Name: Lee Sang Hyuk

Competition ID: SKT, Faker (mid laner)

Game understanding: 99 (Because of the coach behind him, the team and personal understanding are world-class.)

Maximum hand speed: 100 (Lee Sang Hyuk, who will never be petrified, has the world's top hand speed at his peak age)

Line operation: 98 (On the court, he can always suppress the opponent and play the line advantage)

Team battle operation: 100 (Has the world's best overall view, can find opportunities in desperate team battles, desperate Lee Sang Hyuk!!)

Vision ability: 98 (As a player of the LCK team , the vision is almost templated, the result of professional training. )

Micro-control ability: 99 (the double Zed battle proved everything, and the micro-control was full when he debuted)

Mental stress resistance: 90 (After becoming famous, Lee Sang-hyeok's stress resistance is very strong, and he can find opportunities even in desperate situations, but he will be red and warm when facing a losing situation.)

Proficiency of each hero: Zed 98 points, Ryze 99 points, Fox 98 points, Leblanc 99 points...

Evaluation: The world's number one mid laner in this era


Lin Kong used his new ability in the preparation room.

You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked when you see it.

All the data in the game are above 98 points, and there are even two full-mark data.

"It's worthy of being the world's number one mid laner that trucks can brag about. In S6, no one can compare."

Lin Kong rubbed his hands. This panel is basically 8-9 points different from the Xiaohu he just saw.

The other RNG players are basically the same.

Only a few items of Uzi's data were only 3-4 points behind, and the laning and micro-management were on par.

"No wonder, when Xiaohu faced SKT, he was crushed in all four games except the first one where he won with a burst of energy."

"The difference in the panel is almost 100 points, it's really unbeatable."

He silently complained about Xiaohu's Lin Kong in his heart, and even forgot that his panel data and Faker's data were several hundred points apart.

Miller: "Let's congratulate RNG for defeating a strong enemy and winning the first game!"

Wawa: "Xiaohu and Looper are in extremely good shape today."

Wawa: "Could it be today?!"

The first game was won just as I remembered, relying on Looper's Jayce to open the situation in the top lane, RNG also successfully operated for nearly 45 minutes and finally defeated SKT.




The fans outside the stadium almost shouted their throats out, all excitedly cheering for RNG.

After winning the first game, the RNG players who returned to the preparation room were extremely excited.

Xiang Guo even opened champagne at halftime, "We won! SKT seems to be just so-so, I didn't think it was that great."

Xiaohu also said happily,

"Haha, Faker is also average, he and I are really evenly matched."

The two's words caused a burst of joy in RNG, and everyone was extremely happy.

Lin Kong knew that the two would be completely blown up in the next three games, but seeing that everyone was happy, Lin Kong also followed suit.

"Okay, play well in the next game. If we can win SKT today, everything will be fine!"

Fly is the one who wants to win SKT the most. At present, RNG's public opinion problem needs this big victory to break through.

In the professional arena, no matter how outrageous you are off the court, as long as you don't break the law and play well on the court, someone will soon clean it up for you.

Fly knows this truth very well. If Xiaohu plays to win SKT, everyone will think that Lin Kong's male gun is just so-so and will soon fade out of everyone's sight.

It won't be like now. Every day when fly watches videos, he can see a lot of video clips of Lin Kong's male gun in the first game against SSG.

Every time he watches it, fly is heartbroken.

Seeing Lin Kong become popular is more painful than when he was fired.

Unfortunately, the smile on fly's mouth disappeared at the beginning of the second game.

In the second game, SKT got 3 kills at the beginning, and then the operation began. RNG was involved in the operation and had no power to fight back.

SKT's use is more terrifying than SSG.

There is no suspense. In the second game, except for Duke's three deaths, the other SKT players did not die once, and the battle ended with 13-3.

After the second game, RNG still had some spirit, thinking that they would fight back immediately in the third game.

However, the more anxious they are, the more problems they will encounter.

In the third game, the bottom lane was opened unconventionally at the beginning, and the support was killed once.

Bang got the kill, and SKT started the operation around the double C in the middle and bottom again.

RNG players became more and more anxious as the fight progressed, and mistakes were made immediately.

Looper's fatal TP to the bottom laneThe battle completely collapsed the situation.

SKT won 1 for 3 in one wave, and the head that RNG got was still a support.

The situation exploded.

Because of TP support, Looper's economy exploded completely, and Rumble was killed by Duke's Gnar at 11 minutes.

At 12 minutes, because the mid and jungle were weak, the middle tower was pushed.

At 16 and a half minutes, Mata's Jy pulled the team and killed Faker at the cost of three people.

Looper's Rumble was killed by Gnar again in the top lane.

Uzi's Jhin stood in the middle lane, isolated under the tower.

When the famous scene in history reappeared, Lin Kong also clenched his palms.

Bang's Ezra used the E skill to cross the wall of the second tower in the middle lane, came to the RNG tower, and chased Uzi.

First, QA stuck to the red buff, forcing Uzi to flash.

Under the tower again, Uzi wanted to counterattack with a W to hold Bang, but Bang's Ezreal flashed and showed off his skills. Ezreal's accurate two consecutive Qs took Uzi away.

Go over the tower and eat alone!

Hit ACE!

When ACE appeared on the screen, the whole audience cheered for SKT.

Miller and Wawa in the live broadcast room also knew that the situation had collapsed.

RNG fans were speechless.

In the live broadcast room, everyone typed GG, and a large number of spectators angrily criticized RNG.

In the preparation room, everyone else was silent.

Even Lin Kong, a fun person who hoped that RNG would not be good, looked at Uzi's uncomfortable expression with his lips pursed.

He also rubbed his palms silently.

Uzi's help to his fellow countryman has been seen by Lin Kong these days.

Maybe Uzi didn't have such a fellow countryman before, but now at this moment.

He is Uzi's friend.

Seeing a friend being killed like this, even on the world stage.

Lin Kong didn't have any thoughts of gloating.

He even planned to make a surprising decision for his good friend for the first time.

Lin Kong stood up suddenly and even knocked over the cup of the water dispenser next to him, shocking others to look over.

"Coach Fly, let me play in the next game!"

"I'm betting my career with you. I'll win the next game with the hero I'm good at, and give you a decisive game!"

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