kong brother really knows how to deal with these rookies."

"He really plays well."

"Awesome, this flash chase, I dare not think about it, he instantly went up and slowed down with QW, and chased the opponent to death, without any hesitation."

The fans at the scene and the three commentators were shocked by Lin Kong's decisiveness.

It also proved the difference between professional players and ordinary people again.

Top professions can always judge the best time!

At the right time, perform the right operation!

After killing Spider, all EDG members gathered at the Baron, and SNG could only watch.

The Baron was taken by EDG.

The balance of victory began to tilt towards EDG. The game was going as they expected.

Facing the current situation, EDG began to show the most top-level operation.

"Pressure the middle lane, take down the two towers in the middle lane!"

"Push up together, suppress the second tower in the top lane!"

Under the command of the factory manager, EDG began to advance with the buff of the big dragon.

They took the lead in taking down the two defense towers in the middle lane, further expanding their economic advantage.

At 24 minutes.

They gathered again in the top lane. At this moment, EDG's economy reached 44k, while SNG's economy was only 38k.

With an economic gap of 6k, SNG was in an extremely difficult state to play.

From the director's lens, the fans at the scene could see that everyone in SNG was frowning and sweating.

"Haha, the SNG team is sweating profusely."

"Sweating profusely, brother?!"

"Don't talk about SNG. If you go up, I'm afraid you will be beaten by EDG and you won't know where to go!"

"Hehe, maybe."

"Don't say maybe, that's for sure."

"Classic, you can go up, cut, the refrigerator doesn't cool, and you want me to cool it?"

In the official live broadcast room, it can be said that anything can cause a quarrel. At present, EDG's big advantage is quite difficult for SNG to deal with.

This alone can make the audience in the official live broadcast room discuss and quarrel about whose problem is SNG at present.

As for SNG's own microphone, no one thinks about whose problem is it.

Everyone is thinking about how to turn the tables.

"Their big dragon buff has disappeared, this wave has a chance."

"Ez is in front!"

"Let's team up, let's team up!"

Xiaotian is the most anxious. There are only three people in EDG on the road, meiko, Uzi and theshy's barrel.

As for Zz1tai and Lin Kong, they were still around f6, and arrived much later than the bottom lane duo on their side.

In addition, Xiaotian was hiding in the bushes near the second tower and the stone man, so there was no vision here.

An accurate E skill hit Uzi's ez.

He rushed up immediately, and Langxing followed quickly, directly EQ flashed his hands and picked up Uzi's ez.

The synchronized ultimate also blocked Meiko.

Theshy saw that something was wrong and quickly pressed the ultimate, but it was just offset by the prince's ultimate.

Spider was blown away, but he also released the Q skill at the same time, killing Uzi's ez.

Seeing the opportunity, Fury and Yoon also hurriedly followed behind.

Big Mouth activated the W skill to output fiercely to Karma, and Lulu beside him looked so safe.

"Oh, this wave of EDG was a little too careless."

"It shouldn't have happened. Meiko is going to die too!"

"No, that's not right!"

"This explosion!!! "

On the commentary desk, the three were about to say that EDG was beaten very hard in this wave, and Xiaotian found a good opportunity.

Although Left Hand was still at the second tower and had no position.

But the others were in place, and EDG was also much more relaxed because Left Hand did not appear, and wanted to poke Prince.

It was such an opportunity that gave Ezreal an instant kill.

It was a good win until here, but the lingering battle after killing Ezreal.

It was SNG's inexperience and skill that delayed the battle, wanting to take Gragas and Karma away together.

As a result, it was delayed until Graves and Clockwork arrived at the front battlefield.

In this wave, Lin Kong used the acceleration of W, passed the red buff, stood directly in front of Kog'Maw and Lulu, and shot with QR.

The action was extremely fast.

It was still the hidden kind, the ball passed through the bushes on the side and fell at the feet of Kog'Maw and Lulu.

"Hit! ! "

Lin Kong typed one word!

Zizhizhang didn't respond, but he had already started the operation.

He immediately followed up the output and pressed QR.

Instantly, Lulu and Kog'Maw were killed.

Lulu's ultimate couldn't be used at all.

The bottom lane duo was killed.

At this time, SNG barely killed Karma.

Theshy's Gragas blocked the way of Spider and Prince.

The two were blocked.

However, the arrival of Left Hand was good, and SNG successfully replaced theshy's Gragas, and Left Hand took the bounty.

As for why it was good...

Because Prince and Spider were killed by the late Graves and Clockwork. .

One for each, fair and square.

The development of the mid and jungle once again crushed Zuoshou and Xiaotian.

This final 3-for-4 teamfight was not a loss, as only Viktor himself was left, and there was no way he could continue to defend the tower.

The status of Graves and Clockwork was too good, and Zuoshou knew very well that he could easily be overtaken by the tower.

He began to retreat, giving up the second tower in the top lane.

This is not cowardice, this is helplessness, Zuoshou shouted in his heart.

In this teamfight just now, his Viktor really couldn't play well.

It was because EDG's linkage was too fast, and the support exceeded their expectations a little.

Even if Xiaotian played the best chance, he still couldn't make a miracle!

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