2016 LPL Summer Finals, EDG vs. RNG.

At this time, RNG was forced into a desperate situation by EDG, 2 to 0.

The HZs in the entire live broadcast room were full of barrages.

"Stupid RNG, how can you be so bad."

"Shit! What's the point of playing with a tiger that was completely defeated by scout? It's better to surrender."

"The noble jungler is also like that. The jungle is mined by others and is pure pig farming. The factory manager is the number one piglet!"

"Don't trust the mid laner!"

"The mid laner is a fool!"

2 to 0, a completely crushing situation.

Even the emperor was completely disappointed with RNG. The loss of the mid and jungle was particularly serious. Xiaohu and Xiangguo were almost left behind by scout and factory manager.

Under the halo of uzi in the bottom lane, a large number of attacks turned to the middle lane.

Especially for Xiaohu, the tiger three pieces have been talked about all his life, and this is the day when he wears the tiger three sets every day.

In the RNG rest room, all the members had extremely ugly expressions and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

As a coach, fly didn't know how to face the current situation.

Just kidding, EDG in the summer of 2016 won all the regular seasons and hardly lost a small game in the playoffs, which was quite invincible.

What else can RNG do now except accepting its fate?

"This... The mid and jungle of the factory manager and scout are quite aggressive. The problem of the hero pool is that Xiaohu is not good at assassins and can only fight against mages. In traditional mage duels, the jungle is difficult to resist..."

Before making the last struggle, fly also knew that in the current confrontation between Xiaohu and scout, he couldn't roam around, couldn't beat the line, and even made Xiangguo unable to play.

Thinking of this, fly couldn't help feeling a little powerless.

Facing the invincible EDG, RNG has done everything it should do now, but still can't beat it, because the gap in hard power is too big.


Everyone heard what fly said, and they knew that RNG's mid and jungle were no match, and everything was in vain.

Although they were second in the whole year, they could enter the world championship without this summer championship.

But in e-sports, the championship is everything.

When entering e-sports, if it is not for the championship, then the struggle is meaningless.

What's more, when LCK was in its heyday, SKT was invincible, and ROX was in high spirits, even EDG was not an opponent, let alone being compared with these teams?

The silence of all the members made the temperature drop to freezing point during the break in summer. Of course, not everyone was in a bad mood.

For Lin Kong, RNG was defeated 3-0, and there was nothing he could do.

As a time traveler, he knew it clearly.

RNG's top single looper was in a low state, the mid and jungle were exploded, and the bottom lane was alone. What else can be done? God can't save it.

"Tsk, if I had known I was going to travel through time, I would have memorized the lottery numbers in advance. Why would I sit here? If I had money, I would invest in miHoYo. When they come up with it, I will make a fortune!"

"No way, I can only get by on RNG's salary for now. I just don't know if they will default on my several thousand yuan. I don't think so."

"By the way, I can also go to the World Championship with the team and show my face. I'm so handsome that I can just retire and make money by live streaming."

"Change your fate and come back on the court? That's impossible."

Lin Kong was quite happy imagining all the beautiful things in the future.

After all, after traveling through time, there are a lot of beautiful things in the future.

"It's too difficult to practice Zed well in a season. It's impossible."

"How about I try using Grasshopper? At least it can limit him online."

Xiaohu shook his body and wanted to defend himself. The number of times Zed appeared in his career was rare.

People always have something they are not good at. Maybe Zed is a disaster for Xiaohu.

"If you can restrict him, we won't lose the first game."

"In my opinion, why don't you let me play a Nox in the jungle? At least I won't be alone and can fight back."

Hearing Xiaohu's speech, Xiangguo, who was being taught by the factory manager, also exploded and immediately blamed him.

"Ah? Do you really want to blame me?"

"The opponent's jungler comes every three minutes, every three minutes, what can I do if I can't beat him."

Xiaohu was not to be outdone and retorted.

Xiangguo has a bad temper. Hearing Xiaohu's sarcasm, he is usually fine, but when he is angry, plus the game problem, he completely exploded.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Seeing that things are getting out of control, fly and other rng players tried to dissuade him.

Lin Kong also pulled Xiaohu in the face of the situation and asked him not to add fuel to the fire.

After the two were pulled and calmed down a little, theySit down, just to show off, no one is willing to give in.

Seeing this, fly held the chair, with a splitting headache. He couldn't win the mid-jungle confrontation, and now there is a conflict between the mid-jungle and the field, it is even more impossible to win.

But with the match point at hand, what else can he do?

Fly thought about the countermeasures, his eyes flickered to Lin Kong, and an idea flashed.

"Why don't you try Lin Kong? Lin Kong, I remember you are good at playing Zed and roaming heroes."

"You can still support in terms of BP and tactics."

As soon as fly said this, everyone in the lounge was shocked, and all focused on Lin Kong for a while.

After a moment,

The lounge fell silent again, no one spoke, but everyone had different thoughts in their minds.

The supports are all foreign players, they don't care who plays, winning is the best.

Xiaohu definitely doesn't want to be robbed of his starting position, and in addition, there is a big gap between Lin Kong and his usual training. If he replaces Lin Kong, he thinks he can also get the foreign players to talk.

Xiang Guo was angry and hesitant, struggling in his heart. He was happy that Lin Kong could make Xiaohu angry, but Lin Kong was not as good as Xiaohu in terms of winning rate.

Only Uzi, as Lin Kong's fellow countryman and the introducer of RNG, naturally wanted Lin Kong to play.

Everyone on the field had their own ideas,

But as players, they certainly couldn't speak up about this matter involving personnel changes, and waited to see how Lin Kong would react.

When Lin Kong heard this, he was shocked at first,

The next second he blurted out, "No, I can't play, coach, please don't, I really can't beat him!"

"Brother Hu can play, my rank has been blown up by Scout."

Lin Kong was telling the truth. It was okay to play Zed and fight against Silver in ARAM, but it was not easy to face the top mid laner, Little Faker, S11 FMVP, whose gaming talent was comparable to Scout at Stanford in academia?

It was like Liu Bo looking for Tyson to fight in the octagon cage, purely looking for death.

Besides, what's the benefit of playing? EDG is obviously invincible. As a new player, he will be beaten. The next day, GSL, he doesn't know the fighting power of the emperor?

He just didn't open WB, otherwise he couldn't bear hundreds of thousands of troops.

Lin Kong's immediate and decisive refusal surprised everyone and made them sneer.

As an LPL professional player, if he doesn't seize the opportunity to play when the coach asks for it, he might as well go home and work.

He is simply the king of playing badly.

Only Uzi stared at Lin Kong and smacked his lips, feeling sorry for his friend.

"Uh... Okay, Xiaohu should play."

"Get ready, the third game will start soon."

Fly saw Lin Kong waving his hands repeatedly, and he was afraid in his words. The corners of his mouth twitched. Since Lin Kong said so, he couldn't force Lin Kong to play.

He could only give up.

"Ding, the host's extremely terrible tanking behavior is detected, and the tanking system is activated."

"Detection completed, binding to the core game LOL."

"From now on, the host cannot become stronger through daily training, only tanking."

"Ding, generating host data panel."

"Ding, generating host task list."

"Ding, generating system description."

"Please check it yourself, host."

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